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Hello Ladies - Long time no see... Just saying "hi" and update... Long

Stick's picture

Wow. Lots going on here, huh? I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I check in on the girls about once a week, and am sorry I don't get to be part of the site anymore. But also, I can see some of the emotional havoc that has been on lately. I truly hope that everyone is alright and finding strength when and where they need it.

As for me... I am up and down.

I started a new job March 1st. This job is NOT related to my field in any way shape or form. For anyone that knows my story - my husband is traveling with a show and is gone for weeks/months at a time. That's my field. I am a "roadie". And I gave that up (temporarily) because SD could no longer thrive or even survive living with her mom. My husband and I knew that we would no longer be able to tour together, we would have to "tag-team" it and one of us would stay home while the other would go on the road. As it turned out, my husband got a fantastic touring opportunity and neither he, nor I, could let it pass. So ...he is on the road... and I am home.

I took a job for a financial company that is sooo far removed from the way I have lived my life for the past 20 years that I am going through major adjustments and emotional upheaval. First of all.. there is no music at all in the workplace. I worked for radio for 10 years and then toured with bands and shows for 10 years after. And now I am working in a corporate QUIET business casual atmosphere. 8a - 5p .. Business casual.... no swearing and no dirty jokes!! They can read my email and I cannot access outside web sites such as this during the day! This is the quietest job I have ever had. It's like working in a tight-attitude library!! EEEK! Then come home and make dinner for SD... take her to her doctor's appointments.... and do all the "mom" stuff. The reason I took this job is Angel it pays very decent ... and (b) it's TEMPORARY!!! So I only have to do this for the next 4-5 months.... (at least, that's the plan).

DH is wonderful... and completely gets what this is doing to me emotionally. He has offered to try to get off his job, so I can tour again, but his is so good, that I am not ready for us to give up that opportunity yet. So... I have to suck it up for now. DH has said to me so many times that he realizes this is "not what I signed up for". I so appreciate that he acknowledges all of the changes that we have dealt with together. I truly am blessed to have him.

The sacrifices are a lot. My career (which I feel further and further from each day, with the hope that DH and I can tour together again when SD goes to college next year).... a huge financial hit because I am not making the money at home as I would on the road.... and being able to see my husband every day (which we did when we toured together, but not when I was on the road and he was home so I really can't count that one).

We are doing it all so SD grows up healthier and happier. And truth be told... we ARE seeing the fruits of our labor. She is making new friends. She is in the school plays. She is taking field trips and WANTS to go!! She is progressing (very very slowly) in therapy. She has plans for a better future. This is what DH and I are focusing on.

Also, BM finally signed the revised Divorce Agreement, agreeing to child support - albeit at about $80 less total per month than what she should owe legally. She has not paid anything yet... but we are getting the papers filed. It was one of the things DH had to take care of during his week at home... which sucked.

DH's mom has been picking on me lately about not "cooking" well enough. And how I don't "really cook"... Which pissed me off for a long time. Uhhhhh I am taking care of your granddaughter and making her dinner every night.... so I don't want to hear any shit at all about whether you think I am a good cook enough or not.

I have to say, that when I am dressed for work - and not feeling comfortable...and am not used to the 8-5 thing... and am missing my husband... and hear him missing me too... and feeling our financial struggles .... when I am feeling caged.. and really missing my career - because it is what I have wanted to do before I even knew what it was... It sounds so corny, but I feel like I have a gypsy heart and it is being boxed up right now.

I know that some of you may think... "Why?" "Why do it?" "Are you playing the martyr?" And I can say it's because DH and I are handling things together. I am lucky that he is willing to forgo a great opportunity so that I can be a gypsy again. The fact that he is willing to do so, is what gives me the strength to not need it so much. If that makes any sense. We have a goal together. We have a plan together. We need to get through this next year and then hopefully things will straighten out. It's definitely a gamble. And I am afraid things won't work out as we hope. But I can't live in fear of "what if it doesn't turn out that way??" Can I? No. It doesn't stop my fear. But I won't let that rule me.

And I can completely see how some of us can get bitter and angry and lost in the anger and the blame. For so long, I was so completely bitter and angry toward BM.... and toward SD. And even now, when I come home some nights, and I am feeling tired and just sad... I cringe at the thought of putting on a happy face for SD and making her dinner and listening to her day... while I feel like I am dying inside. And I struggle with letting DH know while he is so far away from home. So far, I have told him how I felt, so I am not keeping it from him. But it doesn't help either one of us I think, sometimes.

What I think I have come to understand is the answer though to "who's fault is all of this?" And the truthful answer - at least as I believe it NO ONE'S.

It's certainly not mine. I am just trying to keep up.

It's not SD's. She doesn't want to be a needy, emotionally struggling teenager. She WANTS a better life for herself. She is trying. She doesn't understand that she needs to grow up a bit , or maybe she does. Since our relationship is good, I think I have it easier than many of you. But understand.... it's not for lack of BM or BM's family trying to get this kid not to feel the way she does. They have tried PASing her. And I had to overcome being dad's "attention-grabber" away from her too. I am lucky that DH doesn't hesitate to let SD be aware of some of my personal sacrifices and tell her to "behave" toward me.

