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Been A While

MiseryNMissouri's picture

I have had to take a leave from the site due to back surgery that i had weeks ago, but it never amazes me that i come back on here to find that BM are still crazy as it me or are real moms from Mars and BM from Venus....chime in and lets vote on who has the craziest BM...and second question is who husbands as endured the most....come ladies chime in...

1. Craziest BM
2. DH endures the most....


RustyHalo's picture

what nerve this BM has!!!!!!!!!
This past summer, I shot in a pool league with some friends at our little local watering hole on Wednesdays. One particular Wednesday BM was in there. I got there around 6:00 pm and BM was completely trashed by that time (she gets off at 1:00 on Wed.), and anyway, she was so trashed that she was overly friendly with me and my friends and she even bought me a couple beers. Well, I left at around 10:00 pm and she was still there.
Now, here's the good part - 2 days later, she calls my FH and asks for a couple hundred dollars because her electric was about to be turned off - AGAIN! I would guess that in the past my FH would have given her this money, but after me seeing her in a bar for over 10 hours in one day - probably cost around $50.00 - $60.00 for that day - he told her maybe she should have thought of that before she was in the bar the whole day. She actually tried to convince him that she doesn't buy her own drinks - men buy her drinks for her!!!! Now, ladies, first of all, she bought myself and her a couple beers, and SHE IS NOT THAT CUTE!!!! Maybe my BM won't win the CRAZY award, but could we create an award for the BALLSIEST BM, please???????????

Amazed's picture

I'm sure of it. But I bet he pays the most in alimony and cs. BM is such a lazy ass. Nearly 10k in CS and Alimony and she still bitches about being "so broke" that DH had to buy sd11 her school bookbag. Glad we don't mix our money so I don't have to donate to that lazy wench.

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha

imagr8tma's picture

ends up asking for stuff..... She is pretty sorry as a BM.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************