Baby mania
I have noticed that so many people around me are getting pregnant. It is wonderful that so many people are blessed with the miracle of a little one. However, I can't help but to fel jealous. I am a great step mom, and I know I would be a great mom, but I feel like I have to wait for a baby of my own. I feel like I get the short end of the stick since I don't get to experience the miracle of pregnancy. There is no real reason why I can't have a baby. I am perfectly healthy, I can afford it, and BM's drama is finally being handled. But I still feel as if having a baby is asking too much. Does anyone have this same feeling? Am I the only one scared to ask for what I want? Then even if DH agrees what happens when he starts giving me advice? I have a fear that it won't be as special. I want a baby! Please tell me that someone feels the same! Or am I crazy?
- youngstepmomma's blog
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NO! You're not crazy. That's
NO! You're not crazy. That's how I felt all year last year going through the drama. When my exFH told me he cheated and had the twins, I felt cheated out of having all the first time parent stuff happen together. But, then, I started feeling like at least he'd know how to change diapers.
Part of why we broke up was because he said he didn't think he wanted anymore kids. :jawdrop: After what he did, oh no. So, while I'm sad that I don't have any babies, I'm glad I didn't have any with him. And, I know I'll have them when the time is right. I don't think having a baby with your DH will be any less special. DH just comes pretrained on baby things. Pretrained does not equal perfect. And, you'll have your own way of doing things. Did you guys discuss having kids before getting married?
To every thing there is a season.
DH actually wants to have a
DH actually wants to have a baby too, but he is worried about the work load of two kids. I know it will be hard but I know it will be worth it. SD is 3 so she loves the idea of a little one to play with. But yet I still have resevations. It is hard to understand why I am so scared to make a baby a reality. However, I wouldn't consult BM, her and DH never saw a future so it isn't like she would want to reconnect. Honestly if I tried talking to her about it she would probably say something mean or act selfish. Plus I don't think she has a right to weigh in. Nomatter what SD is safe, happy, and healthy with us, that is all she should be worried about.
Honestly, 2 is not that much
Honestly, 2 is not that much different than one! Me and DH had our baby last year. My older son just turned 6 though. Your SD would be at least 4 yrs old by the time yours came, if you got pregnant right away, right? They become so much more self-sufficient by 4-5 yrs old, and they are actually a lot of help. I honestly think having my 2nd was much easier than having my first! My son could help with all the little things, and he liked to be involved. And now that he's 1 (already!) they play together a lot. I say go for it! And no, of course you dont need to consult BM! NONE of her business!
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"