OT - OMG!! A comment I made, not meant to be seen by a co-worker was forwarded to him.
I am so embarrassed and I feel so bad. Right now, I'm hiding in my office with the door closed.
We have a new attorney, fresh out of law school. He is very young and inexperienced, and well, kinda lacking in common sense. He's a nice guy and he tries very hard. Lately has has made several mistakes, and I do try to help him out. Well, he sent me an e-mail asking me a very simple question that even a new guy like him should know the answer to. Well, I forwarded it onto my co-worker (one of my best friends) saying "~sigh" duh", and she answers his question with that e-mail - completely not taking out the "~sigh~ duh" I had added to it. It was not meant to be seen by him!!! ARRRGGG!! I cannot blame my co-worker, because I was unkind enough to "~sigh~ duh" him. Anyway, he writes back thanking us for our patience and help with everything and that he is still very new and will probably have several "duh" moments in the future.
My oh my, I have completely underestimated him. He does have some wisdom in that young brain of his.
I am completely embarrassed. What do I do? Do I ignore this and let it blow over (it'll be gone by tomorrow) or do I go to him and apologize? What would you do?
- onehappygirl's blog
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Anyone in an office has had
Anyone in an office has had that happen I imagine. Me more than once. This isnt that bad... I'd just let it blow over. No point in apologizing because what would you say? I didnt mean it... just kidding? Nothing even fits.
Respond to his email with
Respond to his email with humor and play it off.
"you're welcome and if you need anything else. Please don't hesitate to ask.
"~sigh~ duh"
"And this too shall pass..."
I don't mean to stereotype,
I don't mean to stereotype, but men seem to have thicker skin than women. And based on his response it doesn't sound like he took any offense. Your comment was not really insulting so I don't think an apology is necessary. Just be a little more cautious next time
Thats true! I didn't think
Thats true! I didn't think of it that way. I forget I'm a woman and tend to take things more personally. He probably didn't even think anything of it.
“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."
EEEEKKK! I think I would
I think I would apologize, it speaks volumes for your character to that person. I can only imagine how embarrassing it is, but it doesn't mean you're a bad person, I'm sure we have ALL said comments that we wouldn't want heard. Just email him back with a sincere apology. I'm usually a pretty forgiving person, so if it were me, I would accept your apology and move on. Hopefully he's the same way
“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."
I did apologize. I have to.
I did apologize. I have to. Here's what I sent:
I apologize and hope you will accept it. You really have been great with things, and you ask questions when you don’t know something. I forget sometimes how new to this you are. I’ve been doing this for over 20 years now, and I have forgotten what it is like to be new, unsure and inexperienced. I have to say that you have been one of the easiest attorneys I have ever worked for. You make sure I know what case you are dictating on, and the time you take to write the post-it notes to go along with my tapes are a big help to me. It is my job, though, to make sure your job is easier for you to do. That is what a secretary is for. I will do better at getting things scheduled in a more timely manner and helping you out with things you need. Please feel free to come to me anytime you need help, and I will temper my smart-ass mouth. I should know better. I am going through this with my own kids, and here I am acting like one of them. I am embarrassed and humbled by your gracious e-mail. Once again, I am sorry I was so unkind, and I am here to help you out with whatever you need.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
What was his response? Life
What was his response?
Life is what you make it.
No response yet, but I'll
No response yet, but I'll let you know. He will probably just move on and let it go. I'm sure there will be some awkwardness between us today and maybe tomorrow but by Monday it should have blown over. Foot in mouth!!!! When am I ever going to learn. LOL!
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
He woulda probably taken
He woulda probably taken more offense to that girl singing completely out of tune next door than that comment, teehee
“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."
Fortunately for him, he was
Fortunately for him, he was out sick that day. She is sandwiched between mine and his office, so if he had been here, he would have heard her.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Sounds very sincere OHG, I'm
Sounds very sincere OHG, I'm sure he'll accept your apology, like another poster said, he probably didn't even think much of it.
Let us know how he responds!
“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."
Oh, I am SOOOOOOOOOOO guilty
Oh, I am SOOOOOOOOOOO guilty of things like this. Do you know how many times I have accidently sent texts to the WRONG person... and several times it has been BM. Talk about eating crow! It will blow over, especially after your apology. Don't worry about it...
