OT-Been kind of worrying lately.
So, I've been on birth control since I was 17 and am now 25. There have been a few periods for various reasons and lengths (anywhere from one month to 6 months), that I was unable to take the "pill". A few of the times I was actively sexually involved with whoever my partner was at the time. I've not always been "great" at taking the pill either. I usually always take it everyday, but the times tend to vary quite a bit sometimes.
During those periods of time when I was NOT on any oral contraceptive and I did have sex, without protections, I didn't end up preggers. At the time and now, I thanked my lucky stars that I didn't end up pregnant. I've never been pregnant, even with my sometimes erradic pill taking.
But now I can't help but wondering if that means there is something wrong with my fertility. Hubby and I are going to start trying for a baby next summer and it scares me that maybe I won't be able to have one! It scares me because my mom had Endometriosis(sp?) and from what I've been told it is hereditary and can affect your abilities to have a baby.
I don't know. It just worries me sometimes that when we actually try to have a kid, we won't. Has anyone else had this experience or worries? It seems like kind of a silly thing to worry about now, since right now, I DON'T want to be pregnant, but I can't help but wonder about the future....
Oh...and sorry for being a "blog" hog today.
- lastchance's blog
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You can go to the doctor and
You can go to the doctor and check everything. My friend got pregnant a month ago but she went last year in May to the doctor and checked if everything is fine with her, checked whitch vitamins does she lack etc.
Yep- get checked out- but
Yep- get checked out- but don't worry until you have to. The no pregnancy during erratic pill taking isn't necessarily a sign of infertility because even though you weren't taking the pill as ordered- you still did have those hormones in your body and doing their job.
Have you been checked for
Have you been checked for endometriosis?
I've often wondered the same thing about myself. There have been times where I haven't taken the pill as faithfully as I should have and haven't ended up pregnant. I also get ovarian cysts on one of my ovaries which can cause scar tissue and affect fertility, so I have the same worries as you do.
I have not been checked for
I have not been checked for Endometriosis. I probably should though, but I'm afraid of the answer. When I'm not on the pill, I get horribly painful periods. Even if I'm not sexually active at the time, the pain is what always brings me back on to the pill.
I used to have very big pains
I used to have very big pains too when I`m not on pills and there is nothing wrong with me. Just try to relax and don`t worry to much. Maybe you were just lucky before not getting pregnant
I hope so! I do worry
I hope so! I do worry waaaaaaaay to much about things that are not in my control
Good lord, you sound like me!
Good lord, you sound like me! lol
Uh oh...Heaven help your
Uh oh...Heaven help your husband if you're just like me ;-P just kidding lol
Some people just naturally
Some people just naturally have more painful periods even though nothings wrong with them. I agree, don't worry too much until you know for sure. We all hate to get bad news but it's better to know sooner rather than later.
I have terrible issues with
I have terrible issues with endometriosis and endometrial adhesions. It never prevented me from getting pregnant but caused miscarriage.
You should definitely get checked honey. Good luck
Thank you and I'm sorry for
Thank you and I'm sorry for the ordeal(s) you've had to go through. I couldn't imagine loosing a child. I don't know how long my mom had Endometriosis or how much of a problem it caused her until she had surgery when I was in high school to get all of her "junk" removed. She had a full hysterectomy because of the Endometriosis.
If it helps you any, I am a
If it helps you any, I am a very active 39 year old woman who became pregnant last year after trying for years with my now late husband.
I became pregnant within 4 months.
Just get a basic check-up and stay active. I'm currently on the pill myself. ( hopefully dh gets that vasectomy sooner rather than later.)
Good luck with getting Hubby
Good luck with getting Hubby to have a vasectomy
I would hate having to take a pill for the rest of my life. And congrats on the baby! I bet that was a nice surprise/shock!
I'm pretty healthy in all other areas of my life. I don't smoke and rarely drink. I exercise regularly and take loads of vitamins to make sure I'm getting all the nutrients I need. I think I just worry too much...
I used to worry about the
I used to worry about the same thing and I am just like you when it comes to remembering to take that stupid little pill. Some how (thank God) I never got pregnant!!! My DH has 3 kids...so I don't believe there is anything wrong with his plumbing. I often wondered if there was something wrong with me though because none of the skids were planned and as many times as I have missed taking my pill....I have never ended up prego. Now I think it's kind of a blessing....as I am unsure whether I really want children or not anymore. But I did go to the doctor and ask him about it. He said everything was up and running
and that whenever I decided that I wanted to stop taking the pill (if I ever do) there should be no problem conceiving! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!
Oh god... that's another
Oh god... that's another thing I worry about. Do I really want kids or not? The answer is different at different times of the month lol.
many many many years ago -
many many many years ago - when I was 22 and married the doctor told me that I should go off of the birth control pill because I had been taking it since I was 17. She told me it would be difficult for me to get pregnant because I had been taking the pill for years and started at a young age. So, I went off of the pill because I planned on having children in a couple more years. I then went to another doctor within a month after that and he told me that was bullshit and wrote a prescription for the pill, I was already pregnant.
I think the less you worry about it the better chance you have of getting pregnant. I do know women with endometriosis and endometrial adhesions and they have had children, I feel for them though, it seems to be a very painful medical condition(the endometriosis not pregnancy).
I was in the same boat. THE
I was in the same boat. THE EXACT SAME BOAT! I had always 'felt' that I couldn't have kids. I was on the pill from 13 (due to medical issues) to 28-29. I wasn't great at taking them and that fueled the belief that I couldn't have kids. Then, at 26 I found out I'm polycyctic. So, I became even more irresponsible about taking the pill. At 29 I became pregnant at a very bad time in my life. I had the procedure. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret that decision.
Don't worry. Don't become complacent. Go to the doctors and get yourself checked out.
Isn't endometrios painful? I
Isn't endometrios painful? I believe it causes pain during sex.
As for wondering if you're fertile or not, of course it wouldn't hurt to see a doctor, but you might want to know the ins and outs of fertility to begin with. Get the book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility.
Many doctors - yes, for reals, doctors - will not give you the amazingly helpful information that is in this book. They want to pigeonhole all women into a 28 day cycle (ovulate day 14) and that's just now how the world works. Check it out. It should be required reading for everyone with ovaries.
That is absolutely true! I'm
That is absolutely true! I'm on a sometimes 45 day cycle (for months) then on a 30 day cycle (for months) and back again. All women are different!
Thanks for the book Stepmasochist. I'm going to go buy it!