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Aren't you ever happy?!

Last-Wife's picture

What exactly am I supposed to say to DH when he asks me this?

When I know from my counseling sessions that pretty much the answer to this question is "when the kids aren't around"???

I am happy at work, with my friends, with family- just not the family that live in my house! We are happy together when the skids are gone; when it's just the 3 of us- him, me and our son.

So I snapped today. We were all home due to the weather- downside to being teachers, and having kids that go to school. LOL I'd made pancakes- enough that I won't have to fix breakfast for a few days. I threw soup in the crockpot. I dealt with minor arguments and the usual shitty comments from SD17. Despite shitty comments, I helped her with some scholarship applications. I shared my secret stash of soda cans with SS14, cause even after he stomped wet snowy shoes through the house, I realized it was because he'd been playing in the snow and came back in to get the bags of trash. I took a long bubble bath and read a favorite book. I was lazy and stayed in the bed the rest of the day, watching TV.

I was happy. In my world, this was a good day.

I made two little comments- one about the stray dog DH rescued and adopted without my consent drooling all over my new couch, and the other about the mess SS15 made in the kitchen. So I get berated for never being happy.


And you know what else makes me happy? Knowing our little guy and I are the only ones in the house that will have clean towels to use in the morning to take showers!!! Biggrin

Wish me luck- all of our schools are cancelled again tomorrow- and we gained a kid. A family friend came over, and his mom got stuck in a ditch and couldn't come get him...


Jon-Boy's picture

Men generally sum up comments and total up good and bads of everything.
We are wired to fix problems so when you vent, it comes across as a complaint.

If you can think about the things you say to him and keep track you might find that maybe you do seem unhappy to him.
But I wouldn't underestimate what you think is not a complaint.
You have to think of it like he would.

Every time you say something is wrong he wants to fix it.
If the thing can't be fixed? do to timing, or it is to small to worry about it builds up as complaints to him.
And it represents an unhappy person to him and makes him upset because he feels he can't help.

(Just a thought to ponder.)

stepmom of two's picture

I know how you feel. When its just me and the hubby I'm so happy . Then the kids get home from school and I'm in a bad mood. Is it bad of me to want my own kids when most the time I don't like my to sk ????

Nymh's picture

I am so glad that a man responded to this question with a male perspective.

Women and men communicate differently and find different things worthy of comment. In general, women talk more than men, because we find it necessary to give our comment on things more than men do. Men usually talk very little, and only as much as necessary. They aren't going to mention something they don't like unless they are ready to do something about it.

I sometimes have to step back and think, what have our conversations lately been about? And then I will realize, that even though I have had a really good day or week, the only things I commented TO HIM about were negative, which makes him upset thinking I am unhappy. As he continues to THINK that I am unhappy, he gets more upset and his behavior (because men don't talk, men act) gets worse and worse - which DOES make me unhappy. When I feel this happening, I make an effort to change my behavior and the things that I say to reflect to him that I am happy and positive. This usually has a dramatic effect on his mood and how he thinks I feel.

But yet again, you have to think... your DH spends more time with you and is more intimate with you than anyone else (I would hope). If he thinks you are unhappy, maybe you really ARE generally unhappy with how your [family] life is going right now. I don't know you very well, but looking through your past blogs I get a real feeling that you probably AREN'T happy - with your marraige, your SKids, your DH's ex, and basically the whole situation.

Think about it - are you upset because he asked the question, and you're NOT unhappy... or because he asked the question, and you ARE...

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Last-Wife's picture

Good point... I am generally unhappy. I admit it. It's something I am working on, and has improved. I think I was most annoyed because at the time he asked it, I was feeling happy, but of course his question pissed me off...

I guess from the man point of view, all he heard was the complaint and didn't see the joy and fun of the day...

"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."