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Ummmm...I don't think so!

NachoMama's picture

Just got off the phone with DH. His best friend is coming in for a few days. (He lives about 5 hours away) I asked where he was staying and DH said friend is getting a hotel. So I offered the option of him staying in our guest room to save some money. DH says "Uh...not that's ok he has other plans...." I said, "Do those other plans include another woman???" (This friend is married and I am friends with his wife!) DH..."Call you back in a minute." (He's working...I know this because I could hear a client in the background) WTH??? I KNOW that is what he has come here for....a fling with an ex. I sure hope DH does not plan on hanging out with him! That makes me sick!


TheWife's picture

Wow, if that is true, what a tough predicament to be in. And the friend is an asshole for putting you and your hubby in an awkward sitch. And even more of a terrible friend/asshole for bringing your hubby into it knowing that you are friends with his wife and it might cause probs between u and DH.

If it's true, he is an ass.


"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."

NachoMama's picture

I know that he and his wife have been having some problems.....she can be quite the nutcase at times. But don't bring that crap to me!!! His friend is an ass regardless of whether he cheats or not! He and I have a love/hate relationship......we love to hate each other!

****I can do bad all by myself****

BMJen's picture

I think that if he isn't staying with you guys it's none of your business who he porks while he's in town. Really, its his business, even if you are friends with his wife.

NachoMama's picture

I personally DON'T care who he is doing the deed with...I just don't want him dragging my DH in the middle of it! He is also friends with the wife...

****I can do bad all by myself****

BMJen's picture

I guess that would be your DH's decision to make??

I know I sound shitty but it's seriously not my intent. I just don't want you to get yourself upset over stuff that is totally out of your control....kwim?

TheWife's picture


If your friend knew something was possibly going on with Juice (giggle!) wouldn't you be pissed at her if she knew and didn't tell you? You would feel humiliated, right?

That's why I think if that's why this guy is doing, he is an ass for bringing her and her DH into it. What he does in the dark, he should keep in the dark, and keep to himself.

Even if he tells his friend, now he is putting his friend into the position of having to lie to his wife.

It's all really selfish on his part.

"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."

TheWife's picture

Right. He should not be dragging you guys into this mess. And for that, he is an ass.


"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."

outofplace's picture

I hate being in the middle of things as well, but if my husband was out fooling around and my friend found out and didn't tell me, I'd be pretty hurt. If they did tell me, I'd thank them to no end, perhaps I never would have found out if they hadn't told me. Unlikely but ya never know.

DISbelief's picture

Ew, what a crappy situation. I would be furious if I found out that DH was cheating on my and my friend and her hubby KNEW about it and didn't tell me.

I think if I were in your situation, I would try to learn as little as possible about the details, that way when you are asked you can honestly say I DON'T KNOW!!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

BMJen's picture

I knew of a friends hubby doing this. I told her and ended up losing my friend.

He convinced her I was just trying to cause them trouble. They are still married, and I'm sure he's still cheating. Sad. Sad

DISbelief's picture

And THAT's why I would want to know as little as possible. You are damned if you do, and damned if you don't!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

TheWife's picture

Well, that's f*cked up.


"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."

NachoMama's picture

Just talked to him again...he said "I know nothing." I told him he was a TERRIBLE liar but please keep whatever he didn't know to himself!!! And stay the F*** away from that hotel too!

****I can do bad all by myself****

NachoMama's picture

It's one of his old high school buddies. I call it his boyfriend...they are so gay for one another. (Not that I have a problem with anyone that is gay mind you....just want to throw that out there before someone rips me a new one!) He is a REAL piece of work...and shit apparently!

****I can do bad all by myself****

JMC's picture

It truly sucks being put in the middle of these kinds of situations. If your friend finds out and also discovers you knew about it, she'll be mad at you. If you tell her, chances are you'll end up losing her friendship anyway (like BMJen's sitch). DH & I are friends with a couple where the guy is always hanging out at the bars & picking up other women. She texts or calls me all the time complaining that he's at such and such bar,usually drunk on his butt doing shots off some chick's boobs or belly. (Yeah, he hangs out at some really raunchy places!) I sympathize with my friend, but I don't want in the middle of their battles because no one wins. This friend is always wanting my DH to go with him to the bars while I'm at work - thankfully, my DH doesn't believe in going to a bar without me (he gets brownie points for that!)

Nacho, I feel your pain - it's damned if you do, damned if you don't. Maybe you & your DH can be busy during his friend's visit & won't have to put yourself in harm's way.

JMC's picture

LOL, I posted this & just saw Disbelief's response of damned if you do, damned if you don't ---- great minds think alike!

Snowflake's picture

I would just stay out of it. It is between them and you will seem like the bad guy. Just let them work out their own issues... don't condone it, don't disown it. Just stay out of it!!!

If you tell the wife, then it will make you seem like you are trying to wallow in her misery. So, I would just let DH deal with it and pretend like you don't know. Let him deal with the fall out. And DONT let this friend even think that you know. Dont let him meet you and dh while he is in town. If he wants to meet dh... fine, if that is what dh wants to do.

Rain's picture

This may not be a very popular thought, but I would tattle, tattle, tattle. Especially if she was my friend.

I would also question why my DH is such a good friend with this person. Once you get past a certain age, you usually hang out with people that you like and people that you have a lot in common with. (Not so much if you are under 25. You will hang with anyone!) lol

I would not hang out/ be friends with known cheater. I do not believe in it, so I would not want to be friends with them. JMHO.

TheWife's picture

Honestly, I would too.

It's not my business, at all. And I would be prepared for a shitstorm. But he should have kept her and her DH out of it, period. You never let the right hand know what the left hand is doing. He is dumb, and he deserves it if he gets caught.


"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."

lifeisshort's picture

If it were me, I'd want my friend to call me up ASAP and tattle away.
I might be upset, but at least I'd have a chance to high-tail it down there and catch the a$$hole in the act and humiliate him in front of his friend and the ho he decided to poke. Not only that, but I'd have a chance to get myself to the doctor to check for any STD's and begin divorce proceedings.

I think I'd be more upset if I found out that my friend knew and didn't tell me. That would be humiliating.