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frustratedinMA's picture

So, is there ANY occassion when drama can just stay in check and out of the picture??? I mean.. is there nothing sacred?

This past weekend was filled w/DRAMA.. all by BM and her DH. Skids being dragged into adult scheduling issues and brought to tears.

All I wanted to do, was have a bday party for my 1 yr old.. and to have it DRAMA FREE!! why is that so freakin hard? Why was my anniversary dinner consumed by a phone conversation w/the DRAMA Queen?? Then to have to have DH talk SD 11 down from a fit of tears, because "DH was mad at mommy". Where did she get that from? I am assuming MOMMY!! How about not sharing details of conversations with your god damn kids. How about let them BE kids.

All I wanted was a nice day for the baby and dinner out w/MY dh on OUR annivesary w/o the drama. Lets hope moving far far away will eliminate all the freakin drama.. before my child is old enough to be TRULY affected.

Oh, and SD confirmed that SS 11 does in fact abuse BM's 5 yr old child. So, guess who will NEVER be allowed to live w/us?!?!?! any guesses??? He isnt abusing my children!


Sia's picture

Wow! it never ends does it? She probably new it was your anniversary and wanted to insert herself in the mix???? HUGS, I hope it gets better when you move!

frustratedinMA's picture

She did know it was our anniversary. I am just so annoyed and tired of all the crap that goes on. I just kept telling myself this whole weekend its over soon.. soon you will be many states away and hopefully the drama will subside to a REASONABLE amount to maybe non existant.

I had to do the return, and let me tell you, watching them all as I pulled away in my rear view mirror never felt so FREAKIN GOOD!!!

frustratedinMA's picture

I know.. lol I took great pleasure in that.. Esp since I have no idea when all our paths will cross again, as there are no immediate plans in our near future....

BMJen's picture

She knew what the day was and just had to try to ruin it. I hate her for you right now. What a clue less beyotch.

frustratedinMA's picture

Thank you.. I just dont understand why the feel the need to manufacture drama where its not needed or warranted.

BMJen's picture

It's like God forbid you guys have a nice peaceful day and actually get to celebrate anything without all the BS...........I know that all to well girl. Nothing is sacred when it comes to BM, she'll ruin any and everything possible.

LMR120's picture

Please dont take this the wrong way but when the phone rang and you guys seen it was her why answer it? Why not turn the phone off so you and your family can have a great day. Would that be something that DH would be willing to do?

frustratedinMA's picture

Oh, he had to find out what time she was dropping them off for the baby's party, which was the next am.. and he procrastinated to the point that it was on our way to the restaurant.

It was utterly ridiculous. Also, shouldnt have taken her call on Sunday when she called to say she wouldnt pick them up because SHE didnt want to sit in traffic!! but I should. Oh.. dh had to leave for work early that am. and his parents picked them up on Saturday. She did ZERO driving per usual.. even though she offered to do all the driving that weekend.

Yep.. that is the norm.