O/T "I was upset this AM and you ignored me."
Well, I have managed to once again get on my bride's shit list.
She was ranting this AM about how we have been in the new house for two and half months now and it is still not put together completely and how the Skid and I do not help, etc, etc, etc.... I was sleeping when she started the loud drawer closing so I rolled over and put a pillow over my head and pretty much just heard muffled bitching from that point on. BAD MOVE RAGS!!!!
Since there is no pillow on the planet that will block out pissed off wife noises I dragged my very sleepy butt to the bathroom then jumped in the shower. When I stepped out 20mins later she had left for work.
She texted me with "I was upset this AM and you ignored me". I was driving when the text came and did not get the message until she replied to an e-mail I sent when I got to the office.
The e-mail was "You obviously did not get my text." :?
We had a great evening last night; she went to sleep happy and smiling and woke up pissed off.
How do woman manage to get pissed off between going to sleep and waking up? :?
I spend a lot of time in a very clueless state trying to understand my wife's seemingly random and meteoric changes in mood.
I need a hobby.
- Rags's blog
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Bwahaha, Oh Rags, I don't
Bwahaha, Oh Rags, I don't know what you did (if anything) but you sound in trouble. I have no advice. I don't know why we act like this. I'm sure she has some reasoning and you will find out about it sooner or later. There is no predicting us women!!! I can totally relate to your experience this morning. It's opposite at my house - I would be the sleepy one with the pillow and DH stomping around mumbling. I ignore him because if he is just going to be passive agressive (when he KNOWS I can hear him) then that is his problem!!! I hope she isn't still pissed when you get home and at least she is bundling skid into the problem too!!
"...and at that point I
"...and at that point I generally blame it on my angry uterus."
Oh my god YES!!! I'm going to use that excuse with BF and see if he gets a kick out of it... hehehe
I agree with you though. Sometimes I have dreams where BF (or someone else) does something really horrible and I wake up just pissed off at the world. Or she could have just stubbed her toe, had a bad hair day, couldn't sleep well, banged her shin on the dresser, accidentally shot toothpaste in her eye--really anything. We have our reasons, but no one else seems to know them until we explode.
Rags, no real advice, but don't worry. She'll get over it. It's funny to hear the man's side of our crazy rants though. Hobbies are good, but if they appear to distract you from what she thinks you ought to be doing (helping set up the new house) you might be setting yourself up for another tongue lashing.
What did you do to that poor
What did you do to that poor woman in her dream? LOL! That's about all it takes. Sorry, Rags. I think she'll feel better later. Is it tension and anxiety time?
LOL, Rags....I am so guilty
LOL, Rags....I am so guilty of the same mood swings. Simply baffling, huh? Somehwere between having a good time last night and the drawer slamming this morning, something rubbed her the wrong way. Are there loose boards that she may have stubbed a toe on? Does she have that nice furniture she's been eyeing? Does the shower go hot and cold with no warning? Did you kick her in your sleep (don't laugh, this actually happened to us)? I guess damage control is in order, and of course it will take all manner of coercing, subliminal messages, and tactfully placed nouns to get to the root of the problem.
Good Luck, Raggsy, my dear, good luck.
"Does she have that nice
"Does she have that nice furniture she's been eyeing?"
I believe you have identified the problem. She found a very nice white leather sectional by some designer that she likes that was paired with a zebra patterned large ottoman. She bought the ottoman which does not go as nicely with our furniture as it does with the designer sectional at the furniture store.
It looks like I know what I am buying her for Christmas.
Well, hop to it, man.
Well, hop to it, man.
Maybe you snored too much?
Maybe you snored too much?
LOL. I went to bed blissfully
I went to bed blissfully happy and woke up pissed off this morning!
I think it happened because I put aside the things that were bothering me and decided to enjoy the kid-free night. I even felt like I had forgiven him for something he had done, which I had been waiting for him to talk to me about (I had taken the first step yesterday by telling him how I was feeling, and I was waiting for some sort of apology really).
