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Natural Consequences

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

SO had his first lesson in making decisions that effect both iof us without discussing them with me. Day 2 of having OSD here on non-kid week.

SO made these plans behind my back. Except he sucks at being deceptive so I knew what he was up to before he spring the news on me just hours before her arrival. 

He was blinded by the opportunity to spend time with the rude, selfish, disrespectful, ungrateful child who has ignored him for the last 3 months since her last visit in which she came to visit him for his bday and have him lavish her with gifts because her presence was gift enough for him. 

Well, we have become accustomed to having 6 days of time all to ourselves. Which gives us the freedom to just be adults. I have continued to enjoy my week of adulthood, because well she is not my problem. He has been catering to her and it has been evident he is missing his partner. 

The icing on the cake was he wanted to be intimate last night. Well this kid doesn't sleep or have a bedtime because her parents treat her like an adult. So I politely declined his advances telling him I was uncomfortable knowing there was a kid hanging out in the main room right outside our room. 

Well since he wouldn't dare tell her it was late and to go to bed, he was left struggling with wanting to be intimate with me who he has barely seen since she got here and pleasing his coddled daughter who may leave if he tells her to do something or upsets her. So he went to living room and sat in his chair to pout. Poor baby. He still has 4 more days of this and then DS and YSD come home. 


Stepdrama2020's picture

High five for  turning down your DH for some booty.. Let your DH see how fantastic  life is with skid on non skid time. 

Let the suckhole pout. Since he cant be bothered to let you know whats happening in YOUR house I would do the same. Shame it is covid otherwise your annoying great aunt Mildred or your know it all Uncle Talksalot should be invited to stay a week without letting DH know. Afterall we're family the more the merrier.