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YaY!!!! Court with bm is done...and she realizes she kicked herself in her own azz!!!

smnikki's picture

dh just got out of the thrid and final court apperance for the custody and child support cliams that bm made 2.5 weeks after we got married!!!

as i posted she got NOTHING in mediation...except court mandated therapy for 16 sessions for her "personal issues" we still have 50/50, and had stipulations for calls and visits put in so that she cant harass us.

today was the money part!!! previously. bm made it so that child care was made part of cs, and then got state asst to pick up the full tab for ss's child care...and lied that she did not get 270 a month from dh for child care and was pocketing our money....well the greedy bitch though dh made twice what he does and though because she is on disability she was going to get a significant amount more for dh......drum roll please!!!!! SHE NOW GETS NOTHING!!!!!!! dh is making almost the same as what the govt is giving her!!! so now she gets nothing, mind you, we were going to keep paying her even though we knew she was pocketing it because we didnt know how much she was getting on disability....but since she filed we now know and she gets NOTHING!!!!

im sure she is now driving her slut mobile over to mil's as we speak to pick up ss!!! i wish i were a fly on the wall to see as bm tells mil that with all their hell they tried to put us through, they got NOTHING!!!!!


Purpleflower09's picture

LMAO...Oh Jesus..when you said slut mobile I laughed outloud...and i'm at work. God that was funny..too cool and CONGRATS...serves the bitch right for being a ditch pig.


imagr8tma's picture

LOL - Talk about karma biting her in the azz..........

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

smnikki's picture

oh and to add...
now that ss has been pulled out of day care by bm, and we no longer have to pay her so much as a cent....we now have a FREE baby sitter!!! I will no longer re arrange my Saturday to watch ss while dh is at work (i do lve spending time with him so most likely its only if i have work or something)but anyways... we got so much out of all of this!!! it was stressful, but with all the horror stories!!! Sometimes it does go your way!!!

stepoff's picture

ROFL! Too damn funny! Isn't it ironic how when the ex-hubby gets married, the BMs go insane? Weird how that works. Good for you and DH. Enjoy some of that money for yourselves. Maybe plan a vacation for after the holidays. Score 1 for the good guys!!!

GiGi222's picture

SM, glad everything worked out for the best. I know you guys have been struggling with this for quite some time.

DISbelief's picture

Woooohooooo!!!! I love that news! Isn't victory so so sweet?!?!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

smnikki's picture

yeah, but now that mil and bm didnt get a called dh as soon as she got the news from bm! she burst in to tears and said that she wants to work things out with my dh! and oh my favorite part, "the ball is in dh's court, because she called and has tried to work things out"

ummmmmmmmmmm, excuse me bitch, the ball is in your court! what has she done to show dh that she cares about him and fixing things? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! as a matter of fact bm is actually at her house right now! where was she when she could have been by dh's side helping fight this battle with bm? oh yeah, thats right she was actually helping bm! the nerve! i told dh he should call her back and tell her to spare him her buul of it being in his court, its still in hers and she needs to prove she actually give a flying fuk about him.....but dh responded with "who cares" "my heart is black for her and that side of the family" he would rather the ball be in his court so that she will leave us the hell alone! im so proud of my dh for standing up to the way his family treats him and for not appreciating him for the caring person he is!! Im so glad that me and my family can show dh what love actually is!!!

LizzieA's picture

Great news. Her crap finally bit her in the butt. Should have left well enough alone, hmmm, BM?