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another ot, but need advice please

startingover2010's picture

bf and i have had financial difficulties from the start, mainly from his irresponsibility with money. here is a break down:

1st house, my parents helped us with electric, rent, and other things throughout the 2yrs we lived there.

apt., my dad gave us the money to move in

this house, my dad has helped with utilities, and also just spent 800 on the ac for our car.

bf's family has helped too. the kicker? we always paid his grandpa back in full, and his mom back at least half, with tax returns the last 5 years. my parents have gotten zero.

why? well, by the time we paid his family, there wasnt much left. my dad never mentioned payback so bf assumed it meant we didnt have to pay back right away. not true, my dad just didnt want us to put ourselves further back by paying him back.

but now my dad and mom are in a bad financial state. i just began school and am getting a 1000 back from my grant. my dad asked me if i planned to give him some money from it. i had said yes, 300 for right now. my dad said he was hoping for 450-500.

i can do that being i get back 1000. but, the money we just got from my bd's ssi is pretty much gone--and my bf thought, oh well we get that back plus an extra 500 so its all good.

no it isnt. he hasnt paid any bills yet this month. plus, my dad has never been paid back so i have to. we probably wont make it this month if i do but i cant let my dad down.

havent told bf about it yet i know he is gonna be mad. but wheres the fairness? he states that we always pay his family back cause the money will always be there is we need it, they dont care. if they dont care why do we have to pay them back?

i am selling some old toys and my printer to try to make extra money. so far no luck. i calculated our bills versus the money we get this month and if i pay my dad back then we end up with like 200 left for the month---for gas food diapers ect.

how do i tell bf? i mean, he will clearly blame me. but i value my dads respect for me more than what bf thinks of me at this point. my dad helped us, why cant we help them?

stuknaz's picture

thinks of me at this point!'

There is your answer! You do what is right by your Dad! They are struggling financially at the moment and he has always been there for you(BF too) in the past. Give your father the money($500.00)not $300.00.
Your boyfriend should be ashamed of himself and how can you guys just pay his people back and not yours?? What the hell is up with that??
I know it will be tight(money) but YOU will find a way. It will work out in the end.
And screw BF if he gets mad!! Why doesn't he get another job or something to help out?
Anyway, that is your father! Do the right thing! Your BF is just a BF they come and go but your father is forever!

"And this too shall pass..."

Orange County Ca's picture

Get rid of him. Seriously - you and your family are second fiddle and always will be.


There's an exception to everything I say.

now4teens's picture

"bf and i have had financial difficulties from the start, mainly from his irresponsibility with money."

and NOW he's going to be mad at YOU because you want do the right thing in paying back YOUR FATHER- the one who has been there all along to help you guys out???

I call busllshit on this one!

I'm sorry I take a hard stance on this one, but I was married for 10 LONG YEARS to an asshole just like this. He did stupid-ass things all the time to get us into financial trouble and then had the nerve to BLAME ME when I wanted to do the right things by MY FAMILY-

The ones who were ALWAYS THERE to bail us out over the years in the first place.

And that's one of the MANY REASONS he's now my EX-HUSBAND.

You do what is right by your FATHER- your FAMILY.

This man isn't even your husband and he's the one who got you into this mess in the first place.

(Getting off my soapbox now)

I'm so sorry he put you in this situation, hon. You mentioned SSI for your child- is she disabled?

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"