OT- do you have any pets?
If so, what kind of pets?
Growing up, I had 3 Dutch rabbits and they were wonderful. They were so adorable! 2 of them lived to be 10 and the other lived to be 11. I was their main caretaker. They were so kissable and lovable. I was very attached to them.
Now I have two rescue dogs. One is a naughty, lovable chocolate lab/German Shepherd mix. He's really smart and we rescued him when he was a little pup. His name is Aslan.
Our other one is a beagle-terrier mix. I really, really love my animals. I consider them and SDs to be my kids, and I count them as people!
- Anon2009's blog
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i will only claim my 4 year
i will only claim my 4 year old chocolate lab. my DH has a stupid ass cat from one of his first gf's from after the divorce. i am in the process of getting rid of it now - DH doesn't like it either - keeps it because of kids but they're growing irritated with the constant hairballs but they refuse to groom it. the new owners require a few things to be done before they'll take possession. everytime i see this stupid scroungy ass cat i think of HER.....which wouldn't be a big deal i know we all have a past but this psycho bitch calls him every year on "their anniversary" 9 years ago. fucking move on!!!! she texted him last night to just SAY HI so i'm still pissed - can you tell????? DH says it's easier to just say hi than to go into teh trouble of telling her she needs to move on because she's not a very stable person. she knows he's married - i was there when he sent the message telling her adn she went into a rant about how she's very jealous he's moved on because she still believe's THEY are destined to be married.
2 cats that are just over a
2 cats that are just over a year old. One of them is my little hunter, bringing home field mice for us to find at the door everyday
. She's even caught a squirrel! The other is my lazy little girl who doesn't like to be outside unless one of us is with her, it's cute. If I didn't have my BF stopping me I'd probably be the cat lady with a bunch of cats running around, lol.
I have a horse my Daddy gave
I have a horse my Daddy gave me, my three legged rescue dog part border collie and german sheppard (he had four legs when we got him but my brother ran over him), my other rescue dog part german sheppard and mutt, a blue beagle, and a rednosed pitbull. The pitbull is the biggest baby of them all.
As pets, we have 4 English
As pets, we have 4 English Bulldogs. In our home, we are currently raising the last two of our puppies from our last litter of 6 until we can find them good homes. Of course, they are being raised underfoot with the rest of our dogs, but if I think of them as "our pets" I won't be able to let them go.
We also have a 75 gallon brackish tank with spotted puffer fish & DH moved our other 75 gallon tank to the man dungeon (basement) & loaded it with fishing bait. They're not really pets, though.
I’d LOVE a big tank like
I’d LOVE a big tank like that...! I hear they’re a TON of work and takes a really practiced hand to keep the “environment” in the proper condition. Fish are so therapeutic and relaxing to watch…
I knew NOTHING about fish
I knew NOTHING about fish before we got ours. DH has had them on & off for years. In fact, the bigger the tank, the less maintenace is required.
The biggest part of the maintenance is cycling the water for a couple weeks before you stock it & doing water changes every 1-2 weeks. You drain about 1/3 of the existing water & replace it. It keeps the nitrates & nitrites balanced. And don't overstock the tank.
We have it in our living room & love to just sit & watch them. Before DH confiscated the other one, it was in our bedroom & I did love hearing the water when I was falling asleep.
Actually, the first one we got together was a 20 gallon we picked up at a flea market. It was just a few weeks after the kids left to live with BM & DH was depressed & out of work. We couldn't afford TV service & had no internet. Our evenings were spent fishing at the creek (to ditch the landlord cause we didn't have the rent) & when it got dark we'd come home & watch our fish. I'm so glad we're past all of that now, but when things are stressful, it really is very relaxing just to sit & watch them.
Two cats, one is mine and the
Two cats, one is mine and the other is my husband and SDs. My cat is almost 14 and lazy, fat and the cutest thing I have ever seen. She was a rescue, abused by the teens that lived with her. I got her when she was 1. My husbands cat I call Chouette (she looks like a silly owl)....3 years old and hilarious! They both try and "protect" us from the chipmunks that live under the deck. Growling and hissing behind a glass door really does not work, but dont tell the cats!
