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All I have to say is "Whatever"

HeatherM's picture

So DH gets a call from BM today asking why there is bruising all around SS8.5's kidneys. She said she didn't notice it, but SS brought it to her attention and told her it was my BS13 who did it...

Fack! Anyways...the whole time Grandpa was here last week he was wrestling hardcore with SS 8.5.. he is a LARGE its hard to pick him up (especially when you are Grandpa)..and well there was major rough housing going on with everyone. We noticed the bruise (not bruises) and both FIL and I thought perhaps we did it because I was giving him the typewritter tickles..and well Grandpa as I've already explained was going at him too... we were all having fun.

My BS hardly spent a second with him because he can't stand how SS 8 turns into a baby around his grandparents...

When we noticed the bruise..we said "Oh have a bruise on your kidney? I hope one of us didn't do it! Does it hurt"...his response.. "no..I didn't even know it was there!?"..

So now a week after the fact he's telling BM that my son is beating him up! I could puke.

DH says "It's not a big deal, he's just a baby around his mom"... I say... whatever.. it is a big deal.. this is BS


stepmasochist's picture

Grr. I've washed a kids mouth out with soap for lying before. In fact, I think lies are dirtier than foul language. I can't stand a liar and I know kids do it, but that one was just pure manipulation. I'd a couple of drops of dawn on a spoon waiting for that kid when he came back.

HeatherM's picture

lol...if you read my other posts you'll see SS is a chronic liar.

Mommy probably asked him to clean his room, and he complained of his bruise... who knows.. all I know is that it's BS..and so is DH's reaction!

lifeisshort's picture

Crayon, that makes me furious.
That kind of judgmental crap is the basis for stereotypes the world over.
I'm sick to death of hearing this crap about what it takes to "be a MAN" from you, of all people.

"All these "weenie, pansy boys that psycho BMs have successfully pussyfied by trying to make them into girls," >>>>> this makes me absolutely SICK. How dare you? What is so wrong with being a sensitive, caring young man? What's wrong with being a young boy who has the ability to empathize, care and be kind? Why is it so wrong to be a man who can express emotion? What makes a man a man? The ability to fight? To control? To dominate? To hunt and kill? To put on a football helmet and ram the bejeezus out of his brain for other's entertainment? To start a war?

I'd rather have a man who can cry openly, who will listen, who will be kind to my children, who will speak with a soft tone, who is patient, who is "sissyfied"... than a man who controls me, dominates me, abuses me. That's the kind of so-called "man" I left years ago.

I would rather my son be what you consider a "pansy" than anything like his domineering, abusive, "manly" father.

lifeisshort's picture

I know. The irony. It's laughable, really.

I would do better to just ignore C's postings. I don't think that situation is ever going to change because she's never going to do anything to change it. She's right, everyone else is wrong. There's no changing that kind of attitude.
At least I can admit it when I'm wrong about something... and apologize. I don't think I've EVER seen a post where C has done that.
I've read her posts for a long time and I see exactly what you see...

herewegoagain's picture

Did you ask your BS13? You stated "he hardly spent anytime w/him", but I would ask/check anyway. Especially since your BS can't stand him...

I too think some women are ridiculous to expect boys to be rough and wrestle and fight...then they turn into violent men and we wonder why.