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this is the time it makes it all worth it

momgoingnuts's picture

i got home from work tonight and on the table sat a cake that my bio daughter-4, sd-11 and sd-12 made for me it was green with a frog on top (i love frogs)and all the kids wrote with frosting on it, stuff like i love you mommy i love u mom i love you thank you for being a great mom n lil candy hearts all over it it was just the nicest thing ever, now with the final court date for the skids moving or not is tommorrow n i'm gettintg emotional about the whole thing i started crying of course it was just the sweetest thing Smile


Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

My SD10.5 mailed, as in snail-mailed me a 'letter' for my birthday last month. It was just a typed sheet of paper that said "Happy Birthday, Love, SD10.5" She was the only one of the 4 kids (including MY own) that went out of her way to acknowledge my birthday.... Smile Those moments are priceless!!