Okay a while back, I had mentioned how I think random "whistling" is annoying!! And boy did I wish I hadnt brought that up! For the past few months my SS11 whistles all the time!!! Loudly!!! while Im cooking, cleaning, watching TV and when hes just walking around the house! WTF SPITE I tell ya!!! cant I just whack those lips off his face???? LMAO
- leogirl819's blog
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Whistling really annoys me.
Whistling really annoys me. It also annoys me when people randomly burst into song when in my presence. If someone does that in the shower it's fine, but doing it when you know I can see and hear you is bizarre and creepy, not to mention nerve grating.
Go to the sports store and
Go to the sports store and get yourself one of those "professional grade" referee whistles...In the middle of the night sneak into the little shits room while he is dead asleep...Lean over closely to the lil dumplins ear, suck air into your lungs (as if your going down with the Titanic), and let er rip!!!
Bet the little a$$hole with stop whistling to annoy you!
It's like they have to be
It's like they have to be making some sort of annoying sound so that they can hear and confirm to themselves that YES they are doing their job as a proper skid by being a nuisance/menace.
Subconsciously I think it's once again, a "look at me" attention thing.
This is exactly what they are doing! Mine do it, too. When SD was with us 50/50, she would make noise constantly (singing, slamming cupboards, etc.) SS13 does it now too (whistling, letting out little yelps, bonking the iron stools into the tile on the island, unplugging his headphones on his ipod, etc.)
The difference between the two was that SD only did these things when her dad wasn't around. She was just doing it to annoy me or her brother, but didn't want daddy to see.
SS makes noise when daddy isn't around, but not necessarily to annoy me. It's more of an attention thing. He wants me to tell him to stop it. Which I used to do, before I realized that's what he was after. Now I just grit my teeth and ignore it. I've noticed, now, that he also does it whenever his dad and I go outside (if we want to talk w/o him listening, or for a smoke).
I posted about this a little
I posted about this a little while back - WHISTLING DRIVES ME INSANE. And SD does it all the time ! And she hums ! and she sings all the time too. Of course she does have a very nice singing voice but I don't want to hear it when I'm having a conversation, reading a book, watching tv.
I always ignore it. God forbit she know it drives me bonkers, she might do it even more.
I think it's a trait that especially confident and self-centered people exibit. It most definately is a way to seek attention.
Oh yes, SS's newfound
Oh yes, SS's newfound whistling ability is quite annoying. I've never said anything about it. I just try to ignore it. Is this a 'boy' thing or an 11 year old thing?
evil_one, you crack me up... that IS evil! I'd never do that but damn, that'd be funny!
My dad is a whistler, I am
My dad is a whistler, I am too. We whistle when we are happy I guess. My wife used to get very frustrated when I would whistle in the car. Apparently my MIL was under the impression that whistling in a car would cause hearing loss.
I dated a girl whose StepDad whistled and she detested whistling. She would give me crap when I whistled.
So now I leave the whistling to the parrot. I taught him every song I like to whistle. It drives my wife nuts! }:)
When the bird starts whistling she will yell from where ever she is in the house "RAGS!! FIX YOUR BIRD" so I start whistling with him. When she yells at us again, the bird cracks up laughing.
If whistling is the one thing that I do that frustrates my wife the most, I will take that risk.
Does anyone want a whistling parrot?
Ah ok... SS is extremely
Ah ok... SS is extremely attention seeking. So that makes sense.
Yikes. I guess I am
Yikes. I guess I am especially confident and self centered. I dont whistle but I probably hum and I definitely burst into random song frequently. It's an outlet! I also "think out loud" ALOT. Like....very very often.
My SD13 does not do this but my SD5 talks to herself constantly and she sings alot too. I love that about her. The quiet...silence....that is what I find much creepier. Hmmm.
Mamabecky so I am not bat
Mamabecky so I am not bat shit crazy?!?! My BS13 tells me all the time "STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF MOM YOU'RE SUCH A WEIRDO!"
Well I dont think you are.
Well I dont think you are.
Are you left handed too? Maybe we are just outside the box/eclectic/creative thinkers who dont have hang ups about how others percieve us. Who knows? My DH talks to himself too so maybe that is where SD5 gets it. Just not an issue in my life.
Maybe its especially
Maybe its especially confident OR self centered.
You pick !
LOL, I am one of those that LOVE the quiet, silence, my DH does not, has to be talking, making noise every minute of the day. I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round.
I just wish the whistlers would not gravitate to my world, lol.
OMG! My ss used to do that
OMG! My ss used to do that when he lived with us. Yes, it is typical of attention seeking behaviors....among many others...oiy! I don't miss those days!!!
Ok, I whistle - usually to
Ok, I whistle - usually to act like everything is calm and normal when it definitely is not, ex. someone nearby acting strange, and I am watching them out of the corner of my eye.
Funny story - once in my job review my old boss years ago, mentioned that whenever I walked in his office I was quietly whistling under my breath, and to please stop. I just said ok, but the REASON why I whistled is that every time I went in his office he seemed to have his hands in his pants or crotch, doing god knows what, so I was WARNING him I was coming in, so as not to embarrass him!! I was too shy to say that to him, so I think I just found another job after not much more dumb shit from him!!
So every time someone is annoyed by my whistling I think of him! but I do hate it when people force their singing on you, especially when they can't carry a tune, in a bucket!!
You make a very good point.
You make a very good point. I can definately see where for some whistling is a coping mechanism, or maybe a means of distraction.