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over step's picture

Looks like I'll be spending the weekend alone while dh, puke, and pup stay in a hotel.


over step's picture

Yeah they'll be in the same room. Trying to plan out my weekend. What sort of fun can I get into?

over step's picture

Thanks Sally! Pretty proud of myself, too. Little disappointed in dh but at least the pup is not coming here.

Ninji's picture

I know one weekend in a hotel with Skids would be more than enough for my SO. Hotel expense, food expensive, I'm sure he'll take her shopping...I mean what else are they going to do all weekend? Just stare at each other? It's a lot more work entertaining kids at a hotel then at home.

over step's picture

Not my problem. Doubt he'll take her shopping though since he has no money. Besides they'll be busy with pup. Taking it out for walks. Picking up after it. Keeping it occupied. Who has time for anything else?

over step's picture

You're right. I am proud of him for respecting my wishes and not just giving in completely to Puke. His eyes are opening up to the real Puke. Her pedestal is starting to crumble. I just have to be the supporting loving wife that will always be here.

over step's picture

Spending two days with a teenage girl and a pup in a hotel room. Then there's the fact that the purse strings will be extra tight in order to pay for this weekend. Dh may regret he did this.

Willow2010's picture

What did he tell SD? I understand why you are doing this and I understand why he is doing this. Step life sucks. But I really hope he did not tell her it was because of YOU!

over step's picture

No. He has never put anything on me. She just assumes it's my fault when this was his doing. I'm just making sure he doesn't give in like he has in the past.

Tuff Noogies's picture

SM party at overstep's!

woot woot!!!!! what's your poison, doll? i'll bring }:) Blum 3 }:)

ok, seriously - good on dh for not giving in but finding a compromise to see his kid. i just hope sd knows that it cannot be a regular occurrence since your money tree is suffering a drought.... hopefully your dh will see that this is just a pissing contest started by bm/sd where there really are NO winners....

over step's picture

I honestly think Puke and bm feel they are winning but like you said we can't do the hotel every time. And if they think this will end up with Puke bringing pup to the house, they are sorely mistaken. Made it crystal to dh that if he and I don't both agree, it doesn't happen. Period.

Puke's birthday is next month. Wonder if by some miracle she can come without pup so she can get presents.

Tuff Noogies's picture

absolutely they think they are winning. they've succeeded in getting dh to take the dog so bm doesnt have to deal w/ it. they've succeeded in getting him separated from you, even for just a weekend. you are pushed aside as a non-entity in their minds- hooray for them.

what they dont realize is dh will see this for what it is and puke will lose out because of her own stupidity and manipulation. and all u gotta do is sit back and enjoy your peaceful weekend, and be supportive of dh.

notasm3's picture

You probably don't communicate with puke at all - but wouldn't it be fun to "commiserate" with her about how sad it is that her own mother doesn't love her enough to take care of the pup for 24 hours. Sure that's PAS - but who cares.