It's not my DH's fault. He doesn't want this life for me, or for us. He wants the best life for his daughter and that's okay with me. And I know he wishes that BM and SD would be happier together. He has done / is doing the best he can. I think our SO's are easy targets for our anger and bitterness because IF they would just (fill in the blank), things would be better. But what I feel we need to realize is that for the most part, I think our SO;s are doing the best they can, the best they know how. And we need to help them do better, but also to help ourselves realize that maybe our way isn't always better either.

And lastly..... BM. Sure, it would be so easy to blame her. If she was a better, truer mom to her daughter, I could have my life. I could be on the road. Yeah, we would be paying her child support. But SD would have her mom in her life. I feel anger toward BM. And I feel disgust. But my bitterness has waned. Instead, I feel more empathy. She has lost her husband. And now, she has almost lost her daughter. We did get child support filed, but she has not paid yet. I am not happy with BM. But I don't know if letting anger or bitterness or whatever it would be consume me would help me get further along. I don't think it would help me at all right now. I think it would make me more miserable if I LET my anger toward her be more pronounced in myself.

So.... I am living my life as "it is what it is" for now. It's not anyone's fault... or maybe it's ALL OF OUR doing. We all play our own part. I am not completely "happy"..... but I am sure as hell not letting myself give in to all the negativity that I could. All I know is that everything is changeable. And yeah, things may not be what "I signed up for".... but eventually I think, I HOPE they will be. My goal is to grow old with my husband.

Hope this all makes sense. And I miss talking to you ladies all day! Smile


bearcub25's picture

Good for you. We all have to make sacrifices in our lives at times for others. Whether our DHs, our parents, or our kids, bio and step. I'm glad that you are able to see the other end of the tunnel.

NO music at work, no free lancing the internet....that really sucks though. Being a roadie would be so awesome. I def have rock n roll fantasies with zero musical talent.

I didn't realize you had such an exciting career. You'll get back to it. The next year is but a fleeting part of the whole picture of life and will make you a better person in the end.

Stick's picture

Bearcub - thanks for answering and reading! Smile I know that we all have sacrifices to make. I think you hinted at an important point.. and that is... WE ALL have them.... It's just how we deal with them.... you know?

Thanks for the well wishes. I too feel like this next year is just a fleeting part of the big picture!

(Hugs girl)

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

belleboudeuse's picture

Stick! First, thanks for the update. I've been wondering where you were and how you were.

I'm sorry that you're struggling with this stuff. But even though it was hard reading parts of your blog, a couple of things really struck me:

1) That there's a light at the end of the tunnel when SD goes to college!

2) How lucky you and DH are to have each other, and to have such a strong marriage. You know, a few years from now, you will look back on this time. You will be happy and proud to have done this for DH and for the two of you. And you will be happy to have given him such a strong message about your commitment to him and your love for him. You might not be very happy to be DOING this right now, but you will be extremely happy to HAVE DONE it when you look back.

So glad you checked in -- hope you can do it a little more often! And good luck putting a little more rock and roll into your workplace! Smile


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

Stick's picture

Thanks so much BB!! I really miss you ladies - which is funny to me, seeing how we don't completely "know" each other!

I think of you and your SD's (especially the younger one) often. How is your older SD doing with her college search? How is younger SD coping?

Was my blog hard to read because it didn't make sense? I felt like there was so much to put in there and I was concerned I was being too jumpy all over the place.

Thanks for the kind words. I am very lucky, I know.

And I hope you are right... I hope I can put a little rock 'n roll in that place! EEEk! Smile (Hugs) !! Smile

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

belleboudeuse's picture

Only hard to read because it bummed me out to think of you feeling so hemmed in, honey.

Younger SD is doing very well for the most part! Yay! Still issues with her mom, but that doesn't go away.

Older SD is still waiting on financial aid info for her 2nd choice school (she didn't get into the first choice but she's okay with it). I think the financial picture will be good enough that she can go to her 2nd choice. Yay!

And hey, spring is finally coming to our neck of the woods. In fact, DH and I are going on a walk right now. Ahhhh!


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

Stick's picture

Spring does have a way of brightening everything up, doesn't it? And the fact that it's not dark out when I come home is a huge help! Smile I have a nice ride to and from the place (even though it's 45 minutes away)... it's a nice ride by farms and stuff. So that also helps me feel a little free - er! Smile

Glad to hear that younger SD is doing very well... and that older SD is okay with her 2nd choice of school. But especially happy to hear that you and DH are going for a walk together.... and just to hear from you! Smile

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Stick's picture

Ms. Freeze - you just made me tear up! Thank you so much for the hugs and for the response!

Thanks so much for being "here" with me. You have given me a gift today! How are you doing?

