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Dreaded Mothers Day...

young step mom's picture

Now I can see this coming from a mile away.

This holdiay I know that I dread myself being as I have no bio kids, just step kids.

They were with us this weekend and were jibbering about all the nice things they were going to do for their mom for mothers day i.e homemade cards, drawings, crafts etc.

I was slightly saddened. I know I will not receive anything and it hurts me inside.

Can I buy myself my own damn mothers day gift?


3familiesIn1's picture

My BD7 split the things she made at school and gave some to her SM. I was happy for that (a tiny bit hurt) but more happy than hurt. Smile

She said, I gave YOU the bigger one mom. lol Damn straight baby girl.

Its funny you blog this one - I was wondering what SMs without bios feel on mothers day because I was thinking well at least I will get some recognition from my girls - I don't really want or expect anything from the skids anyway - but ....

Yes - you can buy yourself something.

DASKRA's picture

My SO and my family have always helped me feel special on mother's day. I am in the same boat... 4 SD's and no Bio's... yet... LOL.
I would let your DH know that you feel left out. We celebrate on a different weekend with the kids. Plus to piss their mother's off I always make sure that we do something nice for them as well.

young step mom's picture

I am going to buy me the nicest diamond necklace I can afford and show them all my nice and pretty non mothers day present.

young step mom's picture

I havent heard a peep yet about the holiday except what they were doing for BioM.

Goincrazy40's picture

I am a step mom with no bios. If I get anything from skids it will be because DH purchases and wraps it up. Those kids don't put themselves out for anyone. I have to buy DH's Fathers Day present from them too.

They both have plenty of money ... Each just opened bank accounts with over $500. But they are far too selfish to spend on anyone else.

I will just spend the day with my own mom, and hope that they go spend they day with theirs. It's not like they can be bothered getting her anything either!

PeanutandSons's picture

My skids only give me the things they make in school (bio moms aren't in the picture) and even then they will only do the things that are "mandatory". SS was questioned when I picked him up last year by the owner of the daycare asked where his mothers day card was and he goes.... I didnt make one..... Why not...... I asked if it was mandatory and the teacher said no, so I went and played instead. SD gave me the card, but kept the necklace that they all were making for herself.

Dh does nothing with them or for them for me, and he does nothing for me from him either.

WickedStepMom18's picture

MY SS12 is a dream when it comes to Mother's Day. His BM always tries to mess up "my" day but SS always sticks up for me! I don't put any pressure at all on him because I know how his BM is. The first year (Kindergarten) - he made something for me at school. She made him take it back from me. I have all of the presents he's given me. I can GUARANTEE the plate he made that year was in the trash the next week. Even though SS is sweet and thoughtful, I still get the same sick feeling in my stomach EVERY YEAR (it's been TEN!!) because I know it's a fight for her. I can also guarantee that if I was ignored, not made to feel special, I would also be celebrating "I AM THE BEST STEP MOTHER EVER!" day. Wink Diamond necklace sounds perfect!

kitty1470's picture

I do not have kids, just skids. But because I have never ever wanted to be a mom, then mothers day has never bothered me. Im a "mom" to my furbabies (2 cats) and thats all I want! Skids have a mom and therefore rightfully should focus on her only. I don't act as their mom so I don't feel I should be recognized as one period.

young step mom's picture

Oh thank you, now I know we have a real holiday! Step parents alike needed some recognition. September 16th such a nice part of the year too.

I feel like we kinda get swept under the rug with good ol' school belief systems and dynamics that step parents are not parents and should not be considered as such :? . Unless we have bio children ourselves, which is not easy for some of us.

bi's picture

yeah, society sees us as not these kids parents and how dare we do anything parental, like make a rule or set a consequence for bad behavior, but we sure expected to love these kids like they are ours and provide for them, and give Give GIVE selflessly all the time, aren't we? gotta love the double standards.

NoDramaMama's picture

I only hate Mother's day because BM will cry and holler if she doesn't get a gift from her son...which means that my wimp of a bf will have to take his son to get a gift for that crazy lunatic.

School-made gifts are beneath that lunatic....owell. :sick:

NCMilGal's picture

I don't have bios.

SD16 got me a card last year. Not sure if one is going to show up this year, but if it does, I'll be happy. What made it happier last year(and yes, this is petty) was that BM got to watch SD16 have fun picking out MY card. Eat your heart out, BM - your kid loves a woman you despise.

DASKRA's picture

SO has always taken the kids to pick something out for me for every holiday. SD3 always says... I buyed that for you mommy... Why you not wear the ring i buy you or necklace... She is so cute and they remember because they picked it out. Lucky for me they all have good tastse and i leave hints to them of what they can get me too. SO does let them get me what they want within $$ limits.

I got cards that say things like... your a great mother even though you don't have to be... They make cards for step-parents or mothering figures now. makes it easier.

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

If my MiL takes the skids anywhere between now and then she'll let them pick something out for me, but I have a good relationship with them. I did have to buy my own card last year, DH didn't think it counted because I was "just" pregnant (with twins, fucker!) But he signed it anyway. My 25th bday is 3 days later, and while its kinda big deal to me I think I'm getting jipped this year

Anon2009's picture

You absolutely should do something nice for yourself.

Your DH doesn't get you anything/do anything nice for you on Mothers Day? That needs to change. I wouldn't be hurt if my stepkids didn't acknowledge me for mothers day but I'd be very hurt if DH didn't. He, at the very least, should recognize how much you do for HIS kids.

young step mom's picture

Their response as to why I dont get anything for mothers day is because...wait for it...IM NOT A REAL MOM! geez.

Yea they really said that. Even my DH about a year ago. I was crushed. I have not brought it up since and wait to see how it goes. Either I will blog happy or spitting mad.

oneoffour's picture

We need to remember this 'holiday' was thought of by a spinster woman with no children of her own. She wanted to honour HER mother. So this is what I focus on. MY mother. I nearly lost her last year and now having her in my world (albeit on the other side of the world)I am blessed.

So ladies, do not worry about those ungratefuls that take up space in our lives. I am unlikely to get a card or a call from my ssons. I just have a VERY good memory. Also it should be our partners/DHs who prompt or encourage their offspring to do the right thing. WHy blame them for something they have not been taught by their fathers? My DH had the chance to teach his sons the RIGHT thing to do but now they are adults I guess it is up to them.

christag's picture

I loathe Mother's Day. The skids have to turn it into all about them and their late BM. Not like the other days of the year aren't all devoted to her too.
Never once do I even get acknowledged on Mother's Day by them or get to spend time with my husband, my mother and my kids. No, their mom is dead so they are the only ones that matter and celebrating Mother's day upsets them.

momof5_1969's picture

I used to get acknowledged by skids on mother's day until SD22 got to them, and now they don't even sign a card. So this year I told my DH that I'm taking my BD18 and we are going out to dinner just the two of us, unless I get to see my own mother too, then I'm going to see her. He says "well, what if the skids want to do something for you?" So I should wait around and get my hopes up only to be disappointed yet again? No thank you! That happened last year and I was very hurt. I'm taking matters into my own hands and doing it myself.

I do think that our DH's should do something for us for taking care of their ungrateful offspring. My DH just doesn't get it.

All I could think of today was FML. I couldn't post that on FB, so I"m posting it now. I have a migraine. The skids are barely talking to me -- I'm sick of being sick, depressed and being isolated in my own home. I get angry at DH and his offspring. FML.