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BM really, truly is a pos!

smnikki's picture

on wednesday, fh and i went to tball. SS4 is COVERED in temporary tattos. all over his arms, chest, and even his neck. FH had asked bm to please not put them all over, at least put them where clothes cover them, and 10-15 of them on at one time is excessive.

So, wednesday was out night, we bring him home, take photos of all the tattos, and fh takes s in the bathroom to clean them all off.

Friday afternoon, bm picks up ss early from day care, since she is not working. fh told me earlier that the day care lady thanked him for taking off the tattos, and that she would be telling bm that she didnt think it was appropriate to cover ss in the tattos. anyways, at about 3pm, bm calls fh AT WORK again, and says, "first of all i dont appreciate smnikki taking off the tattos, and second there is a bruise on him and i know she did it!" Fh says, "no, i washed them off, and if he has a bruise its because we took the training wheels off his bike and he feel a couple times." bm states that ss said he didnt ride his bike at our house, and how dare fh call HER son a liar. He tells her to f off and stop harrassing him at work.

BM calls back and leaves a message on his cell, "i know that smnikki bruised my son, and i am calling to report her to CPS!"

FH calls me and i flipped out. ANY sane normal mother would call cps first if they thought some one was abusing their child, this woman knows that i would not harm so much as a hair on his head and is just harrassing my fh! Oh, did i mention that we are getting married on saturday? so yeah, she is trying to cause drama! ugh, i seriously just wish some one could get through to her what an idiot she is! She called fh back 10 minutes later and sais she finally asked ss who took them off and that he said it was fh, so she was sorry. UM, sorry doesnt even begin to describe how pathetic she is!


BMJen's picture

your DH taking them off? WTH? Seriously......does it matter who took them off?

She sounds like a true idiot.

Right now she thinks you are abusing SS huh? Remember that the next time she calls and needs a "favor".

~All you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust~

smnikki's picture

she knows i would never do anything to that child, she just wants to ruffle our feathers before we leave. The funny thing is that she thinks she is bothering us, but i would love for her to call, because ive already made the calls to find out that if she claims something on us that is so clearly not true, we get to counter claim harrassment!! and now after im sure to clue the family in on what shes up to, no one will be going out of their way to be nice for appearence sake!

artsymom's picture

then why would you allow your child to be in the home. My BM does the same and then never wants them back at the end of a weekend. If I thought soemone was abusing my child I would NEVER LET my child go there......and its always empty threats about calling and reporting, if it was a true issue it would just be reported.

beautystepmom's picture

two days before we were getting married, bm tells hubby she wants to take ss3 out of state to a family reunion, the NIGHT before our wedding. um. HN! he was our ringbearer! She is constantly starting drama as well! Just yesterday, she accused us of making my ss not like his sf! WTF!??! He hates him bc as ss4 tells us, he throws him in the pool and lets him go under water, and he hurts him when they "wrestle" and he is mean to him. and we "Made" him that think. ughh! i think that this is just the way some bms work, they are miserable in their life and they have to make ours miserable as well..

i got fired from my job as a daycare teacher bc i popped my ss on the bottom. yes, FIRED. Bm has told everyone im "not allowed on her property anymore" and she "kicked my a$$" uhh hhuhh. suure. never happened. Just remember, he LOVES you, and you dont have to be something your not to get his love!!!