Feeling like a bully
I feel like i want to bully MIL,DAH,SD,and BM.I want to write a letter to each of them just blasting them for everything they've ever said or done to me that wasn't nice.I want to be the bully for once.I feel pretty good today.I slept a little bit last night and turned my phone off for the rest of the day and weekend.I'm not taking any calls from ANYONE.I'm not working and I'm not going to mourn DAH at all.I can get through this.I will sit on my bottom in my pajamas.I will gain at least 5 pounds eating nothing but ice cream,oreo cookies,and chips.I will call these 5 pounds "curves" and I will be happy to have them.I will not make my bed and I will not do the dishes until monday morning.I will be like a teenager and drink heavily with friends at the slumber party I've decided to throw together saturday.I emailed the invites last night and have 20 friends ready with booze,snacks,and bad 80's movies.Maybe we'll work on my letters while we're drinking and watching the breakfast club
- Asher10's blog
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Wish I could be there.
Wish I could be there.
I say go for it! I did that
I say go for it! I did that when my ExH and I split because he was a nasty cheating bastard. I wrote his mother a letter, and his skanky girlfriend a letter. It felt good to be able to get MY side of the story out since I found out that my Ex had been lying to everyone about our marriage... saying we were on the rocks, we were talking about divorce etc.
I have always found that I am better at expressing my thoughts in writing than I am in person. If I have a discussion with someone, I ALWAYS come away saying "darn, I should have said this or that!"
Like I said yesterday Asher,
Like I said yesterday Asher, write those letters! Then hang onto them for a bit. Decide whether or not you want to send them. Either way, sent or not, it will help you get that anger out so it doesn't fester.
will it be bad to start my
will it be bad to start my letter to MIL with "Dear Heartless Frigid Ancient Bitter Hag,"
You writing to your ex mil or
You writing to your ex mil or my bm?
sorry couldn't resist good start though.
lol it really is applicable
lol it really is applicable to many mil's isn't it?
The breakfast club I haven't
The breakfast club I haven't seen that film in years hmm I might have to have a rummage and find my lost boys. Have a good evening and have loads of girlie fun. Have one for me can't drink on med's
thanks!lol for halloween one
thanks!lol for halloween one year DAH dressed as a gladiator and so i dressed as a citizen of ancient rome with my toga and did a bunch of latex wrinkles on my face,made my hair all wild...when dah asked who i was I told him 'i'm mil.didn't she date Julius Caesar or one of the gladiators in ancient Rome??'
Enjoy your well deserved
Enjoy your well deserved weekend Ash.