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Need Advice on How to Use Current Situation to Help Partner Come to Terms With His Guilt Parenting

PoisonApples's picture

Long! Sorry!


My partner has sd7 and sd5 and has been guilty of guilt parenting. We have dd3 and he has favoured his girls, particularly sd5 over ours time after time. We've discussed this, he accepts it and is trying to change it but it's difficult. He left the marriage when ex was pregnant with sd5 and I think that's a big part of why he has a hard time disciplining her and lets her run all over him.

On separation ex got 2/3 or proceeds from the family home (1/3 for her 1/3 for the 2 skids) which she promptly put into an overpriced house at the top of the market which is now worth less than half of what she still owes on it. She also got a ridiculous amount of cs and everything in the house. My partner took the clothes he was wearing and some gold he had purchased before he married her (value about 10k) and got 1/3 the money from the sale of the family home (about $150k). The ex also managed to get his pension signed over entirely to her 2 children with our child excluded from benefiting (approx $500k to be paid on event of his death)

My partner became ill 3 years ago and went on disability. The amount of cs he was required to pay was about 4 times his disability payment. He tried to get it reduced but the courts refused to even look at it because he had assets (his share of money from the sale of the home which he hadn't spent but was saving for us to buy a home). He ended up giving most of that money back to her in the form of cs over the next couple of years and spending some of it on our living expenses when I took a year off after the birth of our child. He went to court 3 more times for a reduction but the judges refused to discuss because he still had assets. When the money was nearly gone he gave me the gold to hold in trust for our child because he knew the ex was going to get everything else and he wanted our child to have something.

When the money ran out and still there was no relief from the courts he ran up his visa 15k to pay cs. I was back at work at this point and when he couldn't run the visa up anymore I started paying cs but she was so horrible to me at every turn that I finally said no more. For the last 6 months he has paid cs regularly, but he has paid about half of the court ordered amount (which is still way more than the national average).

Incidentally, she never spent the cs on the kids at all. She wears new, expensive clothing, bought herself a new car, had her entire house completely refitted - even though it was losing value at a rate higher than what she was spending on it while her kids wear the most awful, worn out, ill fitting, torn hand-me-down rags imaginable.

Due to illness he only works 3 days a week now so he's off disability but his income is low. The amount of cs he pays now is about half of his salary so I pay nearly all the bills and expenses.

A month ago ex took him to court to try to get the gold but the judge tossed it out of court. At the same time his cs was reduced drastically. She was so pissed off she started shouting at him in the court and the judge had to tell her to shut up. She immediately declared that he could no longer see his children 'until other matters are clarified', meaning obviously, until I hand over the gold. I WILL NOT!!

Anyway, to get to the point of this blog, the skids haven't been around for a month and life has been SO MUCH more peaceful. When they are here things are so tense, my partner is on eggshells trying to make sure he doesn't favour them (he's trying - bless his heart) and they are spoiled, helpless, clingy, demanding...not much fun most of the time, mostly due to PAS from the mother. I can honestly say that I am delighted that she's not letting them come around. I don't hate them and I WILL miss them eventually but I don't yet and I think the break from them is good for us and for our relationship which has become quite strained due to the problems with his ex and her over the top hostile-aggressive parenting. Everything with this woman is high-drama and she's as fake as a 3$ bill. When they are here things are SO tense because of his guilt parenting which I see as favouritism. He doesn't really miss them yet either (although he'd probably never admit that) and it's clear from his reaction (but not his words) that he too is enjoying the break from the tension.

I'm thinking that this would be a good opportunity to try to drive home the point that he parents out of guilt but I know that I have to be VERY careful how I broach this topic with him. I'm an American and much more direct than he is which has been a problem for us in the past so I don't want to take a bulldozer approach which would just push him further into getting defensive about them.

This morning I mentioned that it was more peaceful and that we should use this time (until he can get a court to force her to resume access) to sort out our issues around them. He agreed that things are more peaceful. I then said that I can honestly say that I don't yet miss them but that I know that I will and that I think he feels the same way. He admitted that he feels conflicted about the current situation. I pressed by saying that I don't think he misses them really yet and that he feels guilty about that and is more driven by duty, by the idea that he is SUPPOSED to be freaking out and that if he admits to not wanting them around all the time he's a bad father. He asked me to stop talking like that because maybe that's something he just doesn't want to face.

