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H getting back togheter with BM!

LindaL's picture

I found out that my still H is getting back togheter with BM, I just can't believe it, it makes me feel used and angry...and still is this even possible?? I thought they hated each other, I guess he lied to me all this now the whole idea of my child going to that Wh@r3's house makes me sick! no way!!
I know I'm divorcing the guy and I have no control over who he decides to go with, but really her??!! the woman that cheated on him and got pregnant by another guy?!! the women that hated me since day one, tried to brake my marriage (and succeded) I'm hurt very hurt, but I guess that keeps showing me H's true intentions, I just hope that he never even tries to take my child anywhere close to that....woman...


steppingsucks's picture

That's very sad news; everyone's worst nightmare. I hope that you have family and friends to help you through this time.

hbell0428's picture

Sorry!! Sounds like you deserve better than that; but that was my worst fear for years.........Anybody but her!! I hope you have a shoulder to scream into.

honeybunszer's picture

Oh my... this is a NIGHTMARE! I can't imagine what you're going through, I am SO incredibly sorry.

steppingsucks's picture

LindaL, if you have family in another state, you might consider moving to be closer to them. That way you can get away from H and BM, making it less likely you'll have to deal with visitation issues with that crazy ho.

When my ex and I broke up, he went right back to his crazy ex. She had said some very hateful things about my son even before he was born, so I didn't want her anywhere near my son. She was completely jealous of him. I had already moved about 1 hour away to be close to my mom, and when I found out he was with her, I required that he visit my son close to my home. I wasn't allowed to bring my son to his house. He never fought it, and I got to stay away from the drama. They ended up breaking up again, and things are find between us now.

I know what I'm saying isn't going to make you feel any better about your H being with BM, but it *might* help you out in the long run. Eventually, it will be out of sight, out of mind.

jojo68's picture

<<>>> Everything happens for a reason...this is your chance to find someone who deserves and appreciates you...I agree with the poster who quoted the addage "You can never go home" so so so true....second tries around are usually more disasterious than the first

Anon2009's picture

I am so sorry.

I agree with everyone else- if you can, move far away so your child's exposure to BM is limited. Surround yourself and your child with your family and friends.

LindaL's picture

Thank you everyone for your words, I just can't understand, I'm hurt, eventho my decision of divorcing him, he even made me believe that I was the one that didn't put any effort in this relationship, when he demanded me to backdown on the child support and I said no, not yet he said "I knew you didn't have it in you to do something good for this relationship" and a week later THIS happens...I can't believe that for one sencond I had second thoughts, I can't believe I even cried for this guy, I hate the fact that he is the father of my child, and even more that he haven't even stopped to think about my baby for a second...I can just hope that he forgets about both of us and we don't have to hear from him ever again.

overit2's picture

OH my gosh-how horrible, how painful! I'd be tempted to have him terminate his rights. Can you imagine having to send your child to that stepmom---who was previously his ex-now his wife again?

Do you think for one moment this woman would be kind to your child??? HELL to the no I'd run far away.