Some days I think that it’s
Some days I think that it’s my pets that keep me from running amuck through the streets of Charlotte with an ax! Everything in the world could be crashing down around my feet (and usually is) but when my sweet two year old Ragdoll/Siamese kitty comes purrin and rubbin for attention it all fades away!!! I love that little blue eyed buddy with my whole heart and soul… some days I just hug him close and tell him “I’d be insane without you!” His name is Frank (after Frank Sinatra… ol’blue eyes himself!)
We also have an AWESOME male Beta fish who’s a little over two years old… when we made the big move that rugged little bastard made the trip from Pittsburgh to Charlotte NC in a “to-go” cup held in my lap the entire drive!!! He’s got a place of honor on our prominent living room bookshelf and everyone talks to him every day… his name is Kingsley Zissou… anyone who’s seen “The Life Aquatic” gets that name and knows why it’s so funny for a fish!
I was NEVER EVER going to get
I was NEVER EVER going to get a pitbull. Afterall these were the bad dogs, but my best friends pit had a litter with thier other pit. Both the moma and Daddy were nothing but big babies. She is the biggest baby, yesterday she was in the road running cars so I went to chase her so I could tell her no, and she knew she was in trouble so she jumped in my Bf's lap with her tail tucked. It was hilarious. I have seen this dog at 45 lbs play with 2lb puppy and they be biting and chewing on each other and her not hurt the puppy at all.
I did a lot of research when I first got her, and one of the first things I taught her was bite inhibition and to release. I should have taught her come lol. I love this dog so much it is unreal,even if she has chewed both pairs of my dress shoes and my new box springs.
HAHA I love the fact that he
HAHA I love the fact that he growls at BM. It would be hilarious if BM would pull up and my pitt wouldnt let her out of her car! I would love that but she loves everyone so I guess that wouldnt work. (BM is afraid of big dogs, I have three big dogs):P
These dogs need a better reputation, indeed. I wish everyone could meet mine and see what a big baby she is.
Mine also grunts and groans. She used to sleep with me until she got big enough to stay outside and then still would until she started taking up the whole bed. She sometimes jumps in the bed when DH gets up and Im still asleep in the morning and she lays theres and rolls and wollars and chews and grunts until I get up. I do believe the worst part about having a big dog in the house is the "Gas". Lol, she is the only dog I have ever known that will pass gas out loud.
LOL... least I am not the
LOL... least I am not the only one. I have pictures of DH in the bed and out pit bull on my side of the bed with her head on my pillow. I sometimes think she thinks she is human:P
Pits are great dogs that have
Pits are great dogs that have gotten such a bad rap. Go to this link: http://www.pitbullsontheweb.com/petbull/findpit.html and see if you can identify the pitbull.
Pits gets blamed for attacks by other breeds all the time. Most people have no idea how many dogs look like pit bull terriers.
I absolutely love them! They are great dogs when properly handled. Big goofballs! We don't have a pitbull, but I've spent plenty of time around them. I've never seen one behave aggressively towards a human. They can be dog aggressive. But they were bred specifically not to be aggressive towards humans. Think about it...They are being bred for fighting. Humans have to be able to reach in and grab the dogs without being bit.
Sorry...end pitbull rant. I just hate that they get such a bad rap. And I feel your pain, Crazy. German Shepherds are "dangerous breeds" according to many insurance companies. My Shepherd is the most stable dog I've ever owned.
I went there and it took me
I went there and it took me three tries!! Wow! Yea it makes me angry to see dogs getting a bad rap. I even heard Judge Jo Brown say something about they lock their jaws when they bite and believed this until I looked it up and found it to be wrong.
