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She ran away you guys

007Lostit's picture

Yes, you read that right. She ran away this morning. Left an extremely long note explaining how we have been holding her back blah blah blah how she is supposed to be making mistakes and such blah blah blah...and she took off. Her dad is at work. She must have left just after he left for work this morning. She told her sister she was just going upstairs, and never came back.
I called her dad at work when our youngest daughter brought the note to me. He is upset...he seems to be angry at me. At least that is the impression I got. Wonderful.
I am so pissed.
No idea where she went. she has no friends remember. Just the people she works with. She is probably staying with the manager that took in another 16 year old that works at the same place, after she left home (SD says she is friends with that girl). Maybe we should notify the authorities that this "manager" is encouraging teens to run away from home. I believe he married on of the girls that worked there and they just had a baby a few months ago too. She "used" to baby sit for him. Now this other 16 year old baby sits for him. Hmmmm....

But what do I know...?


007Lostit's picture

I am thinking maybe its for the best...? I mean her and I can't live together. She refuses to act like an adult even though she wants to be treated like one. When we do treat her like an adult then she throws tantrums and fits like a preteen. The running away is just another example of that. I think she wants her dad to "put me back in my place" so to speak, where I quietly take her to work, and do all the other things I have done for her all these years.
I can't. I am so tired of it all. I can't do and do and continue to do and try and get no respect out of her in return. I can't. I just can't anymore. I am at my wits end, the end of my rope. Done.

skylarksms's picture

I am sorry to hear about your issues. I don't have anything to tell you that might help...


somerg's picture

i'd call the police and see if you can claim kidnapping charges against who ever she is staying with }:)

Elizabeth's picture

Enjoy the peace and quiet! All kidding aside, don't get involved in this AT ALL. Let DH handle it. My brother's oldest two ran away, as did SD16 (more than once). I commiserated and let them handle (or not handle) the details.

007Lostit's picture

Thanks guys. I think it is best if I let DH handle this mess. Yes I believe he blames me for her running away. We will find out for sure once he gets home from work. I was able to talk to my small support network, which is my mom and one of my friends, and I feel much better. In fact I think it may be best. If she stays away that is. However, that may not be what her goal could be like I thought and she is just using this as a really big bargaining tool. She doesn't really have anywhere to go. I mean who really wants to take in someone elses kid? I sure wouldn't want that burden.
Not positive we can call her in as a runaway here in MT. Think that if they want to move out they can. It is up to DH though if that is what he wants to do. guys did make me laugh though with some of the remarks..."enjoy the peace and quiet", "have a hard time mustering up empathy", "wish my sd would run far far away"....I was there believe me. Part of me is a bit worried...only because I know she has no friends and if this loser of a manager is where she is staying then ewww...he is a creeper...but then the other part of me is like...well she knows all and she has made her bed let her lie in it. I have suffered enough.