OK, I know this is delicate and I don't want his skids out of our lives permanently. I just want a healthier approach when they do start coming back. My thought was that if he would face his REAL feelings right now and see that he's driven more by guilt at this particular moment than by a true desire to want to have them here at this very moment that maybe he'd be able to keep that thought and see that by catering to them when they are here that he is guilt parenting rather than doing something that is real and is best for them.

I hope I've explained this properly. Any ideas or suggestions on how I can proceed without giving him the impression that I hate his kids and never want to see them again? I just want him to take a step back and deal with the situation from a REAL perspective with real feelings rather than a guilt-based one.


PoisonApples's picture

He HAS his own therapist and they touch on these issues.

I think the point you are missing stepberg, is that he is my best friend. He does value my opinion and I can have an influence on him. We aren't enemies, we are partners. He's made huge improvements regarding his kids over the years. When they first started coming over they had him jumping through hoops to please them, he spent every second entertaining them and he'd actually take orders from the then 3.5 year old. He'd cook 4 different meals for her that she requested and then rejected and the way she ordered him around was unbelievable!

He's made fantastic progress and most of this is due to me talking to him - as his friend - and helping him to understand that the way he was treating them wasn't good for them.

I can have an influence on him. I'm not trying to control him only for my own benefit (although that would be a nice feature of his acceptance of this) but to help him be more at ease when his kids are around, so he can be a parent and enjoy them without feeling all the guilt. I don't see anything wrong with that. In fact, I think that is my job as his partner and his friend.

Poison Apples For Sale - My Specialty - Cheaper by the dozen - Hurry while supplies last.

bearcub25's picture

You will have to have an honest discussion when you know they are coming back. Tell him that you want to continue the peace while they are there, and not go back to the misery you had before. Several ppl on here have written and posted list of rules and consequences for not following the rules. That would be one place to start.

but it is up to him in the end. He is going to have to buckle down to make it work.

Personally I have had these talks with my BF and they are never followed thru for long. I have just given up and accepted that he has caused my dislike of the behavior of his kids. But when I beat my head against a wall for too long, I get a headache.

soverysad's picture

Poison, I was able to have this discussion with my DH. You're right it is sensitive and your approach is very important. For me, I didn't make it about me. I made it about the kid. I used examples of what she would be like as an adult (often comparing her to her mother if warranted) if he continued on this path. I made sure to let him know that I loved him and that I felt he was a good father and that I knew he wanted what was best for his daughter. I didn't want him to think that I thought he sucked and needed to be fixed. I let him know that I, too, had a vested interest in his kid growing up to be a productive member of society and that in order for that to happen she needed someone to teach her independence and responsibility. I reminded him that those qualities are what he loved about me and why wouldn't he want that for his child. I asked him if he wanted his child to grow up with an entitled attitude that everyone owes her something and have her come home at 40 because she was a lousy wife and her husband left her (which is what happened to her mother!!). He started to see the light. He doesn't want his daughter to grow up emulating a woman he hated. It took time. There were no over night changes, but I can honestly say that 3 years later, he is a great father with his priorities straight. He still feels guilty sometimes. When that happens I ask him if he thinks she'd be better off if he was still with her mother, knowing full well that the answer is NO. She wouldn't have a chance in hell if they were still together.

So, does you dh want his daughters to grow up to be money-grubbing assholes who live beyond their means and use their children as pawns to get their way?

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

There IS a difference between having a different opinion and being an asshole, find it.

PoisonApples's picture

That's what I'm leaning toward soverysad. I have to be careful with the 'what she will be like as an adult' thing because he's accused me of being alarmist, of saying things are hopeless and of unfairly predicting the future. Also I have to be careful of comparing to their mother because he's said before that perhaps some of my problems with one of the children - who looks, acts, whines, and bullies just like her mother - is due to me projecting my feelings for the mother onto the child. he's wrong. I detest those behaviours in anyone and it has nothing to do with the mother. I wouldn't tolerate those behaviours in my own child.

Overall, these are the kinds of things I've said to him over the years and he has improved soooo much already but there is still a long way to go.

Wish me luck. It's nearly going home time here and I plan on trying to have 'the talk' this evening.

Poison Apples For Sale - My Specialty - Cheaper by the dozen - Hurry while supplies last.

PoisonApples's picture

Thanks StepAside,

i've ordered the book '7 worst things good parents do'. Are you familiar with that one? could you recommend any other specific ones?

my boyfriend loves books and it is a good way to get him to accept things he otherwise would resist.

No, you didn't sound holier than thou. You sounded like someone I'd love to meet for a cup of coffee and chat. Thank you.

Poison Apples For Sale - My Specialty - Cheaper by the dozen - Hurry while supplies last.