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My SS7 has been sexually abused! Please help!!!!!

beachstepmom's picture

My SS7 was sexually abused by another young child in December of 2009 while in FL where he lives with his mother. My husband and I live in NC and only get him for 2 weeks every Christmas, 1 week during his Spring Break, and just recently for this whole Summer. My husband was never married to BM and there are no custody papers or anything established as they have never been to court at all.

When the sexual abuse happened my SS7 told his mother that night while she was putting him to bed. She called DSS around 2am and they came out to work the case. He was then referred to a counselor who his mother claims "decided no futher counseling was needed." The sexual abuse was due to bad decision making on her part. Instead of paying for after-school care with the hefty un-court ordered child support that my husband sends every month, she allowed him to get off the school bus every day at one of her friend's houses. My SS7 happened to wander to the next street over with some older kids, age 9 being the oldest, and was playing in a tree house with some other little boys. One thing led to another and my SS7 sais they took turns putting their private parts in each other's mouths. In return the little boy gave him a video game he wanted.

I must explain to all of you that my husband takes no action whatsoever when it comes to taking care of his child other than paying child support and paying for the airline tickets for him to fly to visit with us. I buy all of his clothes, shoes, school supplies, etc. I take care of him exactly as I would if he was my own, other than the fact that BM hates my guts because she thinks I "know it all and make her out to be a bad mother." This is far from the truth, I help her with his school registration, baseball registration, allergy medication, etc. She always wants my help when it is convenient for her but when I try to suggest something she doesn't like she says I am sticking my nose in where it does not belong.

Now to my plea for help....during this summer my stepson has talked about what happened to him and told us that "the stuff never leaves his head." He has asked me if it is alright if he likes boys. He said he didn't like a technique they were teaching him in karate because he felt like the other boys were looking at his private parts. He says that he can't talk to his mom because she will be mad at him. I have recently been talking to her about him seeing a counselor or a a psychologist and she has flew the cookoo nest about this. She says I need to mind my own business and stay out of it. I told her that I have a 9 year old daughter that I have to protect and if he is going to be a part of my life then I will take matters into my own hands if need be. He is scheduled to fly back to FL this coming Saturday so now is the time when I need your opinions and advice because our time with him is running out. Do I have the right to contact the Department of Child Protective Services here in NC where we live and where he currently is right now? OR am I supposed to wait until he goes home and contact them in FL in his county? Do I contact them in his county before he goes home? His mother thinks he needs no help at all.

SS7 has also told us that his mother has made him pee in a cup for her and she claims this is a total lie. He pees in his pants but not when sleeping. He picks his nose and eats it. He does not want to play with other children. He tells his father and I that he does not want to go home to FL and to please let him stay here. He cries to his mother on the phone and begs to live here with us and she tells him he can decide when he is 12.

Someone please give me some good advice because I feel like I NEED to do something now! My husband says it will all work itself out if I would just be more patient. He will not do anything about it. Is it my place to do something? Please help me.


Anon2009's picture

Your husband and his ex make me sick.

My stepkids were also sexually abused. We made sure those responsible were put in prison.

You need to talk to your attorney to see what you can do, even if your husband doesn't. Call CPS and send them all the documentation you have on BM. Here's an article you should read:

beachstepmom's picture

I do not have an attorney and the sexual abuse was from another child so I am afraid there is no one to put in prison. Should I call CPS here while he is still here with us? I am afraid that after he goes home his BM will tell him to not tell the truth, etc.

hismineandours's picture

Didnt you say it had already been investigated? If it has it will do no good to call DCS in either state-he definitiely needs some therapy and if your husband was interested he could go to court and try to obtain custody or just to try and have counseling court ordered. Also, in terms of the therapist, he may not have been willing to open up at the time, but is obviously willing to talk about it now. That being said, i do not think you are the right person for him to talk to-I dont mean any offense but you are not a professional, you may be asking leading questions, or somehow encouraging fabrication. This is something that can plant false memories in his mind.

