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What are the chances??

springINstep's picture

My ss went to live with his bm after dh had custody and we raised him the past 12 years...Anyways, he is 16 and I hear that a lot of times skids leave and want to come back. Just curious if this is more often than not. Or, do they usually want to stay wherever they start highschool as ss is in the 9th grade. Different schools, etc...I would allow for him to come back once but not the off and on and since we live so far away I cant see him doing that. There are pros and cons of him living with us and am thinking the pros are actually ahead. has way to much control now and she is just not nice as you can imagine.


FedUpFallon's picture

The first time I would tell him, "the door is open for you to come home if you want". If he starts trying to bounce back and forth, No way! My bio daughter did this when she was 15 and I told her the same thing. Four weeks later she called me from her dads house asking, "Mom can I come home?" She didn't try the back and forth thing though.

Kay2's picture

I agree with Fallon, I would leave the door open once. If he comes to your house and decides to go back to BM after that, the door slams shut. I wouldn't do the back and forth stuff either.