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We have slain the beast that is the Child Support office!

mamacat_30's picture

So in my previous post I shared with you all about CSSD placing a levy on our bank account. They placed the levy on Saturday, so this morning we go down to the local CSSD office and say "What the heck? We haven't missed a payment on support or arrears in the last 4 years!!". The CS officer says "Well if that's true then they would not have levied your account", she was not believing us at all. So then she looks up DH's payment record in the system, and lo and behold, she confirms we have been faithfully paying our obligation for years, her tone changes completely. And she says that there should be no levy. And goes further to say that there are so many NCP that don't pay anything she doesn't even know why they are messing with DH. So, they are going to remove the lien! YAY!

I do have a separate account that has only my name on it, which is what kept us from absolute panic over the weekend. But I just could not understand why they would levy our joint account when we had been paying all these years. I was actually surprised at the CSSD office, it was fairly painless and our case worker was nice, we didn't even have to wait too long (about 20 min.). I am so grateful that things went well.

Thank you all for your support and advice form my previous post!


Jsmom's picture

Congrats. Nice to hear it went well. I actually mentioned this one to my DH to make sure when we settle with BM soon (hopefully) that he will set up another online acct just for CS.

mamacat_30's picture

In California you can now pay by credit card, I've been thinking of keeping the banks out of it all together.

Lovepets's picture

Blum 3 Wow, I am in CA that would work great for future DH and I. Is there somewhere to look for information about this that you know of? Thank you very much, future DH just called me from court where BM is trying to get more money from him (even though she bankrupted him already Sad ) Luckily things stay the same until he takes her back (oh the drama) so we can have future SD7 week on, week off. Thanks again mamacat_30

starfish's picture

i just learned that we can pay by credit card in fl, too.. i would advice not to get on the auto pay cycle, just go online and post every month..... for some reason if child support changes for the better (HAHAHAHAHAHA) or worse, it will take forever and a day to get it all straightened out... and i love getting the rewards! i pay almost everything with the cc and pay at the end of the month.....

Most Evil's picture

Wow I am so glad to hear it - we have been lucky sometimes too, and get a helpful person in our step court battle. It is a pleasant surprise and a welcome one. HUGS Smile