beachstepmom's picture

I have actually not asked him any questions at all. I listen to the things he says and then tell my husband or if he talks about things to both of us I wait until he is not in the room to discuss it with my husband. My husband has actually been the one to sit him down and talk to him about it. My role in all of this is keeping him away from my daughter. I send my daughter to her father's house or grandparents house for the times that he is here and have explained the situation to them. My ex and his family live less than 5 miles from us so my daughter has no problem with staying with them for the summer. The only time she is under the same roof with my stepson is for Christmas and then I sleep in the bed with her. I realize that I cannot send my daughter away forever and as she gets older she will start to ask questions. Even though my husband says he doesn't mind if we were to get SS7 full time, I do not think he wants him. He likes being the Disney dad and as bad as I hate to say it, the truth is the truth.

The stuff about being made to pee in a cup has not been investigated at all. He has also told us that his mother gives him benadryl to make him go to sleep at night so she can spend "quiet time with her new BF". After reading some things online I have found this is a serious form of child abuse.

oilandwater's picture

I think you are doing a caring and noble thing, but things are probably going to get very bad for you if you don't start putting the responsibility of the welfare of your SS on his father.

beachstepmom's picture

No, we asked his mother about the pee in the cup thing because I actually thought maybe it was for the doctor or in the car and she says it is an absolute lie that he is making up. Tonight my SS tells us that his mom and her boyfriend (who is a cop) take him to a restaurant on Wednesdays and they drink 3 pitchers of beer while he eats curly fries. When we ask him who drives them home he says sometimes mommy drives and sometimes the BF drives.

hismineandours's picture

I just want to suggest that your ss is 7-7 y.o.'s just arent the most reliable reporters. I speak from experience-from the time my ss was 4 he was telling all sorts of things about bm and bm's house and we believed him-this continued all the way up until 3rd grade and still occurs occassionally but not very often because we all ignore it all. What we didnt know is that he was making up equally disturbing things about us-some of those things had some thread of truth in it-I sent him to his room one time when he was 8 and shut the door he was in there for maybe 10 minutes for his time out and then came out. Not a big deal. He went home and told him mother that he was locked in his room all day, denied the opportunity to use the bathroom, pooped in his pants, and that myself and my kids sat in the next room and laughed at him. WTF? Totally fabricated on the one fact that he was sent to his room for 10 minutes. Other things he has completely made up on his own with no bearing on truth. I am not suggesting that your ss has made everything up-and there may be facts that he has unintentionally got wrong-but whether you or your dh are questioning him and discussing this with him will cloud any sort of investigation. As far as the Benadryl-CPS will not do anything about this. Some children are officially prescribed Benadryl to help with sleep, other times dr's recommend it for sleep or for allergies. Our bm used to give ss dramimine for any car rides for "motion sickness" when in reality it was to knock him out so he wouldnt bother her. Do you know how difficult it would be to prove that he did not have car sickness? In fact, she pounded this into ss's head so that eventually ss believed it. If you bring up the stuff about stepdad and bm drinking to cps, they will think it is just another custody dispute.

beachstepmom's picture

I see your point, Hismineandours, and I have wondered if he makes up stories about us when he is with his mother so my husband asked her. She says the only thing he has ever said about us is that I spank my daughter, which is true. My daughter has a mouth on her and has gotten a spanking during one of SS7 visits a few years back. BM had nothing bad to say about this because I do not handle the punsihments when it comes to my SS, I simply tell his father and let him take care of it.

I would like to ask you how you handled your SS4 telling stories and making up lies? Is this done for attention? If my SS7 is lying through his teeth, does he think this will make him come live with us sooner or does he just like to get a rise out of his father? About the Benadryl, he has no allergies and has not been prescribed this by his pediatrician so I think it is mainly used for a sleep aid.

Something I forgot to mention was that SS7 also told us that his mommy's boyfriend leaves his gun hanging on the back of the bedroom door in his belt. He also said that sometimes he just leaves the belt laying in the closet on the floor. My SS7 is way overly fascinated with guns and anything to do with war and the army. Our biggest concern with this is SS7 could get curious and possibly kill himself with the gun on accident.