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Ped Appt /Lazy BM RANT

youngmama1b1g's picture

Little background, my SS turned 5 in early October. He has STILL not had his 5 yr check-up.
BM lost her and SSs state issued insurance back in November. Never asked my husband for his information- even though he's been covering SS since September 2010.
She FINALLY asks for the insurance when it hits December, but my husbands insurance company is about to change, so he emails her the new info for the insurance and everything (not a permanent card, but the temporary one).

Figuring after 3 months, when I took my daughter for her 2 yr in Jan, I said F* IT, lemme get SS an appt too -just in case. (We want him to be able to go to K this upcoming year and most the main physical is due by the end of March for the K where we live). Not to mention for as sickly of a boy as he is- I was nervous about him walking around without the flu shot. Well, I figured- should she pick a doctor and make an appt- great. I'll just cancel that one I've got- no biggie.
I've had the transfer fax waiting for my husband, so he can send it to SS's old doctor to have his records transfered to the new ped. He finally asked today (I told him todays the last day as the appts in 3 weeks) to fax it. So he asked BM if she wouldn't mind SS coming to our doctor.

She talked a big game-
she was planning on asking us where we went because she was starting not to like the old doctor [the old doctor doesn't accept my husbands insurance AND when we took him once they gave him two baby flu shots because they ran out of the dose for 3 yr olds-ridiculous!],
she's going to call them to see if they accept her insurance [her insurance is the state issued one- shes getting it reactivated],
she also wants them to have the same doctor because "its always best if siblings get the same doctor" [uh, we picked our ped because she's the breastfeeding guru of our area-not gonna have any significance with a 5 yr old who was never breastfed],
and she also said that once her insurance is reactivated- SS will be going to a completely different ped.
OH and since I've already made the appt- she wants to handle all appts from here on out and she wants to go to this appt which is on our day. Not happening.

I'm not doing all the leg work so you can swing in pretending to be MOTY- fuck off. You had your chance to take your son to the doctor- it got to the deadline, and now nearly four months after the fact-he'll finally be going for his 5 year checkup! Of course, I'll tell my husband to say it in a nicer way... "eh, dont bother coming all the way down here- we've got it. We'll tell you how it goes."


Frustrated New Wife's picture

Ummm no! She had her chance to take SS to the doctor-she should not go to this doctor visit. So sorry for her. Maybe she should've gotten her ass in gear and gotten it done when she was suppose to. That's what *real* MOTY's would've done.

herewegoagain's picture

A sickly kid should not be having flu shots...they should be eating better and taking vitamins and such to help their immune system. Anyone who has a compromised immune system should not be taking tons of shots. Vaccines and yearly check ups are a way for doctors to make money. The yearly checkups are usually a joke for kids anyway...sigh...

youngmama1b1g's picture

I agree with you about the eating. Ironically, once SS started spending 3 days with us every week- he suddenly wasn't sick as much anymore...

BM works retail and there's numerous adults and kids who go in and out of the house she resides in- meaning higher likelihood of SS catching the flu.

The only reason I was freaking out about this particular checkup is because we need proof to show he's gotten the vaccines required to enter K next year.

As an update in general, BM said she's going to tag along. I gave her the date and time, and the website to find the number and address. My SO says she wont come because she's too lazy- I'm hoping he's right.