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At what age should SD and DH no longer see eachother undressed?

demidee's picture

I'm not concerned because there hasn't been anything appropriate said or done by my SD. But she is four years old and now that she is realizing that we all have different body parts, I'm wondering if maybe it's time she gives her Dad privacy while he changes. I think he is okay helping her get dressed when she needs help eventhough that is usually my job, but I'd just like a little input because I'm new at this and just don't know. Thanks guys!


uncommon's picture

Seriously? She's 4. He's her father. I really wouldn't even worry about this unless there is some other thing making you feel uncomfortable.

My DD is turning 7 in a couple of weeks and has no qualms about nudity - I roll with it. I would rather she not have body issues. If she's 10 or 12 and still thinks it's funny to occasional moon me, that might be weird. (I do tell her that in the vast majority of situations it is not appropriate to do those things.)

alwaysanxious's picture

Id' have to say right before teen years, or when she starts to develop. That's when it would bother me at least.