OT~Sinus Infection~I really need your help ladies.
Here's the story. I've had a cold for about a month. About two weeks ago I got a headache from hell, it hurt worse than anything I've ever felt. I went to the ER it hurt so bad. They did a cat scan, turns out I had a severe case of sinuitus. DH saw my pictures from the scan and said it was insane looking. So they gave me a shot to help the pain, it did help, then they perscibed me Vicitan for the pain, and Septra for the infection. A week later I was back in the ER due to another headache so bad I couldn't take it, the Vicitan didn't touch the pain. The DR gave me another shot and basically said there was nothing else they could do for me, to be honest the bitch looked at me like I was a druggie because I was asking her for pain medicine. So all she perscribed me was Tramadol, which does NOTHING for this kind of pain.
Come to find out Septra is for a UTI, not a sinus infection of this callibur. Tramadol is a very low key pain medicine, won't touch this.
Has anyone ever had this? What kind of medicine did you get? How do you stop the headaches?
My current situation: last night I got another headache. When I tell you it's the worse pain I've ever felt in my life I mean it, and I've had two kids. My teeth even hurt (honestly, my teeth even hurt when the headache comes). I feel pressure for about 30 minutes then wham, it's here and theres nothing I can do to stop it. DH gave me a flexaril last night, it didn't really help with the pain but it made me pass out. So I did manage to sleep......today he said he's taking me to his family DR.......if I can get an appt that is. I don't have insurance so we'll just have to pay for it, but at this point I don't care how much it costs. I can't live the rest of my life on pain killers! Something is just not right and I think it's the medicine. My cold seems to have gone away, I no longer have any mucus coming out, it's just here and there really. And honestly I feel totally fine until that pressure starts and then the headache comes.
Help Ladies!! Advise please!
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I'm sorry you're in pain
I'm sorry you're in pain honey...I've never dealt with a sinus infection or anything like that so I don't have much to suggest. Usually for any kind of inflammation 600-800mg of motrin every 6-8hrs will reduce sinus swelling...and tell those jerks to give you some percocet or vicodin to take with the motrin. You need a REALLY strong antibiotics and you need to use warm,moist heat to increase blood flow into the sinus and help ease the tension. Also, if antibiotics aren't working for you I read somewhere that chronic sinusitis can be a form of fungal infection treated with various antifungal meds and if it continues they can give you a steriod that's inhaled.
have you been treated for migraines? Maybe they can give you an imitrex shot or pill
I hope you feel better soon...
"Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it." *Anais Nin*
I used to have really bad
I used to have really bad sinus infections. I started using the neti pot and knock on wood, haven't had one in 2 years. It is gross but definitely worth a shot.
I used to get Nasonex and I think it was called Z Pack. Mine started by allergies then progressed into sinus infections.
The neti pot's awesome. I
The neti pot's awesome. I don't own one, but I do something similar where I snort warm salt water and it clears everything out. Just make sure the water's distilled and the salt's not iodized.
Same here on the drugs though, a Z pack (like five pills, one a day of a strong, broad spectrum antibiotic) and a nasal decongestant. The last one I got was Nasacort. That's what knocked out the last sinus infection due to allergies I had. I was desperately sick and went to the Dr. 3 days before our wedding. By wedding day morning, I was right as rain.
Whats a Neti Pot?
Whats a Neti Pot?
I would try the Neti Pot.
I would try the Neti Pot. its this little blue plastic pot that you put hot water in and packet of sea salt, I think. mix it up and hold one nostril while you suck the water with the other nostril. It is gross but you would be surprised at what it cleanes out. My husband uses it alot and I do occasionally. You should be able to find one at your local pharamacy. Other wise, it sounds like mirgraines. I have had them for as long as I can remember. I was put on Topamaz. Topamaz is more of a prevenative type med. Im not one to take pills. I had a tubal to prevent taking birth control which I didnt want any more children. But I try to find other alternatives then meds.
Jen, maybe you could ask the
Jen, maybe you could ask the doc about Imitrex, if he doesn't already bring it up in your appointment.
