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Time to come to a decision.

Stepinsanity's picture

This is an update to the latest going on.

I have installed parental monitoring software on the computer my daughter uses at her grandmothers. Before I was seeing any activity my dh and I was talking about some of what was going on. Though we could see on my daughters live space account (the one she didn't know we knew about) that sd was listed as a friend, dh insisted that sd basically just accepted the invite without knowing who it was. So I asked him to explain why she also had the email saved onto her phone. He couldn't give an answer. Well through the monitoring I found out that sd had texted to that email. I asked her like I was being curious and she said she never texted to the email. Well I showed her the proof of it and she was still going to deny it. Needless to say I took her cell phone away again. She had only had it back for a day. Through the monitoring I was able to find out that my daughter wasn't really doing anything bad. Just viewing Justin bieber videos, chipmunking Miley Cyrus songs and browsing for dog pictures. The only bad thing was that it was done behind my back. I talked to her for awhile and have let her know that she will have to be grounded from the net and her phone. She told me that she is tired of the skids treating her like she's just someone they know at school or something and not as family. They have been around each other for almost 2 years now. Another thing that I think what helped bring this on was a couple of weeks ago, the last day my son was home on leave we went and took family pictures. The photographer was picking on my son some and ss started to get defensive. Ss has never been that way with my daughter but yetbhe was that way after just a short time with my son. Keep in mind my son is hardly home because he is in the navy and he left for bootcamp the week after I met dh. I asked my daughter, and told her that I wanted an honest answer so I could know what she needed to be happy again, was she happy living there with dh and skids or would she rather us live somewhere else. That is when she told me about how the skids treat her and she said she liked going to her school. But she wouldn't really say anything else. I think she wanted to say more about not liking where we live but felt like she couldn't. I think she feels like she doesn't have any choice so won't say she doesn't like it. I'm honestly scared for my daughter. I also found out yesterday that some cuts she had and blamed on a girl at school, she had done to herself. There was at least 20 cuts on each leg. She's not happy where we are and I feel that if I stay I'm going to end up loosing her. I know she is screaming out for help and attention right now which is why I hated even having to ground her right now. God this shit fucking sucks! I never though I would be put in this position but here I am. The end is near and I know it. I guess now I have to come to terms with it and accept it. If there was a way to help my daughter without us leaving I would do it in a heartbeat. But because part of the shit is the skids I don't know what could be done.


peaceofmind's picture

You have to talk to her about the cutting. If you don't it can get a lot worse. I have known so many girls who have done it. It's not what you want for your daughter. I really hope that things work out. Maybe you can have a family meeting and tell all the kids that they are family and it's about time everyone start acting like it. I think with the right approch that this could be a really great thing!

Stepinsanity's picture

I wish and hope it can be that simple but when there is a psycho bm telling the skids constantly that my bd isn't their family it makes it really hard to get past.

Stepinsanity's picture

I know. I guess it's just hard to accept because it doesn't make much sense when things are so great when it comes to just me and dh but it not working when the kids are added into the picture. I guess the main thing I am needing to do now is make sure I have everything set financially. I just started a new job and thankfully I can live anywhere to do it. I only have to have a second dedicated phone line.