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o/t giving birth

CaptainD's picture

Uhhmm... scary!

I've been watching "one born every minute" and my jaw is on the floor. I've been told this is a horrible show to watch and giving birth isn't as bad.

I am planning on having NO drugs (no pitocin or epidural) but I am having the baby in a hospital with an MD....and I've heard a lot of women are heavily pressured to do these things.

Anybody have advice for me on how to achieve my goal, and also.... any words of comfort about the natural childbirth process would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks guys!


12yrstepmonster's picture

Don't close your mind to drugs. Just saying that sometimes they are the only option you might have. My labor actually backslid and petocin was used to try to bring it along.

ON the natural child birth thing.....go with a c- section..... Smile Much easier ROFL- or so I think since I had to have two. (the petocin didn't work).

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

I admire your determination. As for myself, I couldn't get enough dope to ease the pain

But, I do have a friend that had her three boys at home with a midwife and loved it with no drugs. Each boy weighed at least 8 pounds and she was only 5'2" and weighed 100 before she got pregnant. My friend claims her home birth was easier, recovery time was shorter and she had less bleeding. She looked great just minutes after giving birth and her boys were more alert than mine were at birth (from all the drugs)

Nightshade's picture

I am old(49)and have 2 children. The first, I let te dr decide everything and went thru the entire labor with no drugs and then had a spinal at the very end....they don't even do that any more. The second was a week late and a big baby so I was induced and delivered with no drugs. It was really not a big deal, but everyone and every pregnancy is different. I always said if I did it again, there would be no drugs, but I didn't have a third so, who knows. I give the same advice to anyone who has ever asked me about my labor and delivery. DO NOT listen to people's "horror" stories!!!!!!!!!! I really think a small # of people have bad experiences but it is human nature to embellish a story.2 hours of labor turn into 4 then 8 then my mother used to say, if it was that bad, no one would ever have a second baby!! Just keep an open mind, and realize that it is not a sign of weakness to have drugs during labor...maybe you will need them, maybe you won' long as the end result is a healthy baby it doesn't really matter..GOOD LUCK to you, whatever your decision!!!

forestfairy's picture

You should rent The Business of Being Born. It's a documentary that addresses exactly your concerns. The US does have the highest C section rates in the entire world because they want to move women in and out of the hospital as quickly as possible and to fit all the births around the doctors schedules...instead of just letting nature do it's thing. They always tell women they need the C section for some medical reason and that their baby is at risk because of course, no woman would say no to that. C Sections are rarely medically needed, yet half of all births in the US are done by C Section, which is riskier for the baby and the mama. Almost everyone I know who has babies ends up with a C Section that they are told is medically necessary.

Definitely have a birthing plan in place. Even though you are having the baby in a hospital, you can still have a midwife with you. The midwife is there to be YOUR advocate and stick up for your wishes. They will be the ones to help you and the doctors stick with your birthing plan when you may not be in the frame of mind to stick up for yourself. I highly recommend getting one and getting to know her before you give birth.

Check out that movie though, it's certainly eye-opening. I got it on Netflix and it changed the way I thought about the birthing "industry".

Good luck!

The big G's picture

Make a birthing plan with exactly what you want. Tell your birthing partner too. But you don't have to stick with it. Go with what you feel like at the time. Just practice your breathing it really helps. I managed 2 natural births with out killing my other half. I couldn't stand the taste of gas and air. Best bit of advice is listen to your midwife Smile

mae fender's picture

Don't let anyone scare you away from going natural! It's mind over matter. What you need is support and encouragement and if I'm the only person in the entire world you can get it from - here I am. You can absolutely, definitely give birth without medication.

Fear makes the pain worse.

I totally understand that there are circumstances where medical intervention is necessary, and a smart, supportive midwife will be honest with you if this is the situation. However, not every person who goes in with the intention of birthing naturally will fail. Stop listening to people who criticize it. If you have to, stop telling your unsupportive friends/family that you are going natural. Just lie to them and tell them you plan on getting an epidural so you can be spared the criticism. The last thing you need is to hear their horror stories and negativity. You need to surround yourself with positivity and develop an "I know I can" attitude, because this is what is going to help you the most.

