DH is clueless... ugh.
DH and I went out and did some Christmas shopping today. While we were out he brings up ss22. I don't remember how, but I remember thinking, "What does this have to do with anything? Why are we ALWAYS talking about YOUR kids?" He proceeds to tell me that ss22's car is parked at sd20's apartment. I asked him what's wrong with it... the kid has no gas. I said, "Well, I guess he will figure it out." DH says, "He has no job." I said, "Well, yeah, what's new? If he wanted gas, he'd figure out how to get it. I just saw on his myspace a couple of days ago that he went to a hockey game and then was going to PARTY afterwards. If he wants something he seems to have his ways to find how to do it." DH says, "His friend pays for him to do those things." I said, "Well, let him get his friend to buy his gas if that's the kind of person he's going to be."
I started to see where this was going. DH knows that I told SS22 to come and get his crap out of my house after his disrespectful episode with my mother. DH is feeling sorry for his baby boy again. Then he asked me if I had heard anything from the text I sent to SS22. I said, "No, nor do I expect to. If he wants his crap, he knows when he has to come and get it by." He did tell me that he called SS22 Thursday to wish him a happy Thanksgiving "wherever he was". SS22 told him he was staying with friends. SURPRISE SURPRISE. After that... dead silence.
All I could think was, 'you've GOT to be KIDDING me!' GUILT... GUILT GUILT GUILT for WHAT? OVER WHAT? BECAUSE OF WHAT? WHY does this man feel SO freakin' guilty? WHY does he allow these kids to just run over him, me, our whole family? What in the heck is the problem?
DH is completely clueless to what he's doing to enable this kid. If I wouldn't have set my foot down he would STILL be enabling him. It's so old. If the kid doesn't want to display any kind of responsibility, let him go learn how to live on his own so he can fall on his face and LEARN some responsibility. The kid has already had himself kicked out of the navy on purpose because he hated A-school, has been married and divorced, now has a 4 month old child that he has nothing to do with... and offers no apologies for anything he does. He thinks life is all fun and games... hockey games, amusement parks, pot, drinking... when does it END? If you don't make them take responsibility for themselves it NEVER will!
Funny thing about it is the way DH treats my ds17. Last night, ds comes home from his girlfriend's house and comes up to talk to me. He's been having some problems with his car, and after changing the oil last week knows that his engine has limited life on it. But he loves his car. So he is starting to plan ahead. He has a couple of friends, one of which has an older mechanic brother that ds gets along with well. They have offered to help ds rebuild an engine if he can find one to fit the car. So ds is planning to look for a job starting Monday (up til now he's been doing odd jobs for his gf's parents because her mom works full time and her dad has been down after 5 back surgeries and can't do things around the house... they pay ds for all of his work), buy an engine that they've found that will fit, rebuild the engine and then when it's finished, he will only be out a car a few days to a week while the engine transfer is made. DH starts YELLING at ds17 telling him that he doesn't have to buy a whole other engine, he can just rebuild the one in the car. Well, common sense tells you that if you take an engine out of a car, rebuild it, and then put it back in the car, you will be without a car for a LONG while... however long the whole process takes. DS17 knows that he NEEDS his car, so he's trying to work out a plan that will keep his time without a car to a minimum. Personally, I think he's put a lot of thought into it, I think he's planning it out well, and I think he will be able to execute the plan with few hang ups. I am beyond proud of my son for displaying problem solving skills in an adult fashion, and my dh is saying that my ds is being ridiculous!! ARGH! After ds walked away from dh, he looked at me and shrugged his shoulders as if to say, "What the crap?" I just shrugged my shoulders back at him and said, "I'm proud of you for thinking ahead son. I think you are doing the right thing." He thanked me and left the room.
After he left I said, "It will never matter what he does will it?" DH asked what I was talking about. I told him that ds is putting a lot of thought and planning into his plan to fix his car, fixing it on his own (something ss22 has NEVER done... daddy always pays for that stuff, but I didn't say that), and making sure that he's without a car for as little time as possible. What exactly will it take for ds to get some kind of approval from him? He didn't say anything back. I already know he will never get dh's approval. DH seems to think that when ds turns the ages of sk's, he will be acting like they do. What dh doesn't realize is how sk's acted when they were ds's age. They NEVER displayed any kind of responsibility, respect, etc. They have always thought that everything was supposed to be handed to them on a silver platter. DS knows better. He knows if he wants something, he's going to have to work for it. But whatever. At this point, I think ds could be 30 and living a normal happy life and dh would STILL find something wrong with what he was doing just because it's ds.
All of this said to basically remind myself that even after 11 years of going through this BS, dh is still completely clueless. I think I am finally realizing that dh will ALWAYS be completely clueless and if given the opportunity he would enable his children until the day he dies. All I can wonder is how can someone look at their child acting like this and not feel responsible for the way they've turned out? Not SEE all the mistakes made that caused them to be this way? Personally, I don't get it. Maybe dh isn't so clueless, maybe he just can't deal with the reality.