I am so sorry for you & your
I am so sorry for you & your Bulldog. Raising them, it's hard to believe that they can have such issues with aggression. Of course, like any other breed, they behave as they learn to behave as puppies & can't be expected to learn what they're not taught. We got our male at 8 months & have had some issues with grooming with him. His first family didn't know anything about the breed or the care they require. He was left outside in a fenced dirt yard with 6 shih-tzus. He was full of worms & struggled to walk across the yard to greet us. The man who had him took him in lieu of money for a roofing job & never took the time to teach him anything. When we pulled into the driveway the little dogs were barking & jumping at his face as he sat throwing his head back against the fence. He was well-mannered toward us, but I believe it was in hopes we would take him away from those other dogs...& we did. Knowing that aggression isn't typical in the breed, I hate to think that such a doting & affectionate breed would be treated in a way that would bring them to the point of having to be put down. What a sad story.
Im also sorry about your bull
Im also sorry about your bull dog. Maybe you will be able to find a dog that will help ensure you house stays safe. You know... its too bad you cant hook up and electric fence around your yard and such. It would be so funny if she or one of her friends just happened to walk into it!:)
We have several. Two cats.
We have several. Two cats. One miniature doxie. And the most amazing dog in the entire world....my 155 pound German Shepherd Dog. Yes, my dog is better than your dog. No, you can't have him!
Seriously, I love all animals. And I especially love dogs. This is our first German Shepherd. We'll never own another breed. They are just truly insanely awesome!
I LOVE GERMAN SHEPHERDS! I wanted one but my husband didn't want a "big" dog. We had to German Shepherd mixes when I was a kid and they have such great personalities. Everyone I know who has had one loves them.
step-parent, that is so
step-parent, that is so unusual for a German Shepherd. It makes me wonder if there was something wrong with the dog. My Shepherd is very protective of my kids.
When you own a German
When you own a German shepherd, YOU must be the dominant one in the relationship at ALL times. They must never even THINK that they are in charge. My DH also had a German shepherd as a kid that bit him. It's unusual, but it does happen. That's unfortunate, as overall they are great dogs. But they need a firm hand.
They are the best. dogs.
They are the best. dogs. ever!
Right now two dogs--a beagle
Right now two dogs--a beagle mix and a golden retriever mix, shelter girls. Both are mine, pre-marriage to DH. He also had two, but we lost one a year ago and SS has the other with him, a rottie mix. Really miss that rott too. I also have a granddog, a mini dachshund. Lots of fun at my house when they're all there.
We have 2 English Mastiff's.
We have 2 English Mastiff's. They are 5 and 6, one male and one female born on the same day. That's why we got the second one, when I saw our female had the same birthday as our male I called DFH and said it's meant to be.. lol They are so funny, when SS is over one sleeps in his bed and one on the floor. When my niece is over she would feed our male and he would take the tinest bites and share her cracker with her. Which is just so funny to watch a 200lb dog do. When the skids take them for walks people cross the streets and it makes you laugh, cuz really if the dog wanted to get away from either kid it would. They really just big loveable babies.
We used to have 2 rescue ferrets that died of old age, I miss them. They were fun to watch and play with. And after they were out of their cage it was more fun to play "where's my stuff" cuz they were little thiefs.
2 kitties ~~ my angel girl
2 kitties ~~ my angel girl kitty i adopted 10 yrs ago 10/14 when she was just a little bitty baby!! the other i had to save from my aunt's house... uncle wasn't to fond of her (chewing holes in the screen), so now she's our little sister bear.
just this w/e we adopted another dog whose owner lost his home to foreclosure so he's our new son.
plus we have first son, he's 7.5. momma bell, 7. another girl, 6.5. 3 puppies, 2 boys & a girl 5 months. and one other girl dog who was in need of a home.
yes i do love the animals TONS & TONS...