Don't fear the pain. The pain is helping you to deliver your baby, it isn't hurting you. Do not fear injury, instead, work with each contraction and enjoy the rest in between. Don't push until you feel the urge, or you will wear yourself out and need the epidural to finish labor. Let your body direct you.

Read Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth, and refuse the negativity. Stop watching birthing shows, if they weren't scary no one would watch them. Horrifying birth gets ratings...and the last thing you need to do is scare yourself. If you're scared, it will stop your labor. The connection between your mind and body is amazing.

And for some closing words on the book I just wrote - you need a supportive midwife. You do not need to go into this feeling like your caregiver is against you. Please send me a message if there is anything else I can help you with - I want you to feel encouraged and like you can do this because you can!

CaptainD's picture

Thanks guys.

Just fyi, I am not opposed to medical intervention if there is an emergency. I am not trying to "be a hero" at all. My reasons for wanting to do this naturally are as follows:
1) I want to experience what billions of women in history have experienced. I think there are lessons to be learned from going through birth without taking the easy route (plz don't be offended those of you who have had drugs)
2) I want to be alert and I want my baby to be alert right after delivery
3) not worth the risks to myself and my baby just to ease the pain

I just know that many doctors suggest drugs when in fact it is not really NEEDED. I'm sure ill be tempted in the moment and I just wanted reassurance that I can do it... Smile thanks to all who provided that reassurance.

DaizyDuke's picture

My advice would be to be prepared for the unexpected! I read every story, every article, watched a bazillion shows on TV and thought I was prepared for anything.... and I can tell you that the birth of my son 14 months ago, ended up being like nothing I had ever read or seen. lol

I had a three page birth plan and most of that went out the window at one point or another. My water broke at 12:15 am, we got to the hospital at about 1:30 am. Thet got me all situated, hooked up to my gadgets and we waited for BS to come.. and waited and waited and waited. 54 hours later I had to have a C-section after several attempts at inducing a normal labor. I was lucky in that I never really had any real labor pains during the whole 54 hours, my cervix never dilated past 3 cm. Apparently in my case, BS head got wedged in my pelvis and he wasn't going anywhere without intervention.

the funny thing is that having a C-section was the thing I was most scared about and most hell bent on avoiding... but it had to happen and I can say it really was not all that bad. The worst thing was being loopy for a few hours after due to the spinal and then not being able to get out of bed the first day.. but we survived!

anyway, good luck, hope it goes perfectly for you!!

overit2's picture

Be prepared, in the good ole USA doctors push for as many interventions as possible...I HATE how they have butchered childbirth.

Are c-section rates are way higher then other industrialized is a disgreace. The induction rate is mortifying...the interventions with pitocin which tends to actually stall labor...the more interventions the more chances of complications leading to c-sectiosn. I DESPISE the approach the medical community has with birth. Yes that show is crap-showing all these interventions as normal.

I suggest checking out The business of being born, orgasmic birth (not as crazy as it sounds lol) and other natural birthing movies/videos. NOTHIGN TLC or Lifetime would produce.

THey have butchered childbirth so bad here-i do blame the medical community. It is a damn shame. Do not think your doctor is interested in YOUR approach at all.
Have your partner stand firm with you against any intervention pushing ideas.

It is EXTREMELY rare to have situations that necessitate all these interventios or c-sections. We've just been sold that it's in our best interest and we bought it.

My first labor was extremely long, painful and FULL of interventions-I nearly ended w/a c-section, the second not as mnay but still too much-I'm SO mad I didn't know then what I know now. I'm past wanting to have children-but if I did I guarantee-illegal or not (ridiculous anyway)...i'd be birthing at home w/a midwife.

CaptainD's picture

Well haha... Wouldn't you know it, I'm looking back on this old post of mine and I can't believe what I was saying.
Well I can believe it, but my oh my how my opinion has changed. I have gone over to the other side completely.
I did end up getting both pitocin and an epidural, and while I really wouldn't recommend pitocin to any soon to be mother, epidurals are WONDERFUL!! My baby's birth was so calm and serene, and just, well, perfect.... Because I wasnt a miserable mess during it! I was completely present and focused.