- TheWickedStepmom's blog
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One of these days I will
One of these days I will learn I suppose. I figured he was just "talking" ya know? Like he didn't have anything else to talk about. I'm new at all of this disengaging stuff so I didn't realize I shouldn't even engage in conversations, but good grief it really is getting to that point.
And no... ss22 isn't suffering obviously. Which is exactly why I am not concerned at all. But it seems like every day dh is bringing up one of the sk's. Yesterday it was sd20... Thanksgiving day it was ss22. I mean, it's like he alternates them each day on purpose. It's getting ridiculous. They don't live with us... why is it necessary to discuss them each and every day?
Thanks Dab... I will definitely keep your advice in mind for future reference!![Smile](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
ROFL Love it!
ROFL Love it! }:)
I'm saying this in the
I'm saying this in the kindest possible way: If your husband really loves his 22 year old son, he best thing he can possibly do for the young man right now is to let him hit bottom.
I have a younger brother who is in his late 20's right now. He walks on water. He lays golden eggs. He turns water into not just wine, but a fine Pinot Noir. He is incapable of doing anything wrong. He is the Castor of Troy. The ever loved son.
He is also an alcoholic and a compulsive gambler. He has a 3 year old whose mother he was never married to that he rarely sees. He manages to accrue $600 a month in child support that he has never paid. He lost his liscense due to a DUI, and cannot get it back due to the amount of money he is in arrears with CSSD. He has literally never bought a package of Huggies.
He still drives, and drives drunk as often as possible. He always has some trailer skank providing his daily 18 pack of Natural Ice (Lite, because he's got to watch that beer gut...it cuts into his line dancing and karaoke abilities).
Why? Why would such a promising young man be a loser? Because of our biological father, who enables him, nay, encourages him, to behave in this manner at every turn. He lets my brother live in his basement, screens his phone calls when the BM calls in regard to his baby, and lets him come and go with whatever random trash he brings around. He pays for Brother's truck, insurance, food, and smokes. Keeps gas in his tank so he can hopefully achieve his lifelong goal of a fatal DUI accident. This all could have been different if my parents had ever cut the little twerp off and let him realize consequences, but NOOOOOOOOO.
Please don't buy your SS gas. He could be just one mistake away from a lifetime of molding to your carpet.
I completely understand
I completely understand everything you are saying at THAT is why I disengaged from ss22. I have been telling my dh for a year or 2 now that we needed to show ss a little tough love if we ever wanted him to live up to his full potential. DH only saw it as me being unkind to ss. Truth be known, between my 2 sk's, ss was the one I had the most hope for. He is intelligent and could do ANYTHING he wanted to with his life. I remember at the age of 12 he had so many things he wanted to do with his life... had set goals for himself, etc. But he has no motivation or drive to improve his life at all at this point. Over the years, I have had so many chats with ss (GOOD chats) where I told him that his life is what HE makes of it and at his age, the opportunities are endless, but he's going to have to work for what he wants. It really is very sad for me to see where ss has ended up at this point. And I told DH when I disengaged that there is absolutely NO reason for ss to be where he is right now other than the fact that dh has enabled him, and everyone else he's been in contact with has enabled him. I've never seen one person that can get whatever he wants/needs from so many people free of charge. It's unreal. Think of what he could do in the business world! SHEESH.
I already see ss headed down the road your brother is on. SS had a car accident (single car) early last year. He had gotten in a fight with his then wife, went out drinking, and then got behind the wheel. He flipped his truck. DH and I never saw the truck or even pics of it, but from what we've been told, we don't want to see it. The cop that came to the scene told ss that he was lucky to be alive and (this is what I mean by EVERYONE enables him) he did NOT issue him a ticket for a DUI or anything else for that matter. It floored me that he walked away from that accident with absolutely NO consequences and not a hair of sense.
I have no intentions of given ss money for ANYTHING, and if dh does it, it will be behind my back regardless of what I tell him. I did tell DH that if he didn't stop enabling him, ss is GOING to end up in jail for something and when dh bails him out, he may as well just come home and pack up his crap and move out because I've been warning him for years about enabling ss and what has happened because of it. I won't stay in this and keep watching him or be a party to his continuing to do it when it results in something that lands his butt in jail. I wouldn't bail my OWN son out of jail, especially if he was acting like this.
My guess is that dh will give ss money in the disguise of a "Christmas gift". Which I don't expect him not to give ss gifts for Christmas/B-day, but I'm not doing it. Personally, I wish I could see inside dh's head and figure out what good he thinks he's doing by enabling. Even his own sister has been telling him that he needs to stop enabling ss. She has 2 adult sk's (no kids of her own) that both went through this same stuff so she can somewhat sympathize with me and at the same time she loves her brother so she tries to offer him advice based on her own situation. But unfortunately, I don't think it helps much.
All I can do at this point is just hope dh gets it soon. Sigh.