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I think you did the right
I think you did the right thing by sending an apology:) This happened to me one time and I said the most horrible,awful things about this girl. She deserved it...but that's beside the point. I was sending a network-message to my friend in the same office and accidentally sent it to the girl I was talking about so it popped right in her face the minute i hit enter. since it was a network message it only had my computer ID and not my name so thank goodness she had no clue it was me. I think she was suspicious though. I hid from her for about a week.
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. ~Mahatma Gandhi
Try getting in a texting
Try getting in a texting argument with BF and accidentally sending it to BM! Talk about embarrassing!
“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."
OMG that sucks middlemom! I
OMG that sucks middlemom! I had my ex text me when he meant to text his wife at the time...always arguing w/her via text.
Of course one time I texted a naughty picture to what I thought was DH's number and it was sent to my ex. Talk about 'Barbie you got some explaining to do'
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. ~Mahatma Gandhi
Now that is funny!
Now that is funny! LOL
“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."
Ewwww... that sucks. One
Ewwww... that sucks. One incident I emailed DH talking about how CRAZY BM is (she wanted something outlandish) and he replied back "I musta been high when I married that mess"... and when I went to reply back to him, somehow... I sent it to her. She went balistic on him. And all he said to her was... "WELL, that's the only explination I can come up with, I certainly wouldnt have done something so stupid SOBER!". It was a lovely battle... but a little tiny part of me laughed. Only because she has always been SO insistant that "a little part of DH still cares about her". Ummmmm, yeah, that little part is called SS, and he CARES that you are not HIGH when you have him... that is the extent of his feelings for you... dummy!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Bwahahahaha I love his
Bwahahahaha }:) I love his response to BM!
“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."
BTW I totally thought about
BTW I totally thought about you yesterday. My office has a community bathroom for our floor... so we share it with 2 other businesses. My office just happens to share a wall with the MENS ROOM... yuck! And PAPER THIN walls. So far I have been lucky enough to only hear the water running as they wash their hands... and nothing vulger or dirty. But yesterday, I had to laugh out loud when someone was in there singing at the top of their lungs. It was so funny, no shame, no fear... balls out BELTING OUT IN SONG. And for a long time too. It was a man with a deep voice. Maybe it helps him relax while he does his deed in the bathroom, I don't know... but it was funny, and I thought of you and your songbird neighbor! LOL
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Awwww, I love you guys!
Awwww, I love you guys! You've made things so much easier for me. Yes, it's embarrassing, but it's not the end of the world. I'm just eating a little humble pie today. I have opened up my office door. BUT I still plan to take the long way around to get to the copier. I'm not ready to be seen quite yet.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
He responded to my apology.
He responded to my apology. What a great guy. Here it is:
No problem...I have thicker skin than you might suspect. And yes, I will definitely continue to need and ask for your help.
Also I wish I had a nickel for every email or text I sent that came back to embarrass me. Technology... You can blame Therese for her inattention to detail.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
That's great OHG!! I'm so
That's great OHG!! I'm so glad to hear
“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."
Oh thank goodness he
Oh thank goodness he responded the way he did! YAY! Sounds like he has had one or two of these things happen before so he must understand.
I was texting DH one day something very naughty but it ended up in my SD's phone. Talk about your all time whoops. She responded back with "OMG JEN!!! THIS BETTER HAVE BEEN FOR DADDY"! LMAO!
I think it is great you
I think it is great you sincerely apologized. But I agree - guys have thick skin and understand folks have a bad day every now and then. They are not as emotional as we are about those type things.
********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************
If I was him? I would have
If I was him? I would have responded back...
"Are you apologizing?"
There is no apologizing in the office!" (SIGH DUH!)
LMAO - Hilarious Jon...that
LMAO - Hilarious Jon...that would have been a funny way to break the tension!
“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."
That's funny. He was really
That's funny. He was really great the day after - acted like it didn't happen all day, and then when I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me at one point, he heaved a big sigh, looked at me, and said "duh." He had me giggling to myself the rest of the day.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!