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I'm highly annoyed...

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

by the fact that my son's face looks like he's been in a war. He's 3 years old and has more cuts and bruises than I have ever seen. My question can a SD6 be soooo mean. She's a girl isn't she? You would think she was raised by a pack of wolves. My son now has a huge bump and cut in the middle of his forehead, a cut on the side of his eye, a huge scratch across his back, and a bruise on the side of his eye. What in the heck?! Honestly...and of course DH backs it up with, "he's mean to her too". I have yet to see the marks. 1-2 more weeks is all I can say...then everything will be normal for another year.


Rags's picture

and the evil step daughter was 20 and beating the young man's ass? Someone needs to jerk a knot in that little girls tail and let her know in no uncertain terms that any pain she causes your son will be returned 10 fold on her bright read stinging little ass. Don't leave a non red spot on her butt. Make sure the whole thing, both buns, are to tender to sit on and she will get the point.

Light her ass up every day for every aggressive infraction then cram her nose in a very public corner of any room she happens to be in when she beats your son and the problem will be resolved in no more than 48 hrs. Home, a restaurant, the mall, does not matter. Take her to the rest room, drop her drawers and light up her bare ass then let her stand with her nose in a corner until you deem she can move.

Let her know that any bump, bruise, scratch or welt on the 3yo will result in her ass getting lit up with a paddle whether she causes the injury or not and she will follow the little boy around with a pillow making sure he falls or bumps in to nothing but cushiony softness. Her job as the older sib is to protect, mentor and teach her younger brother, not try to kill him.

I am six and 8 years older than my younger brothers and none of us has ever gotten in to a fight with each other. I knew that as the oldest I was responsible for watching out for them and we all knew that if we ever took a swing at one another we would have to all go out in the back yard when Dad got home and throw down with him. Even now at 45 and Dad at 67 I would not want to mess with the man. Think Jack Lalanne. He is Mr fitness. Not that a fight with Dad would ever happen. I respect he and my Mom far too much to even consider a serious argument much less a physical altercation.

Sorry if my response is a bit over the top but this kind of crap calls for positive action and liberal application of corporal punishment.

IMHO of course.

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

startingover2010's picture

sd is abusing your bs and she must be stopped! but your dh sees nothing wrong witht his?!? maybe he needs an ultimatum---her or you.

i swear these skids get all the breaks. my sd11 will hit my bd2--who has disabilities--when bd2 will spit on her, and my bf yells at bd2! he also says that when bd2 hits sd11 then bd2 needs a smack ont he butt....but not sd11. wtf!

i am thinking of leaving mine over this crap, u want to be roomies lol

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

to hear about your situation. I really don't think my SD does it on purpose...but she just doesn't think about the fact that she's older and he'll get hurt. She does things like building something up near her bed and jumping (which she does get in trouble for doing), but she teaches BS to do that also, and then he gets hurts in the process. Same thing outside...she shows him how to climb on the swing set instead of using it properly and then he gets hurt again. Then it's the fighting over toys, SD on one said BS on the other..and she lets go and he gets hurt. I know that she knows what she is doing...and she knows it's wrong...she just doesn't care. I guess that she does the same thing to her other sister. (BM got married had another child and divorced) I know that BM is a nutcase and both kids get no attention..but BM's other child is 3 also and a girl and she acts NOTHING like my SD. It's all really weird..

Angel's picture

needs to be supervised by YOU.....he should not be alone with her. Don't use the stepsibling as a babysitter------not for one moment. That will put an end to it.

The little girl is not mean; she's 6 and shouldn't be in charge of a 3 year old.

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

you have taken my post wrong. It's not that she is babysitting's when they are playing. They are being me usually and sometimes DH. I don't leave him alone with her...when I can help it...but when I'm at school I can't take him with me.

Angel's picture

if I took it wrong----
But I am a real strong advocate for kids. If he is gettting hurt while you are at school, you either quit school or find a real safe place for him.

----they might be those common bumps & bruises, and if so, just watching/supervising/monitoring the kids when they are together would probably lessen (not eliminate )the problem.

... your post sounded alarming to me. It is hard to read the affect with a computer.