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Anyone w/adult skids & adult bio-kids that are also your DHs?

herewegoagain's picture

I am wondering if anyone has adult skids and if you do, do you also have adult bio-kids with your husband? If so, what's the relationship like between skids and your bio-kids?


sixteensmom's picture

I have ds23, ds21, dd20 and ss19, ss22, ssil24, sd25.

They mostly ignore each other. skids don't speak, even to each other much. My three are pretty animated and chatty. THey all have dif personalities.

The two girls have had a big spat because dd20 borrowed some of sd25 things without asking and sd went apeshit. dd said she was sorry, sd ranted for 3 hours about how disrespectful it was. dd finally told sd that's why she didn't live with her parents and leave her stuff out where her siblings could borrow things. sd went even more apeshit. dd left the room.

All the boys get along fine. dd gets along well with all the others. sd gets along well with all the others too. they all have gfs/bfs now and we had all 12 home for the holidays. it was fine.

SusiQ's picture

I'll be really interested to see how this plays out for us when our bios grow up. SS is 22 and DS is 3 & DD is 7 months. So there is quite an age gap. DS adores SS but we rarely see him.

I know DH is 20 years older than his half sisters from his dad's 2nd marriage and they are not close at all. I probably talk to them more than he does and that's maybe twice a year.

Dory's picture

I have adult skids and joint minor bios with DH. Like SA, big age difference and geography keeps them apart. Also not relationships I will encourage. Unhealthly attitude towards me = stay away from my kids!

herewegoagain's picture

Thanks to all of you...I sometimes feel guilty because I don't want my son anywhere near that crazy 16yr old and at the same time, I hate myself so much for being involved with a man that had a crazy ex and kid, which meants we couldn't have any more my kiddo is an only child...and it just ticks me off that I made that stupid decision...very, very stupid...I can say the biggest mistake of my life...sadly, very sadly...but I always worry that my son will resent that he didn't get to spend time with her because of me...although really, she could care less either...and I don't want her bad habits rubbing up on my son. He might be autistic, but he is a sweet kid, great manners, all adults love him, etc...she's just a slutty 16yr old with no future...sigh