zea.momie's Blog
How could you hurt your kids like that?
Sorry, I know this bounces around a lot, but my thoughts are all over the place right now. Finally got my sd calmed down and she just passed out on the couch from crying.
How can you threaten to not let your child see their sibling again if they leave the house. Really, how? She was just trying to end the fighting and the only way to do that with you was to leave, she's 18, you can't stop her. But boy can you threaten and hit her where it hurts.
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It seriously took 5 and ahalf hours?
SD15 got picked up like she always is eow. No problems, BM's boyfriend is there, and out the door she comes on time. Over five hours later DH gets a text, do you have SD?, my boyfriend didn't see her today after school.
Really it took over five hours for you to realize your daughter wasn't there?
Don't you think if she hadn't been there for pickup he would have called and texted to find out where the heck she was?
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How to deal with enabling?
My OSD18 moved in with us in Sept. With me riding her every day and being in constant contact with her teachers, making her take online classes at school, and being an overall bitch about it, I managed to get her graduated on time. Threatening to be twice as bad if she had to repeat helped. My DH and I told her a few months ago that she would have to start paying her own bills one month after she graduated, or was supposed to graduate since we didn't now for sure what was happening. Right now that is a whopping 35 dollars for her cell phone and having to pay her own extras.
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A lying addiction?
Is it possible to be addicted to lying? If you constantly lie about every little thing for years on end, can it actually become an addiction? I'm not even talking about it being a bad habit. A habit you can admit to and try and change the behavior.
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Get your license already
Still waiting to find out about whether BM got remarried or not, but saw my OSD post about how bored she is yet again. OSD moved in on her 18th b-day last fall. She agreed to our rules, which I believe are quite fair.
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Oh how I hope fb is wrong
My YSD13 missed the bus earlier this week and called me for a ride. I told her I would take her but she would be late for school. So I get my DS's up dressed and out the door we go. I get there and her moms car is there and so is her moms bf's truck. Royally ticks me off that two adults living there can't be bothered to take her to school. Oh well been the same for years and I get over it. My DH picked her up for our visitation and she spent the night.
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How I tricked my hubby into believing me, an intro to my skid life
Long time, stalk reader. Finally signed up and I have posted comments on a few things. I have 2 SD's 18 & 13, we also have 3 DS's, 9,5,1. I saw the post mommy0104 made on the subject of getting along with skids and it clicked with me. I am one of the "lucky" ones that gets along with her skids. But I got lucky with the oldest, and fought like hell for the youngest. We do get along now, but it doesn't take away all the problems and isn't all sunshine and rainbows. So to the beginning, yes this is long. Sorry but Couldn't figure out how to shorten.