Just wondering...how do your SO/FH or DH's feel about you blogging on ST?
I always feel so guilty about blogging about our situation and would hate FH to read some of my blogs, as I really lay it out in the open where I really should be discussing it with him. But FH works 7 days a week and teaches after hours and I really don't want to cause more conflict than I already do. FH knows that I have joined this blog but I have told him that it is mostly SM's (sorry to the SF's!) that I chat to and he has nothing to worry about, as it is just a place to let off steam. But you see he is quite jealous and thinks that I am chatting up guys :O . But we are kid-free for 5-6 weeks at the moment as SS13 is with his BM and we put BD11 on a plane this morning
. I miss her but can't say the same about SS13. But as I said to FH today, it is nice not to have to fetch and carry from school, put up with the whining, fighting etc, etc!
- MaGoose2010's blog
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My husband doesnt have a
My husband doesnt have a problem on it. I read other peoples blogs way more than i write my own. He just laughs about how much i am on here. I told him we all kind of think about it as our own personal brand or crack. LOL
My DH has no clue. This is
My DH has no clue. This is my one and only person space to vent. He would probably be upset that I aired dirty laundy, so to speak, but he would not be able to say any of it was untrue.
I agree, gormghlaith. No one
I agree, gormghlaith. No one I know in my community is in the same boat I am in so I feel extremely isolated. I find the advice valuable in most cases and although I live in 3rd world country continents away from most ppl on this site, the majority of us have the same problems. Mostly it is just to let off steam and get perspective on your feelings and thoughts. I experience trust issues with my FH, as his ex cheated on him with his best friend, so I will forever 'pay' for her indisgressions I suppose
. Actually I have NEVER cheated in any relationship that I have had and certainly don't plan to do so now...but only time will heal that wound I suppose!
BF knew about this site
BF knew about this site before we were "official" and he is in full support. He sees it as my diary. Anything I want to share with him, I can, but it is my private place to vent or get reassurance, according to him.
This is my secret diary...lol
This is my secret diary...lol
I don't think you need to
I don't think you need to feel guilty. It's difficult being a SM and even our husbands can't understand. For some of us, this is our saving grace. It might not solve all of our problems but it gives us a place where we actually feel normal. Our husbands should be thankful we're on here, because the energy has to go somewhere. And I think this is healthy. My husband has tried to look at what I was typing before. I told him until he can listen to me say the same things to him, without him getting upset or judgmental, then I'd prefer to keep my privacy.
My BF knows I am on the site
My BF knows I am on the site and doesnt really care. He doesnt ask what I post about and as far as I know doesnt come on here. He knows this site had helped me so much and sometimes when we are talking about things I say "well you know some of my steptalkers to this or that" so he knows that I come here for advice about things and that I apply them to our life. I think if anyones partner has a problem with them being on here then well that just tells me that they know they are acting like D bags and are affraid that their SOs are talking to people about things that are going on.
DH knows and thinks this site
DH knows and thinks this site is full of bitter women and that is a very negative site. He has read some people's blogs and my own and claims that this site influences negatively on me.
My DH knows I visit this
My DH knows I visit this site. But he does not question me about it. The views I get on how to handle things on this site are very important to me. So many times I am too close to the situation to see the clear answer. That's what I love about this site. Honest opinions, no bull.
Mine doesn't know. This is my
Mine doesn't know. This is my one place to come where I know people truly understand me. I wouldn't want him in on my personal space like this.
DH had some things to say
DH had some things to say when I told him about the site. Things like "what the hell for?", "what are you telling them?", "Great, now your going to get even more crackpot ideas." Then for a while it was a roll of the eyes when he knew I was blogging. But then he saw the results. He saw that I was more calm and less agitated when dealing with SS14's crap. I was able to just "let it go" because I knew I could come here and vent. Now he doesn't have any kind of reaction about me blogging. I think he saw a positive improvement in my attitude.
MaGoose, if your FH starts to see actual improvements in your attitude and how well you can handle the situations in your life, he should have no more problems about this site.
And for those who have said that your SO's are afraid of the negativity here, look at it like this. We all have negative thoughts and feelings in our every day lives. It's better that the negativity end up HERE than in our homes and with our families. We can RELEASE the negative more safely here than at home.
(No subject)
I told my DH that I had found
I told my DH that I had found this site and joined. Informed him that it made me feel so not alone in all of this crazy stuff wrapped up in being a stepmom. He was curious and questioning. Curious about what was posted from others. And questioning about what I could possibly be stressed about. Laughing....that tells me he doesnt hear what I have been saying.