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New Year's Eve and half the family

onehappygirl's picture

We have my b-kids tonight. We asked the Wookie if we could have the s-kids, but she said no. Uh, excuse me, didn't you take an entire weekend of ours two months ago because you wanted to attend your cousin/nephew/whatever's wedding out of town and take the kids with you? You owe us our days back - you said you would let us have them whenever we wanted to make up our time. But instead of fighting for it, DH just rolled over and let her keep them. Dammit! Now our family is incomplete.

If I have my way - never in my lifetime will another favor be granted to her. My DH is usually very reasonable, but I will put up a HUGE fight if he ever grants another favor or weekend to her. Keep me happy or keep the Wookie happy, your choice, but be prepared to pay the consequences of your choice.

Sorry, I'm just angry and venting.


Sia's picture

I always hated that. Back when BM had custody, we ALWAYS did her favors, but she never ONCE reciprocated.....

Kb3Hooah's picture

you said you would let us have them whenever we wanted to make up our time

------------> What she meant to say was "You can have them whenever you want to make up your time as long as I, the 'authority', approve of it. (Rolling my eyes!!!!) :sick:

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

onehappygirl's picture

THey are 13 and 9 years old. They would never go against their mother because she gets very upset when they would prefer to be with us. They are both scared of her reaction and protective of her.

I've settled down about it now. I was just upset because he didn't do more about getting them here, but it is her time with them, not ours. She has been gracious enough to let us have them at noon tomorrow [gag]. I just wanted my whole family together for tonight. I've come to realize this past month or so, our family isn't complete unless they are all at home, and I actually miss those brats when they're not here.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Stick's picture

awww..... Sorry you are missing them tonight. But like DPW said, you will get them tomorrow and have a nice night. Will you have them for the weekend?

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

onehappygirl's picture

We'll have them all of next week. We have 50/50 Every other week custody.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

pafreema's picture

Don't be sorry for just trying to vent and is okay to be angry about it.

If I didn't know better I would think these bitter ex-wives converse with each other to try to 'get our goats' in order to drive us crazy. Since they (ex-wives) lead miserable lives and want us to be just as miserable as they are.

It's kind of funny to see them wallow in their own misery though! I thought you deserved a laugh at their expense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!