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

You know I've been missing you Stick!!!! Glad to have the update from you! Smile

Stick's picture

I know WSM! And I have been missing you and our Facebook chats too!! Smile

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

BMJen's picture

I have been wondering where you were also. We could have certainly used level headed Stick around latley! Smile

Missed you but glad to know you still check in. (((((hugs))))

Stick's picture

(( Hugs )) BMJen - Did I read right? Did your DH come on board as "Juice"? Smile How is he feeling?

I have been checking in a bit, but super unable to post. Sometimes keeping myself out of the negativity in my own life is preventing me from coming on here, or from even replying. How can I help someone else when I am trying to stay on the "bright" side?

I don't know if I would have been level headed or just jumped right in. I think in that way, the lack of time on here gave me some clarity to read and not react!

Hope you are doing well girl! Smile How's things going with SD and her wedding plans?

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

BMJen's picture

Yes, he's my Juicey! Smile You noticed.......awwwwwwww!! More (((((hugs)))) for you! LOL

Everything is going great girl. Thanks for asking.

I'm really glad to see you. Smile I missed you.

SoTired1's picture


I hope everything works out for you & your family as your heart desires. God Bless & be well.

"Only the wisest and stupidest of man never change."--Confucius

Stick's picture

Thanks SoTired1. I appreciate it. God Bless you and your family as well! Smile

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Stick's picture

Update - I just smelled my husband's worn pajamas that he wore last week when he was home... before leaving Monday for 10 weeks. To see if I could "smell" him and be close to him. I am lonely! I don't know if I should laugh at myself or cry. Sad

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Silver's picture

1) It was good to see you update. I really hope that the next few months can fly by for you, so that you can get to where you want to be.


2) I do the same thing. Sometimes I sleep cuddling with a sweatshirt of BF's when he isn't here. Does he have internet access? Maybe you guys can Skype and "see" each other at least.

"I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown

Stick's picture

He does have internet and we have friends and family on our phone. So we talk and text multiple times throughout the day.

But I almost broke down crying yesterday in the supermarket because it was a beautiful Spring day, SD was out with friends, and I was looking at sausages that could be grilled. It made me miss DH so much!

Of course, he turned it into a joke, saying "You look at sausages and think of me. How freudian!"

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

BMJen's picture

"Of course, he turned it into a joke, saying "You look at sausages and think of me. How freudian!"

That's so something Juice would say. It's so funny that men are so much alike! LOL

Stick's picture

Thanks Silver too, for writing!

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

soverysad's picture

Great blog Stick! Hang in there and keep up the good work and attitude. I know it is a struggle.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

Stick's picture

Thanks SoVery! It's nice to come back and visit friends! Smile And yeah,... I know YOU understand how so much of it is a struggle, but we get through it!

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Stick's picture

DPW - I have missed seeing you more often. I was also sooooo happy to read your update. It seems that things are really going well for you. I thought the note about the anti-depressants was very interesting. Did you suffer any side effects (sleepiness, alertness?)

I would love to see a full on up date from you. How the house market is... if the bf is still texting you once in a while.... dating??? !!! And more about ENJOYING your new single life and your breakthrough at work!

Of course, I may be writing this too soon, as I saw another post from you.. so I'll go there and visit too!

((( HUGS )) Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it. I was going to take this blog down but everyone has been so supportive and wonderful, it gives me an extra boost .

So thanks!

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

sadstepmom26's picture

Truly great blog. I miss you. I loved your comments and responses to my desperate posts. You always seemed to have a perfect word for me. Honestly the way you look at your situation gives me hope. I've been struggling with whether or not to put SD13 into therapy to help cope with the things she's been through, and again your blog gives me hope. I cant even say I hope things get better for you, because although you arent in your dream position right now and your dh isnt home I think you're doing good. You've got a great perspective and a positive outlook. What more could a woman need?

Stick's picture

SadStepmom26 - Aww you made me smile this afternoon. It's nice to be missed! Smile

Therapy helped SD over here immensely. Just be sure to help her along when she is with you. I talked to a therapist and they said that some people mistakenly think that "working on it" is that one hour a week they go to therapy and then they continue with their behaviors the rest of the time. So your SD will really need you if she starts. But if she is really acting out (and I checked out some of your blogs recently) then it may help.

Honey - I just feel so bad for you right now. I hope you can keep the hope up. Really... it is a thankless road. So many here think I have a "great" situation, but it wasn't like that right off the bat. It took YEARS for me to even get where I am - Hope I'm not scaring you!!! Smile

Just remember... your heart is in the right place. And the girls are being teenagers. We, as step-parents have to work extra hard just to remind ourselves what's "normal teen" behavior and what's "skid" behavior. So we are always, guessing... juggling.

If you ever need to talk, please PM me. I really understand.

I didn't get into it on here, but DH went through a lot to get BM to sign revised papers and during that drama we got into one HUGE NASTY ass fight where we both said some pretty hurtful things.

But you know... we get over it because we love each other and knew we had hit the wall. I think you and your DH love each other a lot and I don't doubt your love for your skids. So it's normal to hit the wall... You just gotta become made of TEFLON!! Smile

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Rags's picture

Good to see you Stick.

Come back soon.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

Rags's picture

Good to see you Stick.

Come back soon.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)