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physically sick over BM drama and in laws... CS queston at the bottom

smnikki's picture

I posted before about all the wonderful drama that DH and i came back to after our honemoon, and it hasnt gotten any better. Thursday night we called the cops and filed a harrassment call because she was calling on repeat and yelling and threatening DH.

Finally on friday dh made all the calls to start the ball rolling and get all this taken care of...the person at the CS office finally called dh this morning and explained that since their cs was a court order, he had to file for a modification.

How long does this usually take?

DH pays cs on the 20th of every month and im hoping it gets fixed by then so we arent supporting the total pos!

anyways, my dh's dads side of the family came over yesterday, and i love his father to pieces, as well as his whole side of the fam, but i see red when dh's cousin says "oh, im neutral, im not saying anything" or "i saw bm the other day, and to tell you the truth, i think that everyone needs to be cordial to each other"

I was like WTF? youre being cordial to her yet she is harrassing us? im sure if this were you, and you were being harrassed and paying for her to live you would be livid too! Cousin claims that she cant picture bm doing any of the things i told her, she is just so nice. BUT dh tells me that everyong hated her when they were togehter?! WTF, why are they being nice now when she is being the devil to us?

Here is my main question, we have found out now that bm lied about money to get asst, and has been poketing our money.(court order clearly says that money if for child care, and NOT child support) CS ofice says we need to file a modification. DH is going tomorow to file to go back to court to get all visitation in writing, tax write off eoevy other year, etc. How long does this usually take? Some one told me about father's right lawyers, should we look in to this?



Sia's picture

find one if possible. There aren't any in our city. Hopefully your city will have one. If not, find a good attorney. Check with friends and get recommendations. It took us a year to get things ironed out, but this was only b/c bm refused to show up and the judge kept granting extentions.

smnikki's picture

live here in southern california, im hoping that things are so busy here a judge will not allow bm to drag this on, but i am aware of people i know being dragged through court for years. Im hoping it will be pretty cut and dry though because she will get in trouble for lieing about money and taking advantage... im going to research lawyers right now!

frustratedinMA's picture

i am w/you. my fil said to ME last time that the fued between BM and I had to end, and that I needed to do something about it. I asked him.. WHY do I always have to be the bigger person? Would he try and be nice to a total loon that assaulted him and never apologized?? I think not!!!


smnikki's picture

all the others think bm is such the victim. WTF? is exactly right. my dh gets mad because he says that i shouldnt be telling the whole family all the drama but i feel like i have to prove what a POS bm and my mil are because they are such liars and act so fake everyone believes them!

LizzieA's picture

I went through the same kind of crap with ILs siding with BM when we got married. Brings out the worst in those looney tunes I tell ya!
But through it all, we were so in love and actually, having common enemies made us stronger!

smnikki's picture

ive realized its doing the same for us!! I cant wait to get pregnant and start OUR family! My husband is so amazing, i wish i would have married him a year ago instead of waiting!!