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So I guess it could have been worse

wreck's picture

I had my lovely baby girl a week ago. It wasn't a hard birth, it was rather quick, and much better than I expected it to be. It was also the happiest moment of my life and I can't explain how happy my girl makes me and how much I love her... This is really the greatest gift of all.

I figured I should write about how SDs behaved... Since I've been talking about them and DH on here I suppose I should tell you how it went... +I want to vent, tell at least someone about it because I didn't have the time during the past week.

They spent the week in the hotel.
He invited them to come to the hospital. They didn't want to. He made them come. He thinks we're a family and they should be there. They walked in. SD14 said "There, I saw it, cool, congrats. Going now?" I wanted to punch her. He just looked at her,and before he said anything, SD12 said "I'm tired, why aren't we going already?" I wanted to punch her too. SD18 stared at one point at the wall. And so he took them to the hotel.
My husband's family came for a visit.. They were completely uninterested, cold and reserved. I had a baby a day ago, yet they talked about SDs. Unbelievable. They were a few minutes with us, then went out with SDs.
My mother was there, fortunately, and she was very helpful and supportive. It would have been hell without her.
Dh didn't spend time with SDs in the hotel. He offered to, though, but they refused. He gave them money too. Shitloads of it. He talked about them all the time too.

I'm not happy with my marriage, or my husband as a person, or his family, or his daughters.. But my girl makes all this crap worthwhile.

I want to thank all of you for being helpful and supportive. Smile


oldone's picture

Enjoy your wonderful new daughter.

Do not waste time thinking about DH's pathetic skids.

RedWingsFan's picture

Congratulations on your new baby. Concentrate on her and yourself now. Don't give DH or his brats a second thought.

smomof2's picture

Congratulations! Enjoy your baby and try not to let your DH's family and their insensitive behaviors get to you.

3familiesIn1's picture

The one good thing I got from my XH was my beautiful 2 daughters. I have absolutely no use for him, unfortunately I came to realize that and all I needed to be happy were my children.

Concentrate on your child. You may decide you don't need your husband either - sorry, but I played the game of marriage with the XH way longer than I should have, I left him and haven't missed him a minute - my daughters are everything to me.

oneoffour's picture

What badly brought up girls! That is all they are. Badly brought up. and all the money in the world will not change the way they behave. They cannot buy true friends or love. They think having the latest stuff makes them popular. But if they lost it all tomorrow I wonder how many of their friends would be there for them?

Ignore his family. He is obviously trying to please everyone and keep everyone happy and right now this is not happening and never will. Carve a life out for you and your daughter that does not include his daughters. They share his DNA and that is all. No sister bonding there. And do not expect it. Have nothing to do with them. Do not mention your daughter. Do not even give them a thought about her because it will only hurt you and her.

And congratulations for bringing into this crazy world a new baby. Someone who will become someone fantastic and beautiful inside and out.