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Bogus Receipts... is that illegal?

MrsL920's picture

My SS BM and DH are currently going through CS modification. She was supposed to pay 50% of everything and basically stopped paying in 2005...then made a larger payment in 2007 (when she received a lawsuit settlement... oh yes...she is one of those) and then hasnt paid since. DH and I have been relaxed... she has cried her poverty stories and we've just let it all tally... but the lines needs to be drawn when she cant buy herself extravagant new $hit and cant pay us a dime.

So we petitioned for put a CS order in place. the previous for 50/50 split was filed with the custody order so we had to fight it out in custody court... so no help from Dpt of SS.... plus it took them like 4 monthes to tell us they werent going to help. So we moved on to custody court... so fun. my SS BM is a nightmare and loves to hear herself talk (its normally long made up lies...but none the less... on she goes). So that brought us to Jan... we are still working on getting things squared away because she has continued it a million times... "all her records are in storage". So finally last week she produces her first receipts to support the thousands of dollars she has supposedly paid... mind you they total about 500 bucks... i did a little digging and 98% of the 500 are made up. She whited out receipts from others in her family and put my SS name on everything and conveniently just brought copies to court.

is that illegal? I mean it sounds like it to me. anyone know?


HennyPen's picture

If she indeed did that, that would be considered forgery. You can't "make up" receipts and enter them as evidence in court. you are entering a false document as evidence...Forgery!

Totalybogus's picture

It would be considered "Fraud upon the Court." Speak to your attorney about this. If you can prove it, you could be looking at recovering interest on top of what is owed.

stormabruin's picture

Yeah, bogus receipts are illegal in court. If it's brought before the court as evidence, it needs to be truthful evidence.'s lying to the court. Can you prove that they're made up & that she whited out & filled in?

MrsL920's picture

I can... i have print outs from the association she supposedly made payment to which show they are junk

stormabruin's picture

Be sure to take them to court with you. That'll dig her hole deeper with the judge & will give her less credibility, & will help the judge put more faith in you & DH.

HennyPen's picture

boy, she's gonna get herself in trouble with the judge doing that! Good for you for having your back documentation!