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Toxic Crazy BM

Wittzend's picture

So it's been awhile since I've been on here, I've had so much crap going on with toxic crazy BM..currently she has emailed me messaged me stuff that really doesn't pertain to me. It was about thier relationship and what he did..she keeps calling him a cheater and she sends me snap shots of random stuff. I haven't responded to any of these messages cause this only opens the door more for her venom. She keeps saying she's happy but keeps trying to tell me my husband is cheating she even now has thier 13 yr old in on it. The 13 is in therapy and is telling them that she misses dad and wants to come back to the house but 13 yr old and BM is telling dad they are telling her to block him from her life. Dad asked therapist this and she said she never said that. Today got yet another message and she knowledges that im " ignoring " her..exactly crazy lady I'm not in high school I'm not playing the game. And now she has sent the stuff to my mom and sister..I mean WTF! Every one says file a police report but I honestly don't want to deal with her repercussions. She has no boundaries! Me and my husband have tried to just ignore her. But I feel the more we do this the more it pisses her off. Which makes me giggle inside. That she is spending so much time worrying bout us and not bout her own relationship. She says she doesn't give a crap bout our relationship but clearly she does, she has it out for my husband and im not really sure why. DCFS was called last week but was unfounded. Even the dcfs person sad that it was ridiculous. But that opened a flood gate of stuff that had nothing to do with what they called bout. She just wanted to tell her side of what ever someone was listening to her. But the things mention had nothing to do with nothing.. Every time she does this I talk to my husband bout it like an adult, and it has made us so much stronger as a couple cause we are talking stuff out and not arguing bout it. I did ask him bout some of the stuff she accused him of and he told me the truth. He said he is to old for this stuff and has no reason to lie to me. So I believe him, I have no reason not too!  I just want her to leave me alone!  I would block her off my fb messager but I don't want to lose some of the stuff she's said. In case I need it for something. But she and thier daughter have blocked me from fb which im totally fine with I just wish she would keep it that way but she always has something stupid to say that she just can't let go of! But this just proves to people I talk to bout this that she is coo coo for coco puffs! 

She is totally ruining the kids lives, she calls her daughter her sidekick...girl you need to let this poor girl be a kid stop involving her in adult situations. Why are you showing your 13 yr old daughter bout dating websites..and if ur engaged why are you on one.  She said she seen my husband profile on there and he was active..I know my husband ain't cheating and if he is...let me figure it out damn. Rant done for now


yougotthis's picture

Screenshot everything you need and block her. My DH ex FB msg me when we first met and that was the last time, I blocked her ass right away. 

If she has your email address block her on there or change your email. 

You don't need to be getting msg from his crazy ass ex and neither does your family tell them to block her as well. 

tog redux's picture

Block her and have everyone else block her.  I'd consider harassment charges if she escalates from email. Take screen shots of the Facebook messages and block her there too. This is textbook parental alienation, and BM sounds like she has Borderline Personality Disorder. 

BM harassing me was my line in the sand, I would not have stayed. Fortunately she wanted to look good and only harassed DH, lol. 

Wittzend's picture

well ive blocked her on fb messager and fb.  If she feels the need to email me some more BS then i will go to the cops.  Cause if you cant figure it out that i dont want to play this game then you deserve to get talked to by the cops.  Ive ignored her and now ive blocked her so if she dont get it now then this woman has bigger issues then me and my husband.  My husband and i have talked about it and we will no longer communicate with her unless about the kids and it will be short and sweet.  She needs to see a therapist herself! and maybe be on the same meds her daughter is on.  

tog redux's picture

Yes, perfect. Google the BIFF method of communication. 

yougotthis's picture

Defenitely call the cops...then block her from email as well. My DH ex has never emailed me but I have her email address so added a setting where if anything ever comes in from her it goes straught to my bin. It's been 6 years now and I've only gotten one nasty FB message from her (BLOCKED AFTER) and one harrassing phone call at my work place from her (Told her my boss would call the police if she called again, which he said he would)