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Would this upset you?

LindaKjl's picture

Last week, I was making tacos for dinner. My husband looked at the skillet containing a pound and a half of ground beef and said "is this going to be enough for (insert name of 21 year old stepson) and me".....NOT, "is this going to be enough for stepson, you and me" (meaning all three of us).

Last night...I had an English Roast cooking in the crockpot. At 7:00 p.m. husband mentioned he was hungry so I started to get dishes out and he said "oh, I'm going to wait (insert name of 20 year old son) to come over and eat with him".

The trend of the two above incidents specifically are hurtful to me as they are blatantly excluding me. Am I being too sensitive about this? Am I wrong in my way of thinking here?

Anne Boleyn's picture

I would have an issue with that. On the second one, did you know SS was coming over for dinner?

LindaKjl's picture

Nothing about him coming over the entire was discussed. We had to take some friends to the airport at 6:30. On the way back home in the car hubby said he was hungry and I said well the roast should be done. He said 20 yr old SS would probably be coming over to eat (never any food at his mom's house supposedly). That was the only comment ever made. Of note, SS never ended up coming over until 9:30 because "he fell asleep" (which is nothing unusual for him as he is very unreliable that way), so he came over at 9:30 to eat.

PeanutandSons's picture

That would def bother me. Esp the first one. He is clearly only thinking of him and his concern for you at all.

SMof2Girls's picture

It would bother me but maybe for different reasons. We sit at our dining room table and eat dinner as a family every night that DH is not working (he works a rotating shift and isn't home nights for 2 week stretches).

If he suddenly decided to stop that and wait for skids to possibly show up, I would be upset. Especially if there were no previous plans for skids to come over.

Making enough food is hardly ever a problem .. I just don't see that first scenario happening. I always cook extra because DH and I both eat leftovers for lunch pretty regularly. It would strike me as incredibly rude though.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Too funny...I like how you think.

OP could also ask him to prepare a meal and then ask him if this is enough for her and her .

Jellybeam's picture

What are you DH and son's personal chef or something? Yeah it would bother me!! Stop cooking! Pronto! Or you could be adult about it and tell DH how you feel.

ta5's picture

Ask your husband when he would like to have dinner and what your making or what would be like. When he says ss is coming say what time and have it ready sit down and eat it at that time. If he is not there tough, but left overs in the refrig when he shows if he shows oh you didnt show so we ate there is xyz in the ref help your self or say sorry you didnt tell me you wanted him included I guess he will have to have something else. Dont do special

Auberry2's picture

Make yourself dinner, tell him since it seems he is so concerned about dining with SS21 that you felt it would be best if he cooked for himself and SS and you would just take care if you.

luchay's picture

At the point where he said he was going to wait for ss to come over and eat with him I would have said "OK, I will try and have all this out of your way in a jiffy, what are you planning to cook for him?"

As for the first one, I agree with whoever said tell him no it's enough for YOU and HIM.

Step-Volgirl's picture

I'm a big believer that men are stupid sometimes. Could he (maybe, just maybe) assumed that since you were cooking, you obviously were making enough for yourself? (Please don't kill me!!!)

I do think that you have the right to expect your DH to let you know when plans involing your home are made - even if it does involve SS. How would he like it if you randomly invited friends over for dinner without letting him know?