"Lab-shepherd" is
"Lab-shepherd" is animal-shelter-ese for "medium to short coated black dog that's probably gonna be large"
See, genetically(and now my geek is showing), "black fur" comes out from a LOT of mixes--like a Golden Retriever mixed with a dog with ANY black fur, statistically, most of the pups will be solid black. Goldens are solid black dogs (wait, hang on), with a gene that "turns off" all black pigment". Mixed with a dog with no "turn off the black" gene, Goldens breed like they're solid black. And solid black trumps pretty much all other colors, in the gene mix. Ditto for yellow labs, for exactly the same reasons. Yellow lab mixed with something that's yellow/gold with a black mask (fawn or brindle Boxer or Great Dane), = solid (or mostly solid) black pups.
Two dogs of an extremely
Two dogs of an extremely high-drive herding breed for me. DH also has two dogs of a totally different, extremely high-drive herding breed.
We also have three goldfish, and two snails. We do fewer activities with the aquarium-dwellers than the furry ones, though.
We have a Sheltie and a cat
We have a Sheltie and a cat (see her in my profile pix). She is really my DH's cat unless he is not around! Then she will come to me for pets.
The Sheltie is REALLY old, I rescued him when he was 6 months old. Adopt-A-Pet said that he was chained to their door that morning with a note saying that this woman who left him there couldn't handle seeing her husband abuse the poor dog anymore. He had anxiety issues for most of the time we had him and you could tell exactly what he used to get hit with. Turns out he is one of the smartest dogs I've ever known and I used to be a Veterinary Technician.
we have twin boy kitties,
we have twin boy kitties, almost 7 years old. one is totally psycho and bounces off the walls all day long, the other is a garfield-eats, sleeps, and eats. hard to believe they are from the same litter, as they are complete opposites.
our dog is a rescue yellow lab....she was taken from a farm in a raid...there were about 20 dogs all starving to death, and she almost didnt make it. severely underweight, mange, fleas, no training, and very aggressive towards other dogs (understandably). three years later, she is so sweet and happy, and now slightly overweight
we get her a new nyla-bone every year for christmas, and you've never seen a happier dog....she picks it up and carries it around all day long, showing it everyone. 
We have two yorkies. Oliver
We have two yorkies. Oliver is 5 and half months old and Bella is 5 months old. I love them so much I can not stand it.
We always joke and say the kids hates us so we got dogs!! I really think getting them saved our relationship. Before we had his kids (grown but do not think so) and my two kids 14, and 17. Now we have ours and it has really helped us.
Are they? I'd understood that
Are they? I'd understood that "honor" went to the Miniature Pinscher.....
I grew up my whole life with
I grew up my whole life with yorkies so I expected that part. Actually they are really good we may have an accident once a week and they know when they do wrong.
They are very smart dogs. We got Oliver our little boy first and had him in puppy school right away. At 3 months old he could sit, stay, wait for a treat until command, and walk on a leash. Yes, we were the o so proud parents. When we got Bella we taught her the same things. Now they do much more and go back to intermediate school when they are 7 months old. Potty training is are main goal to accomplish but going good.
They sleep in their own playpens at night so they can not wonder off and have accidents. Our room looks like we have babies again lol
As a kid I had dogs, rabbits,
As a kid I had dogs, rabbits, a hedge hog, a large spiney tailed desert lizard, a few small birds, fish tanks, etc.....
Now we have one 16yo rescue parrot who rules the family. We have had him for 14 years and if he meets his life expectency we only have about 50 more years.
We love him but he is loud, messy and very, very bossy.
We have a female black and
We have a female black and tan coonhound 1 year old rescue girl, and a HUGE goldfish of indeterminate sex.
I love them both so much and they are great therapy for me!!!!!
I have a 6 year old long hair
I have a 6 year old long hair calico and a 2 year old mixed welch corgi/jack russell pup. Do kids and/or husbands count?
We have an 8 year old Shih
We have an 8 year old Shih Tzu, a 2 year old Chihuahua, and 3 cats(8, 7 and 5 years old). Everybody is a rescue except the Shih Tzu.