But we woke up and he got dressed for work and said Absolutely Nothing about the stuff I was waiting to hear about. So I got pretty pissed.
I called him up to ask, "Did you even get my email?" (in which I had explained all my hurt feelings). He did. He's sorry.
But now I am even more pissed. He practically ignored my email until I came at him in a different tone-of-voice (I was being nice all the time, but it seems "angry" gets faster attention). Plus he offers up a lame-ass "sorry", which seems totally forced, not genuine, meant just to get me (with now-angry-voice) off the phone as fast as possible.
Anyway, that story probably doesn't help, but here's the thing. Sounds like your wife woke up and was frustrated (different from pissed off), had stuff on her mind that was bothering her for a while. She was talking to vent some frustrations and you ignored her, when probably she just needed you to listen and respond positively e.g. I'm sorry, don't worry, we'll get it done . Right now she's probably more pissed off at being ignored than all the other crap that was bothering her this morning.
Anyway... it's funny for me to see that, rather than being sorry for not listening to her etc., you're actually clueless, and you think she managed to get herself pissed off between going to sleep and waking up with no assistance from you.
Makes me wonder just how clueless my DH is right now too.
Oh, Oh, Oh!!!! Raising
Oh, Oh, Oh!!!! Raising hand!!!! I will bet 5 cyber dollars that I know what happened!!
My DH has been a victim of this also. Well not victim, because it really is his entire fault. Lol
What happened is that your wife was in a perfectly good mood this morning. Then she stared to get ready for work and either she ran across something that she has asked you to do more than once and it still has not been done/cleaned. OR…you peed on the seat last night and she sat on it first thing this morning! lol
I ALWAYS wake up in a shitty
I ALWAYS wake up in a shitty mood. Period. If everyone would just leave me alone for an hour I'd be over it... but no... they are all needy, wanting, selfish pains in the rump that cannot just let me get woke up and instead they have to push me until I just can't freakin' take anymore and I do NOT understand for the life of me why in the hell they can't just GET IT already I mean it's not like they have lived with me for YEARS or anything to just know to leave me the hell alone in the morning for pete's sake you'd think I was asking for a damn miracle from heaven or something just to be left ALONE first thing in the morning so I can get my senses together they could just ignore me if they didn't want to listen to me gripe and complain and they wouldn't hear me at all.... SHEESH the NERVE of some people I swear!
Your dw wouldn't happen to be one of these types of people now would she??? }:)

Lol poor Rags, I'm sorry. I
Lol poor Rags, I'm sorry. I am guilty of doing the same thing. DH often asks me when I'm going to turn the think tank off. Well, never really! It's annoying actually, I'm constantly thinking about 20 things at once, I have not yet come to figure out how to just shut down for a while and "not think". Like some other posters have said, I've had dreams about DH before where he is doing something that pisses me off, then I wake up pissed. Not that I have any reason to feel that way, because it's not like he actually did anything wrong, but then I have those images burned into my brain and it automatically puts me into a crappy mood. Or, since I'm constantly thinking about so many things, something will randomly trigger a memory in my head that upsets me and then in a bad mood again. There is never a simple answer, really!
Yep, she's been dropping
Yep, she's been dropping *small bombs* (aka HINTS) that she needs help getting the house picked up for awhile now, and it's fallen on deaf ears (you)---and not that you are totally ignoring it, your timetable to getting around to it is much different than hers. Did she react bad, did you react bad? Of course. How do you fix it???
Come home with a beautiful bouquet of roses and kiss her and hug her and tell her you are sorry you rolled over and ignored her. Admit your faut without saying what she's done (because you are only responsible for your part, not accusing her of what she did, or she'll go on the defensive). Say, "It's what men do out of reaction to being yelled at by their beautiful wives for something they've screwed up on and don't really realize it. It's a coping mechanism, and I will try to work harder at not shutting down and being a better listener."
She in turn will open up and do her part to apologize for how she reacted.
(PS---HINT----we women are naturally *wired* to expect men to read our minds, so the attitude from her comes out faster than she can realize it)