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
Aw SMJen! I was wondering
Aw SMJen! I was wondering why you haven't posted much lately. Sorry to hear you're in so much pain girlie!!! A neti pot (if I remember correctly) is a ceramic pot that you fill with warm water and run through one side of your nostril. It will flush out whatever is blocking you up, and come out the other nostril. Sounds gross, I know, but I saw it on TV. It's being suggested for the flu as well to clear out any viruses from the nasal cavities. I was going to suggest not going to the ER (where they think you're a drug addict now, LOL!) and go to a family doc, but sounds like you have that under control. When they prescribe anything, just ask if it's available in a generic form. Those are cheaper. Good luck honey!! I hope you feel better soon.
Here's a link for the neti
Here's a link for the neti pot...
Jen...I had a cold for
Jen...I had a cold for almost a month too, with a severe headache...not like u have, but the cold lingered forever...the Dr said there is a cold going around that lingers....I was still getting sinus headaches after the cold...but definately try the neti pot....u can get it a drugstore...I forced my son to use it when he had a bad cold and the next morning he could totally breathe...it is a little gross, but I can tell u if worked for us....they also say its a good idea to use it every night if u suffer from sinus problems to clean out the nasal cavity....I hope u feel better, honey
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
The Neti pot is good, I use
The Neti pot is good, I use it on my kids all the time... besides drugs..another old wives tale remedy that my grandmother used to use on us kids is
heat up a towel in the microwave and wrap it around your head (like you would if you were coming out of the shower) and (b) warm up some baby oil or something similar and rub it all along your sinuses, like a massage...all across your forhead etc... I remember it was very soothing..
Awwwww Jen I'm so sorry this
Awwwww Jen I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I have no advice just wanted to send you some (((HUGS))) and hope you get well soon
I usually get a Zpack for
I usually get a Zpack for sinus infections b/c I am allergic to certain anti. Sometimes I will keep a pot of boiling water on the stove and just breathe in the fumes and keep blowing.
For some reason this is the first time in over 10 years I haven't had sinus problems.
You must have given it to
You must have given it to me.........but you can take it back, I don't like it! LOL!
Also do you have a cool mist
Also do you have a cool mist vaporizer, or can borrow one??? If you run that at nite, it can help also.
Hey SMJ - Sorry you are not
Hey SMJ - Sorry you are not feeling well. Every time I've gotten a sinus infection they have put me on antibiotics like a z-pack or amoxicillin. If you can get this cleared up... you may want to think about seeing an ear, nose and throat specialist to see if there is anything they can do.
Hope you feel better!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Thanks everyone for the
Thanks everyone for the advice. I'm going to invest in this neti pot and try it out tonight. I can't get a apt with the Family DR until tomorrow..........so I hope and pray that the two doses of pain killers I have left is enough to get me through until then. I am not a sick kinda girl, I hit the ground running when I wake up and don't stop until bed time! I cannot stand missing days at work, my house getting messy, etc all because I can't get better. It's driving me crazy.
Thanks again everyone!
You just described what I
You just described what I have in detail!!!!!!!!! PLEASE let me know if you find relief and how. I've been sick all of October! Started off with walking pneumonia then severe sinus infection. I've had a Zpack and 10 days of Erythromycin plus am just now finishing a steriod pack and my teeth hurt so bad today, headache from hell plus the pain behind my cheekbones ARGH!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do anymore. I have a baby and just figured I kept catching daycare bugs but this headache/ teeth hurting is too much. All I do is pound ibuprofin and I'll have a couple OK days then back to having a bad one like today. Not sure what to do from here - I've been to the doctor three times already plus I work full-time.
Hope you feel better. Let me know about the neti pot thing.
Oh Stepmom_C I didn't think
Oh Stepmom_C I didn't think anyone else understood! The headache with the teeth hurting is freaking INSANE. It hurts so bad I just can't stand it. I swear the ER DR thought I was a druggie the way I was flat out begging for pain killer.........they should know how bad this hurts though ya know.
The good news, I have a dr appt tomorrow morning. I will let you know exactaly what they do for me and what they tell me.
Thanks for the response, you know, misery loves company. Though I shudder to think anyone else is going through this horrible pain.
I hope you are feeling
I hope you are feeling better! What did the doctor say?
I would up your zinc and
I would up your zinc and vitamin B & D (I use the stress tabs and take the extra D and zinc with them they are great let me know if you find relief and how. I've been sick all of October! Started off with walking pneumonia then severe sinus infection please tack care you thank!!!
Humana health care