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Kinda OT, Easter Holiday?

Thetis's picture

Who here celebrates Easter weekend? Have you always? Or is it something just for the kids?

I have always celebrated Easter. My parents (well my mom) made it a big deal for us when we were growing up. I have some great memories of me and my brother trying to find Easter Eggs all over the house. I think its magical the way she did it, and I love those memories. Now since we're older we all just get together for turkey at moms house. I love having regular Holidays to catch up with my brother and get to know his girlfriend.

Dh has never celebrated Easter except for last year.

So I guess another question would be how do you compromise so both sides feel respected? Since his mother died before SD was born DH has stopped enjoying holidays. Halloween, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving and all of those are more trouble to him then he thinks they're worth.

(He has since changed his mind about Halloween because me and mom MADE him dress up last year and there is something about painting a bullet hole on your MIL's forehead that can break the ice on any mans heart! lol)


TheWife's picture

My family is big on holidays. DH's not so much, but they still celebrate them.

But DH (ahem, *I*) always make SD an Easter basket, and this year we have the outlaws coming over to have a birthday party at my house, and after the party we are going to my mom's house for Easter.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

stepmom008's picture

Holidays were always religious in my family but they're not now that I'm with BF. I'm fine with that, it's just a little different for me.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Thetis's picture

My Aunt has recently started organizing the family in our town to go to church. Its really need. We have the coolest Reverand lol, I gotta laugh alot of people wouldn't like him. He was making "jokes" about Mary at Christmas. "She wouldn't be able to say that now a days" I thought it was funny, and he kept us listening to the actual story. Ohh and you should have seen him with the kids! It was great! Next time I'm bring SD because she would love it! I had such a good time with all the girls that I want to go again.
However, I would never expect Dh to come with me. I don't know if he'll even be there when our kids are Baptised. lol Maybe stand at the door and take pictures!

stepmom008's picture

My best friend growing up went to the same Catholic school and church that I did - only her Mom went to church though. On the rare occasions that her Dad did go, it ALWAYS rained. I'm not kidding - every damn time. It became a running joke in the neighborhood.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Storm76's picture

I grew up in a church going family, so Easter was always about the faith for us, and then we'd get an egg each & have a nice dinner.

in the UK we get the Friday & Monday off work, so for a lot of people it's become a good weekend to get away to see family etc, rather than a big 'holiday' per se

"God never gives us more than we can cope with, I just wish he didn't have such faith in me!"

newlymarried's picture

We have always celebrated Easter since i was a little girl. Now my oldest BD is 13 and we still get her a basket and hide eggs for the little ones. Your husband has to do it for his kids and family. I understand losing a loved one puts a damper on holidays. My grandmother died on Christmas Day (Funny thing is she was born on Christmas day to).But my mom went through a spell where she was always very sad around the holidays. but you have to learn to go on. He still has people here that he needs to enjoy life with. If you can bring him back to enjoying Halloween with dressing up maybe he should get himself a Easter Bunny costume and hide eggs for the kids!LOL

Thetis's picture

Hmmm... He'd be the perfect Easter Bunny!!!! lol I wonder if I can find a full costume in my small town! I got Munchkin some bright pink Easter Bunny ears, maybe I should have got all of us some...
Ohh or even filled some eggs for him!

Torn's picture

My family always made holidays a big deal..Mostly Xmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. Not for the reasons behind the holidays, just for me. I was the only child in our family. But now that I'm grown it's not really a big deal for my family. Now I have my own children. DH and I do make Easter, Christmas, Halloween etc a big deal for our children. But for the family dinner things- Most times during Xmas and Thanksgiving we break days up-Eat dinner with MIL and then over to my Grandmas house for dinner also. This way, both sides of the family get to see the children. It would be nice to have a holiday dinner like we see in the movies where both sides of the family have one big dinner..but that will not be happening...ever LOL

~Never interrupt your enemy when she is making a mistake.~

~No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent.~

Kb3Hooah's picture

Growing up we always hunted eggs at home. I would get an easter basket with candy and maybe a stuffed bunny. BF was always given some kind of "gift" on Easter, so he's always done this with his kids as well. I thought this was very strange, but followed suit so that my kids weren't left out. I will NOT buy anything big, like you would with a Bday gift or Christmas gift. They may get a book, a shirt....anything less than $10-$15 in their Easter baskets with the candy.

We normally go to church on Saturday and participate in the huge Easter egg hunts. Then we do something small, and family oriented on Sundays.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Thetis's picture

I think I spent $50 on Easter this year, but I gave over half the candy away or ate it with Dh. I like Munchkin to have a variety of candies and I don't mind eating some so she doesn't end up with BAGS of them. It'll be cheaper when we have our kids because then the candy can be split between all the baskets. I also bought her a little toy (I think it was like a buck, its a little bunny that hops around) and some easter bunny ears!

I love the "magic" of the holidays. She really has a blast doing things that me and my family did growing up and that makes me feel really good. She knows that her Sm and the Easter Bunny are really good buddies, thats how the Easter Bunny knows her fav color!

Thetis's picture

... ish...
They can't get shaken baby syndrom when they're not babies right! I wouldn't do it if SD was a bitch about it. But she really loves the stuff I do for our specail days.

JMC's picture

My mom always made a big deal out of the holidays and since she passed away in '06 I really miss all the big to do. She made all of us kids (we're all adults now) Easter baskets with our favorite candies & goodies along with some little something like jewelry or a nice shirt. I still make my hubby a basket & buy him some little something (usually a kitchen gadget since he loves to cook or fishing stuff.) Since DH & I have been married, I usually make baskets for his family but I probably won't this year since they really don't seem to appreciate the work & expense that goes into them.