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It seriously took 5 and ahalf hours?

zea.momie's picture

SD15 got picked up like she always is eow. No problems, BM's boyfriend is there, and out the door she comes on time. Over five hours later DH gets a text, do you have SD?, my boyfriend didn't see her today after school.

Really it took over five hours for you to realize your daughter wasn't there?

Don't you think if she hadn't been there for pickup he would have called and texted to find out where the heck she was?

One of us always gets her on time everytime. Unless arrangements have already been made to switch times ahead of time or the police are involved because you are on a power trip.

Seriously not our fault your boyfriend is either asleep or to zoned out on video games to pay attention. Seriously makes me wonder sometimes.


Disneyfan's picture

It's not the boyfriend's responsibility to pay attention to what is going on with their daughter.

Mom should require the kid to send her a text when dad picks up her up.

zea.momie's picture

I agree it's not the boyfriends responsibility, SD is 15 so doesn't need a babysitter. But he was the responsible party for their 4 year old. Don't know about you but in my house little kids love to play with ("annoy") the older kids, so I at least here their voices.

Granted I do a very good job of blocking out a lot of their normal kid stuff, but I at least register in my head that I have seen or heard them when they are supposed to be here, and it doesn't take that long to check on a child I haven't seen or heard.

ChiefGrownup's picture

The situation you describe is ridiculous. A grown man/homeowner/preschool Dad most certainly should be aware of who is coming in and out of his home, especially if the person in question is a minor.

Minors may be asked to report their whereabouts but there's a reason we call them minors, not adults. They are not reliable and sometimes fib to get away with something.

Adults are in charge for a reason.

I agree with you, OP. It's bizarre a mom wouldn't notice for 5 hours and it's bizarre the BF didn't accurately report what happened.

learningallthetime's picture

haha, last week other BM dropped her 17 year old off at exes (he already had my BS10 and the ex-SS12, SD14 there) - an hour later BM got a text from ex asking when she would be dropping her off! ex-SD17 had been there over an hour an ex did not notice!

SM12's picture

When DH and I first moved in together, we moved in a very large home. If you are at one end of the house, you can't hear a thing that goes on at the other end unless it is screaming. OSS used to come over at that time for EOW. DH worked weekends as well so I was stuck at home with all the SS's and my BS.
OSS is and always has been a very creepy quiet kid. He refused to speak to me, would go other places in the house to stay away from BS and his brothers or hide out in his room all day. It was not uncommon for me to not see him for hours at a time.
On more than one occasion, OSS would be bored or pissed about something and call BM to come get him. He had his own cell phone so I had no idea. She would actually come pick him up and he would leave without me having any idea. Like I said, big house. Within a few hours I would be cooking and asking all the kids to come eat and he would be gone.
I would have to text DH to find out if he knew where he was since BM nor OSS ever communicated with me. After he did it the second time I lost it.
I told DH that OSS was not allowed back unless he was here to watch him. If BM was going to play these games and allow OSS to leave without telling me and DH wasn't going to correct the situation, then I was not going to be responsible for him being here.
MSS pulled that stunt one time as well just about a year ago. The same consequences were put in place. MSS is not allowed here unless DH is here. I will not be disrespected and ignored in that manner. To this day they have neither been here without DH.