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Another day another temper tantrum from SD10

wicked-step-mom's picture

Ok. It's 8:20 p.m. Tuesday night and I have been awake since 2:00 a.m. Finally by 6:30a I was starting to feel very drousy and sent a text to my SD15 saying "I did not get any sleep, so please do not wake me. Just lock the door when you and your sister leave for school." My SD15 is a wonderful great. I remember last looking at the clock at 7:15a and then I was out... for about 10 minutes when I started hearing crying from SD10. I chose to ignore because I thought she was crying because she woke up late and would not be ready for school on time. Then came the ear piercing screams and stomping. I KNOW I SHOULD NOT HAVE REACTED. I SHOULD HAVE JUST IGNORED HER, BUT I wanted to desperately go back to sleep. So I jumped out of bed and almost like a mad woman ran downstairs and wanted to know what the hell was going on. SD10 says that SD15 was pulling her and forcing her to leave. Then SD15 said that today was the last day for SD10 to return the permission slips. As I'm gritting my teeth, I reminded her that I dropped the permission slips off at the school on FRIDAY!!!

My neighbor takes her granddaughter and my girls to school and I pick up everyone in the afternoon. So, I told the girls it was time to leave and I told SD10 to stop her crying. She is not 2 years old and that she is turning 11 in a couple of days. She needs to start acting like it. I told her that she better not get into neighbor's car if she is crying. Well, I went back to bed and could hear through my open window SD15 yelling at SD10 telling her to stop crying.

This is the 4th temper tantrum she has had in less than a month. We just recently put her back into counseling, but I fear that it is too late. This past weekend (during her 5 hour temper tantrum -- AND LADIES I AM NOT EXAGGERATING ONE BIT), I ended up hiding most of the sharp objects that I thought could do serious harm, scissors, and any/all medication. You are probably wondering why I would have to hide medication, well as she was having her temper tantrum, I noticed her pill bottle out with the lid off. She told she had taken a pill which she normally takes a night. She couldn't comprehend what I was talking about at some point and I was afraid that she would do something stupid as swallow the whole bottle without understanding the consequences. She has absolutely no understanding of consequences to anything it seems like.

This afternoon when I picked her up from school, I told her that if she has one more tantrum before the end of the school year, she will not be able to attend any of the end of year school activities. I made her repeat it back to me and explain what I had said just to make certain she understood completely with no misunderstandings. Once school is out and her birthday is over, what am I going to have to be able to control her temper tantrums???

Her dad and I have been trying over and over again to teach this girl on how to be responsible for herself, but she blames everything on everyone else!!!

The gray hairs are coming in faster and faster every day.


wicked-step-mom's picture

I am also a crazy woman when I need sleep. When my husband and I first started dating I told him NEVER EVER EVER WAKE ME. EVEN IF THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE. I am not a nice person when I've been woken up. Trust me, I had to have some restraints from not going all Mommy Dearest.

Thank you. It feels great just to vent.

wicked-step-mom's picture

DH has been away on business for the past couple of weeks. He is normally leaves for work shortly after they have gotten up in the mornings. In the past DH has not been much help, but I have noticed as of late that he is trying much more.