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Newest lie by bm

springINstep's picture

}:) long story short...dh had custody of bs my ss and we moved for his job from 1 state into another state, we were not going to go if the courts said no because we would not have left ss with bm as it was not in his best interest.. So, we hired a lawyer and the first court date she never showed up but called in and between that court date and another she signed a paper that our attorney drew up and she signed him off to leave the state only getting her summers and not seeing him every other weekend anymore.Well, now ss is 16 and wanted to go live with her and he asked her why she let him move from the state and she told him that she was told by dh that if she did not sign the papers that she would never see him again. To make it even worse my ss told me this and said that he believes her,uggh, ha


stepmasochist's picture

Um, tell your SS that DH does not have the power to never let her see him again. The legal system wouldn't allow it even if she was the most unfit of unfit mothers she'd at least get supervised visitation. If your DH is a law-abiding citizen, what makes you SS think that he would break from his usual character and the life he's built to go on the lamb just to kidnap the kid and keep him away from BM. What a ridiculous freakin' lie. I would tell the kid the truth and tell him just how ridiculous it is.

When DH got custody, BM told the kids the same thing, that if they went to their dad's house, she'd never see them again. grrr.

springINstep's picture

Although we have access to the paperwork. We can show him but what she lied about is that dh told bm that if she didnt sign that she would never see him again. My dh would never ever do this. So show him the paperwork and if he is so stupid to believe that dh would kidnap him then he will just have to go on believing it I guess.

Rags's picture

Time to blow BMs laying ass out of the water with the facts. Show SS the CO, show him the laws and rules that prevent one parent from taking a child out of state without the prior consent of the other, show the CO where DH has custody and BM is the NCP and that decisions on where the child lives are DHs and not BMs. Show SS all of the support information, tell him BM is lying then tell SS to ask her why she did not file charges against DH if he actually threatened her with taking SS. BM will either cave or pull more BS out of some orifice of her body and dig herself a deeper hole.

Tell the Skid about the "smell test". This does not pass the smell test or the test of reasonableness and a 16yo is old enough to recognize this.

Do not let up on BM or SS on this for any reason. Keep the pressure on both of them until SS recognizes the truth and/or BM admits the lie.

IMHO of course.

Milomom's picture

Once again, Rags is SPOT ON here with his advice.

You need to stop BM in her tracks with her lies but countering it with the FACTS and the TRUTH.

This is, yet again, a clear example of PA that your BM is committing - and I strongly believe that PA should be CRIMINALIZED. Maybe these pathetic BM's will actually think twice about trying to alienate their child from the other parent if they knew their behavior would cost them fines/jail time, etc...