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Who's ready for something better?

AlexandraL's picture

Without details that are too personal, the past week has been one of the shittiest weeks in a long time for me. I have continued to stay away from my exbf, despite the extreme amount of stress I've been under and the vulnerability it has caused me. He's contacted me, tried to lure me with gifts...but I've managed to hold my ground.

I just want to know who else is ready to yell out a window like in Network and say, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore?" Seriously, there has GOT to be something better out there for 99% of us.

I wish there was somewhere to go to harness the power of sisterhood and scream together, "Hell no!" I am ready for something else. I am in the worst hole in my life right now but damn it, things have GOT to improve.

Who else is ready for whatever is next? I am SO ready. Bring it on! I am ready!


grayskies's picture

lol i was thinking about something similar in my blog today. i feel like we need some kind of collective movement to take our lives back. something, anything....

AlexandraL's picture

Thank you glad to hear you've moved forward -- that is wonderful.

As hard as the emotional part of things was, the financial aftermath of being with my ex is enough to bring me to a breakdown. I left a great job and my family and friends to be with someone who in the end was more focused on his "old" life than a "new life" with me. He's fine -- I've helped him "in so many ways". Funny, it feels like it was all at my expense. This has really been driven home in the past week. The only saving grace was that I never married him and asked him to move out of my house because his bratty princess of a daughter, his OCD childish ex wife, and his mother were too much for me to manage.

I honestly don't know how I am going to compensate for this lack of judgement on my part, but I am determined not to give up! I just need a little bit of good luck because my effort and determination don't seem to be enough!

AlexandraL's picture

That is exactly what I meant. Woman power. I don't even care if I am alone anymore. I just want to break out, get my life back on track. I've been trying for a year to get on track and despite 150% effort I am still heading downward -- but damn it, I am still trying! I'm not a weak, lazy BM who needs a man. I just don't understand why people who are lazy and don't try to better themself are doing well while hardworking, diligent me is always fighting everything off. Where is my break?

myhusbandswife's picture

wish I could be there now to lend a <>. Trust me. We are ALL, every one of us, much much stronger than we think! You will be successful! You will be better than "fine". You will be happy and content. Smile Believe it. xoxo

AlexandraL's picture

I listened to it and my daughter came out when I was and said she had that song. That is how I feel. I never thought I'd get to this point but I seriously want him to stay the F away from me and just let me get my life's the effing least he can do for just stay away from me and let me get on with my life and feel better again.