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Three Things I wish I could Say to BM:

poisonivy's picture

1. I DO NOT want to be your children's mother

2. You nor your children will contribute to the demise of my marriage (actually, I have told her this one)

3. GET A FREAKIN JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Torn's picture

Oh, there is So much I want to say to BM. I can't though. I would snap as soon as I opened my mouth, this is why I have never said one word to her.

poisonivy's picture

I only speak to her when absolutely necessary. I would rather get a root canal than try to reason with that psychopathic lunatic.

Timetogiveup's picture

Your offspring is NOT cute.

Do your JOB of being a mother!

Close your account on

Clean that damn pig sty house of yours up.

You have money for sex toys, concert tickets, NASCAR tickets, 7 blow up yard things for Halloween, 12 blow up yard thing For Christmas (she turn in house into the Bank this year...I guess she doesn't need the blow ups no more) but yet you gave the kid $20.00 for his birthday because that is all you can afford.

Do you look under your seats for French Fries to feed the kid? That's a joke she brings the kid her half lunches home for dinner....I mean hald eaten burger, tacos....etc.

That color you dye your hair is horrible. I know you claim you can't afford to get your hair done in the shop but I do know that there are other colors available than that day-glo, hurt your eyes red that fades out carrot orange.

Buy a look and dress like a haggered whore not a 20 something hottie.

alwaysme's picture

the only thing i would love to say is "damn you are ugly, on the inside and out, any wonder you are still alone and living with your parents"
as torn said though its likely i would say more, so i have never said a word to her

Apples's picture

Why don't you? Sometimes a good slap in the face with some honesty is needed. Skids SM has done it in the past and I have respected her for it more.

THE Wifey's picture

Nooooo!! See my blog, I promise, keeping your mouth shut is the way to go!!

THE Wifey's picture

You looked prettier before your gastric bypass. Now you just look like a deflated elephant.


Stop dragging your children into things between you and their dad


You are not entitled to everything that you can so much as fancy.


I do not want to be your children's mom. Dear Jesus!! H3LL NO!


You cannot live in a 200k house with no job. Stop trying to modify the payments. Stop trying to screw him over. one thousand a month is not a realistic payment for a 200k house.


I will be THE wife. You are the ex-wife. YOU are not his family, stop treating him like he owes you. His children are his family, I am his family, YOU are NOT.

GET A F*&KING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FaceLess's picture

"Buy a look and dress like a haggered whore not a 20 something hottie."

HAHAHAHAHAHA. That statement from Timetogiveup made my very long frusterating day a lot better. Oh goodness, thank you, I can go to bed giggling instead of grumpy now!