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First blog, years of stories...

VeronicaC's picture

I have been a SM for more than 13 years, but since my DH and I dated for 4 years prior to marrying, I count it as 17 years. When we started dated, my two SS were 3 & 4, they're now 20 & 21, and both in college. They're great kids, but no one is perfect and we've certainly had our moments. As for the BM, she has always lived within 15 minutes of us, has shared custody (she had them Sun-Wed, we had them Thurs-Sat, every week unless we were traveling), and has always been in our life. She still is.
So I guess I'm looking to this blog to share the MANY, MANY stories - horrible and wonderful - about both my SS and the BM. Hope I can give some advice, as well. You don't make it this far in the game without learning a few things!
Here's one for the books - We moved my oldest SS from college back to his mom's (he was dealing with some personal issues). With in 4 days - FOUR DAYS - she was calling my DH asking him to pay her rent for my SS to live there. It's her son! He needs her help and support, and she's asking for rent???? BTW - she han not contributed one dime to either of the boy's college, so after us paying for all his liveing expenses and tuition for three years, she has the nerve to ask us for rent.
Needless to say, we laughed at her request.


VeronicaC's picture

The only "secret" is that after all these years, and thousands of fights, I've made sure my DH knows exactly how I feel about things, whether he agrees with my opinions or not, and we do our best to see each other's side of things. Doesn't always work out, but if you love each other, you just let the little things slide and make sure the big things are taken care of. Believe me, it's taken my YEARS to be able to let the little things slide, especially regarding the BM, and there are still things that bug me, whether they happened last month or 15 years ago, but again, sometimes you just gotta let things slide.
I loved your quote, by the way.

VeronicaC's picture

Oh, I've keep diaries over all these year that are filled with whoppers like those!
Stay tuned.....