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becoming manipulative

bookgirl's picture

I was looking at my planner today & for fun I looked back at the last 6 months. I realised there's been a serious change in visitation & that it's dropped off severely in these last few months. There are many factors for this, we moved & SKs don't have as much space here, I've been busy with work, DH & BM are having a legal battle over debts from their marriage & we've been pretty broke since DH's over time at work was cut. One huge factor, however, has been me. I'm certainly not taking all of the blame for this but I am starting to see a pattern in myself when visitation comes up. DH says--I'm going to get SKs this weekend. I reply--that's fine but I already accepted some extra hours (usually I haven't but I'm running to call up work & accept time I might not have taken were it only going to be DH, BS & I). I will glance at DH's work schedule & make plans months in advance to avoid a potential visit. When that fails, I'll plan for BS & I to be occupied. I tried once to tell DH when we hadn't had time alone together that I needed a break but he got very defensive. However, saying anything but that I just don't want to see SKs is ok for getting out of a visit. So i've learned to do that & I've gotten really good at it. I don't think this is a good thing. It's something I just got into the habit of doing. I expected DH to call me on it at some point & get back to long weekends & longer summer weeks of them invading my home. This hasn't happened yet. I also encourage DH to have SKs when I'm not home. I would love for them to have time with their dad without BS & I to get in the way. DH never goes for this, though. He insists that we have to do it all together or not at all. So I took my share in visitation suffering but I wonder a lot about DH. He gets so moody & angry when we have them but he won't admit that he's miserable when they're here. He also goes these long stretches where he won't see them as long as I give him every reason but the truth for why we're not keeping them. DH isn't afraid to stand up to me & he's pretty smart. I would love to know what's really going on with him & this but I'm scared to ask. It might send him on a mission to inflict them on me everyday for six months.


Most Evil's picture

I don't know why he would do that.? Why does he not want them on his own? I understand though, it is hard to question this, knowing it would bring changes?
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2

stepmom2one's picture

I think he wants them to fell like a happy family and when she is gone he is just stuck with all the responsibility (which he should be if they are both his kids).

stepmom2one's picture

My H does this with SD. He is so crabby when she is there, so is BS. I actually handle things much better than the 2 of them! I used to try and do everything I could to get away from SD, but times have changed.

If you are not married yet you may want to reconsider what you want out of life...this is going to be a long time till SKs turn 18 and stop visits...

bookgirl's picture

And we have a child together. 10 years didn't used to seem like a very long time but it does now lol. ~Bookgirl~

pafreema's picture

I they are right - DH does not want to bear all of the repsonsibility of them, but wants to have them over.

If he wants to have them over then he should be THE ONE spending QUALITY TIME with THEM. ESPECIALLY, if it's unannonced on an unscheduled weekend.

pafreema's picture

I think it sounds like fun and you should keep doing it!